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Data updated on 2025-02-02 14:20:01 UTC
We have no information about this artist.
Monthly listeners
Top Cities
Ho Chi Minh City20,451 listeners
Hanoi8,257 listeners
Da Nang2,051 listeners
Bien Hoa1,244 listeners
Can Tho986 listeners
Most popular tracks
Track | Plays | Duration | Release date | |
984,635 | 4:22 | 2021-05-21 | |
586,054 | 3:12 | 2021-10-25 | |
585,119 | 5:16 | 2019-05-16 | |
314,633 | 4:33 | 2021-06-01 | |
280,032 | 3:54 | 2022-12-22 | |
276,283 | 2:45 | 2021-11-29 | |
260,209 | 3:19 | 2024-04-30 | |
145,225 | 3:02 | 2020-09-09 | |
131,648 | 3:29 | 2019-03-06 | |
84,425 | 3:18 | 2018-04-27 |