Music Metrics Vault

Abigail Peyton

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Data updated on 2024-07-28 20:39:39 UTC
We have no information about this artist.

Total plays

Updated on 2024-07-28

Monthly listeners




Top Cities

  1. United States
    91 listeners
  2. United States
    80 listeners
  3. United States
    65 listeners
  4. United States
    55 listeners
  5. United States
    44 listeners

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Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
To the Country (feat. Abigail Peyton)
To the Country (feat. Abigail Peyton)
53,477 4:47 2024-03-01
Give It Up (feat. Abigail Peyton)
Give It Up (feat. Abigail Peyton)
22,156 4:05 2023-10-20
Worth the Fight
Worth the Fight
5,781 4:20 2024-07-19
Wake up in Tears
Wake up in Tears
3,923 5:36 2024-04-26
Counted the Stars - Live from Colorado (feat. Abigail Peyton)
Counted the Stars - Live from Colorado (feat. Abigail Peyton)
3,137 5:16 2023-09-22

New releases

Worth the Fight
Worth the Fight
[Jonathan Peyton / Abigail Peyton]