Music Metrics Vault

Ashwani Basoya

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Data updated on 2025-02-14 21:20:15 UTC
We have no information about this artist.


: desi

Total plays

56.1 million
Updated on 2025-02-14

Monthly listeners




Top Cities

  1. India
    78,976 listeners
  2. India
    96,765 listeners
  3. India
    54,826 listeners
  4. India
    55,175 listeners
  5. India
    47,792 listeners

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Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
Ranjha - Sid X Kiara Version
Ranjha - Sid X Kiara Version
55,983,714 1:59 2021-01-01
Tera Ishq Nachaya
Tera Ishq Nachaya
70,572 4:09 2019-04-12
Hai Vakht Bahut Thora
Hai Vakht Bahut Thora
29,944 5:31 2022-07-25
Rang Ne Rang Ne Sab Tere Hi Rang Ne
Rang Ne Rang Ne Sab Tere Hi Rang Ne
10,279 6:47 2020-12-31
Halka Halka Suroor
Halka Halka Suroor
8,067 4:21 2015-06-19
Sai Nath
Sai Nath
3,412 4:59 2022-11-17
2,592 3:53 2024-11-07
Mohe Rang
Mohe Rang
< 1000 4:46 2025-02-10

New releases

Mohe Rang
Mohe Rang
[Indian Music Lab]
[Be Together Music]
Sai Nath
Sai Nath
[Namah by Koinage]
Halka Halka Suroor
Halka Halka Suroor