Music Metrics Vault

Bob Dylan

Data updated on 2024-06-29 08:21:52 UTC
One of the greatest figures of the 20th century, Bob Dylan helped shape the sound and form of popular music in the rock & roll era. Dylan emerged from the Greenwich Village folk scene in the early 1960s, earning a reputation as a perceptive, powerful songwriter, equally capable of penning a protest anthem or a romantic love song. His flair for impressionistic, stream-of-conscious lyrics marked a shift within folk music, an evolution Dylan also introduced to rock & roll when he picked up an electric guitar in 1965. Over the course of 18 months, he released Bringing It All Back Home, Highway 61 Revisited and Blonde on Blonde, a trio of records that broadened the vocabulary of rock & roll, placing Dylan at the cutting edge of popular culture. Although he subsequently stepped away from the zeitgeist, his restless, occasionally messy work of the '70s and the '80s expanded his formidable songbook through a combination of classic albums (Blood on the Tracks) and intriguing detours (Empire Burlesque). By the end of the '90s, Dylan established himself as a road warrior -- his ceaseless concerts were unofficially dubbed "the Never-Ending Tour" -- and righted his recording career, developing a raucous, robust blend of roadhouse blues, rockabilly, torch songs, and folk showcased on the Grammy-winning albums Love and Theft and Modern Times, as well as his acclaimed 2020 record Rough and Rowdy Ways.

For a figure of such substantial influence, Dylan came from humble beginnings. Born in Duluth, Minnesota, Bob Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman, May 24, 1941) was raised in Hibbing, Minnesota, from the age of six. As a child he learned how to play guitar and harmonica, forming a rock & roll band called the Golden Chords when he was in high school. Following his graduation in 1959, he began studying art at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. While at college, he began performing folk songs at coffee houses under the name Bob Dylan, taking his last name from the poet Dylan Thomas. Already inspired by Hank Williams and Woody Guthrie, Dylan began listening to blues in college, and the genre wove its way into his music. He spent the summer of 1960 in Denver, where he met bluesman Jesse Fuller, the inspiration behind the songwriter's signature harmonica rack and guitar. By the time he returned to Minneapolis in the fall, he had grown substantially as a performer and was determined to become a professional musician.

Dylan made his way to New York City in January of 1961, immediately making a substantial impression on the folk community of Greenwich Village. He began visiting his idol Guthrie in the hospital, where he was slowly dying from Huntington's chorea. Dylan also began performing in coffee houses, and his rough charisma won him a significant following. In April, he opened for John Lee Hooker at Gerde's Folk City. Five months later, Dylan performed another concert at the venue, which was reviewed positively by Robert Shelton in The New York Times. Columbia A&R man John Hammond sought Dylan out on the strength of the review, and signed the songwriter in the fall of 1961. Hammond produced Dylan's eponymous debut album (released in March 1962), a collection of folk and blues standards that boasted only two original songs. Over the course of 1962, Dylan began to write a large batch of originals, many of which were political protest songs in the vein of his Greenwich Village contemporaries. These songs were showcased on his second album, The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan. Before its release, Freewheelin' went through several incarnations. Dylan had recorded a rock & roll single, "Mixed Up Confusion," at the end of 1962, but his manager, Albert Grossman, made sure the record was deleted because he wanted to present him as an acoustic folkie. Similarly, several tracks with a full backing band that were recorded for Freewheelin' were scrapped before the album's release. Furthermore, several tracks recorded for the album -- including "Talking John Birch Society Blues" -- were eliminated from the album before its release.

Comprised entirely of original songs, The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan made a huge impact in the U.S. folk community, and many performers began covering songs from the album. Of these, the most significant were Peter, Paul and Mary, who made "Blowin' in the Wind" into a huge pop hit in the summer of 1963, thereby making Bob Dylan a household name. On the strength of Peter, Paul and Mary's cover and his opening gigs for popular folkie Joan Baez, Freewheelin' became a hit in the fall of 1963, climbing to number 23 on the charts. By that point, Baez and Dylan had become romantically involved, and she was recording his songs frequently. Dylan was writing just as fast.

By the time The Times They Are A-Changin' was released in early 1964, Dylan's songwriting had developed far beyond that of his New York peers. Heavily inspired by poets like Arthur Rimbaud and John Keats, his writing took on a more literate and evocative quality. Around the same time, he began to expand his musical boundaries, adding more blues and R&B influences to his songs. Released in the summer of 1964, Another Side of Bob Dylan made these changes evident. However, Dylan was moving faster than his records could indicate. By the end of 1964, he had ended his romantic relationship with Baez and had begun dating a former model named Sara Lowndes, whom he subsequently married. Simultaneously, he gave the Byrds "Mr. Tambourine Man" to record for their debut album. The Byrds gave the song a ringing, electric arrangement, but by the time the single became a hit, Dylan was already exploring his own brand of folk-rock.

Inspired by the British Invasion, particularly the Animals' version of "House of the Rising Sun," Dylan recorded a set of original songs backed by a loud rock & roll band for his next album. While Bringing It All Back Home (March 1965) still had a side of acoustic material, it made it clear that Dylan had turned his back on folk music. For the folk audience, the true breaking point arrived a few months after the album's release, when he played electric at the Newport Folk Festival supported by the Paul Butterfield Blues Band. The audience greeted him with vicious derision, but he had already been accepted by the growing rock & roll community. Dylan's spring tour of Britain was the basis for D.A. Pennebaker's documentary Don't Look Back, a film that captures the songwriter's edgy charisma and charm.

Dylan made his breakthrough to the pop audience in the summer of 1965, when "Like a Rolling Stone" became a number two hit. Driven by a circular organ riff and a steady beat, the six-minute song broke the barrier of the three-minute pop single. Dylan became the subject of innumerable articles, and his lyrics became the subject of literary analyses across the U.S. and U.K. Well over 100 artists covered his songs between 1964 and 1966; the Byrds and the Turtles, in particular, had big hits with his compositions. Highway 61 Revisited, his first full-fledged rock & roll album, became a Top Ten hit shortly after its summer 1965 release. "Positively 4th Street" and "Rainy Day Women #12 & 35" became Top Ten hits in the fall of 1965 and spring of 1966, respectively. Following the May 1966 release of the double album Blonde on Blonde, he had sold over ten million records around the world.

During the fall of 1965, Dylan hired the Hawks, formerly Ronnie Hawkins' backing group, as his touring band. The Hawks, who changed their name to the Band in 1968, would become Dylan's most famous backing band, primarily because of their intuitive chemistry and "wild, thin mercury sound," but also because of their British tour in the spring of 1966. The tour was the first time the British had heard the electric Dylan, and their reaction was disagreeable and violent. At the Manchester concert (long mistakenly identified as the show from London's Royal Albert Hall), an audience member called Dylan "Judas," inspiring a positively vicious version of "Like a Rolling Stone" from Dylan and the band. The performance was immortalized on countless bootleg albums (an official release finally surfaced in 1998), and it indicates the intensity of Dylan in the middle of 1966. He had assumed control of Pennebaker's second Dylan documentary, Eat the Document, and was under deadline to complete his book Tarantula, as well as to record a new record. Following the British tour, he returned to America.

On July 29, 1966, he was injured in a motorcycle accident outside of his home in Woodstock, New York, suffering injuries to his neck vertebrae and a concussion. Details of the accident remain elusive -- he was reportedly in critical condition for a week and had amnesia -- and some biographers have questioned its severity, but the event was a pivotal turning point in his career. After the accident, Dylan became a recluse, disappearing into his home in Woodstock and raising his family with his wife Sara. After a few months, he retreated with the Band to a rented house, subsequently dubbed Big Pink, in West Saugerties to record a number of demos. For several months, Dylan and the Band recorded an enormous amount of material, ranging from old folk, country, and blues songs to newly written originals. The songs indicated that Dylan's songwriting had undergone a metamorphosis, becoming streamlined and more direct. Similarly, his music had changed, owing less to traditional rock & roll, and demonstrating heavy country, blues, and traditional folk influences. None of the Big Pink recordings were intended for release, but tapes from the sessions were circulated by Dylan's music publisher with the intent of generating cover versions. Copies of these tapes, as well as other songs, were available on illegal bootleg albums by the end of the '60s; it was the first time that bootleg copies of unreleased recordings became widely circulated. Portions of the tapes were officially released in 1975 as the double album The Basement Tapes.

While Dylan was in seclusion, rock & roll had become heavier and artier in the wake of the psychedelic revolution. When he returned with John Wesley Harding in December of 1967, its quiet, country ambience was a surprise to the general public, but it was a significant hit, peaking at number two in the U.S. and number one in the U.K. Furthermore, the record arguably became the first significant country-rock record to be released, setting the stage for efforts by the Byrds and the Flying Burrito Brothers later in 1969.

Dylan followed his country inclinations on his next album, 1969's Nashville Skyline, which was recorded in Nashville with several of the country industry's top session men. While the album was a hit, spawning the Top Ten single "Lay Lady Lay," it was criticized in some quarters for its uneven material. The mixed reception was the beginning of a full-blown backlash that arrived with the double album Self Portrait. Released early in June of 1970, it was a hodgepodge of covers, live tracks, reinterpretations, and new songs, and was greeted with negative reviews from all quarters of the press. Dylan followed the album quickly with New Morning, which was hailed as a comeback.

Following the release of New Morning, Dylan began to wander restlessly. He moved back to Greenwich Village, he finally published Tarantula in November of 1970, and he performed at the Concert for Bangladesh in August 1971. During 1972, he began his acting career by playing Alias in Sam Peckinpah's Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, which was released in 1973. He also wrote the soundtrack for the film, which featured "Knockin' on Heaven's Door," his biggest hit since "Lay Lady Lay." The Pat Garrett soundtrack was the final record released under his Columbia contract before he moved to David Geffen's fledgling Asylum Records. As retaliation, Columbia assembled Dylan, a collection of Self Portrait outtakes, for release at the end of 1973. Dylan only recorded two albums -- including 1974's Planet Waves, coincidentally his first number one album -- before he moved back to Columbia. The Band supported Dylan on Planet Waves and its accompanying tour, which became the most successful tour in rock & roll history; it was captured on 1974's double-live album Before the Flood.

Dylan's 1974 tour was the beginning of a comeback culminating with 1975's Blood on the Tracks. Largely inspired by the disintegration of his marriage, Blood on the Tracks was hailed as a return to form by critics and it became his second number one album. After jamming with folkies in Greenwich Village, Dylan decided to launch a gigantic tour, loosely based on traveling medicine shows. Lining up an extensive list of supporting musicians -- including Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell, Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Arlo Guthrie, Mick Ronson, Roger McGuinn, and poet Allen Ginsberg -- Dylan dubbed the tour the Rolling Thunder Revue and set out on the road in the fall of 1975. For the next year, the Rolling Thunder Revue toured on and off, with Dylan filming many of the concerts for a future film. During the tour, Desire was released to considerable acclaim and success, spending five weeks on the top of the charts. Throughout the Rolling Thunder Revue, Dylan showcased "Hurricane," a protest song he had written about boxer Rubin Carter, who had been unjustly imprisoned for murder. The live album Hard Rain was released at the end of the tour. Dylan released Renaldo and Clara, a four-hour film based on the Rolling Thunder tour, to poor reviews in early 1978.

Early in 1978, Dylan set out on another extensive tour, this time backed by a band that resembled a Las Vegas lounge act. The group was featured on the 1978 album Street Legal and the 1979 live album At Budokan. At the conclusion of the tour in late 1978, Dylan announced that he was a born-again Christian, and he launched a series of Christian albums the following summer with Slow Train Coming. Though the reviews were mixed, the album was a success, peaking at number three and going platinum. His supporting tour for Slow Train Coming featured only his new religious material, much to the bafflement of his long-term fans. Two other religious albums -- Saved (1980) and Shot of Love (1981) -- followed, both to poor reviews. In 1982, Dylan traveled to Israel, sparking rumors that his conversion to Christianity was short-lived. He returned to secular recording with 1983's Infidels, which was greeted with favorable reviews.

Dylan returned to performing in 1984, releasing the live album Real Live at the end of the year. Empire Burlesque followed in 1985, but its odd mix of dance tracks and rock & roll won few fans. However, the five-album/triple-disc retrospective box set Biograph appeared that same year to great acclaim. In 1986, Dylan hit the road with Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers for a successful and acclaimed tour, but his album that year, Knocked Out Loaded, was received poorly. The following year, he toured with the Grateful Dead as his backing band; two years later, the souvenir album Dylan & the Dead appeared.

In 1988, Dylan embarked on what became known as "the Never-Ending Tour" -- a constant stream of shows that ran on and off into the late '90s. That same year, he appeared on The Traveling Wilburys, Vol. 1 -- by the supergroup also featuring George Harrison, Roy Orbison, Tom Petty, and Jeff Lynne -- and released his own Down in the Groove, an album largely comprising covers. The Never-Ending Tour received far stronger reviews than Down in the Groove (the Traveling Wilburys' album fared much better), but 1989's Oh Mercy was his most acclaimed album since 1975's Blood on the Tracks, due in part to Daniel Lanois' strong production. However, Dylan's 1990 follow-up, Under the Red Sky (issued the same year as the second album by the Traveling Wilburys, now a quartet following the death of Roy Orbison shortly after the release of the Wilburys' first long-player in 1988), was received poorly, especially when compared to the enthusiastic reception of the 1991 box set The Bootleg Series, Vols. 1-3 (Rare & Unreleased), a collection of previously unreleased outtakes and rarities.

For the remainder of the '90s, Dylan divided his time between live concerts, painting, and studio projects. He returned to recording in 1992 with Good as I Been to You, an acoustic collection of traditional folk songs. It was followed in 1993 by another folk record, World Gone Wrong, which won the Grammy for Best Traditional Folk Album. After the release of World Gone Wrong, he released a greatest-hits album and a live record.

Dylan released Time Out of Mind, his first album of original material in seven years, in the fall of 1997. Time Out of Mind received his strongest reviews in years and unexpectedly debuted in the Top Ten, eventually climbing to platinum certification. Such success sparked a revival of interest in Dylan, who appeared on the cover of Newsweek and began selling out concerts once again. Early in 1998, Time Out of Mind received three Grammy Awards: Album of the Year, Best Contemporary Folk Album, and Best Male Rock Vocal.

Another album of original material, Love and Theft, followed in 2001 and went gold. Soon after its release, Dylan announced that he was making his own film, starring Jeff Bridges, Penelope Cruz, John Goodman, Val Kilmer, and many more. The accompanying soundtrack, Masked and Anonymous, was released in July 2003. Dylan opted to self-produce his new studio album, Modern Times, which topped the Billboard charts and went platinum in both America and the U.K. It was Dylan's third consecutive album to receive praise from critics and support from consumers, and it was followed three years later in 2009 by Together Through Life, another self-produced effort (as Jack Frost) that also featured contributions from David Hidalgo of Los Lobos and Mike Campbell of Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers. He capped off the year with an old-fashioned holiday effort, Christmas in the Heart. Proceeds from the album were donated to various charities around the world.

Dylan released the self-produced (again as Jack Frost) Tempest on September 11, 2012; it debuted at three on both the Billboard 200 and the U.K. charts. The next two years brought acclaimed entries in the ongoing Bootleg Series -- 2013 saw the release of Another Self Portrait (1969-1971), which restored the reputation of a much-maligned era, and 2014 saw the long-awaited appearance of The Basement Tapes Complete -- and then Dylan threw a curve ball for his next studio album. Released in February 2015, Shadows in the Night found the singer/songwriter devoting himself to selections from the Great American Songbook in the pre-rock & roll era. Every one of the ten songs had previously been recorded by Frank Sinatra, and Dylan's album was made up of his versions of Sinatra's saloon songs, arranged by his own touring band. Shadows in the Night debuted at seven in the U.S. and at number one in the U.K. It was followed in the autumn by the next installment in The Bootleg Series, The Cutting Edge 1965-1966. Available in three editions -- a double-disc distillation, a comprehensive six-disc box, and a complete, limited-edition 18-CD set -- The Cutting Edge 1965-1966 collected unreleased (and unbootlegged) outtakes from the recording of Bringing It All Back Home, Highway 61 Revisited, and Blonde on Blonde.

In May 2016, Dylan returned with Fallen Angels, his second Sinatra-inspired collection of songs from the Great American Songbook; it debuted at number seven on the Billboard charts. Later that year, Columbia/Legacy released The 1966 Live Recordings, a 36-disc box set containing every known recording from that pivotal year, but its release was overshadowed by Dylan winning the Nobel Prize for Literature in the autumn of 2016. Dylan continued his exploration of the Great American Songbook with the March 2017 release of Triplicate, a triple album containing three thematically arranged collections of pop standards. Entitled Trouble No More 1979-1981, the 13th volume of The Bootleg Series spotlighted Dylan's Christian era in the early '80s and arrived in November 2017. Live 1962-1966: Rare Performances from the Copyright Collections, a double-disc set of highlights culled from previously released rarities collections, appeared in July 2018. Four months later, the six-disc deluxe version of More Blood, More Tracks: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 14 appeared. It contained all known studio recordings -- full and partial -- that eventually resulted in the classic Blood on the Tracks in 1975. Dylan further explored his 1975 archives in 2019, teaming with director Martin Scorsese for the documentary Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese. The film appeared in June, accompanied by a 14-disc box called The Rolling Thunder Revue: The 1975 Live Recordings. Later in 2019, The Bootleg Series, Vol. 15: Travelin' Thru -- a triple-disc set concentrating on Dylan's Nashville recordings of the late '60s, highlighted by his sessions with Johnny Cash -- was released.

Dylan released "Murder Most Foul," a nearly 17-minute track about the JFK assassination, on March 27, 2020. It was his first original song in eight years, and it was quickly followed by "I Contain Multitudes" and "False Prophet," a pair of singles that announced the arrival of his 39th studio album, Rough and Rowdy Ways, on June 19, 2020. Rough and Rowdy Ways debuted at number one on Billboard upon its release; it entered the U.K. charts at number one. The outtakes collection 1970 -- a set featuring unreleased material from the Self Portrait and New Morning sessions, including recordings with George Harrison -- appeared in February 2021, followed that July by Shadow Kingdom: The Early Songs of Bob Dylan, an in-studio concert film shot in moody black & white; the soundtrack to the film would arrive in 2023. In September, Springtime in New York: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 16 (1980-1985) was released. Easily one of the artist's most provocative periods, it focused on the years that birthed Shot of Love, Infidels, and Empire Burlesque, with numerous unreleased outtakes, alternate takes, rehearsal recordings, and live performances. Dylan's book The Philosophy of Modern Song, a collection of essays about songs by other artists, was published in November 2022. Containing a remixed version of the original 1997 album along with outtakes, The Bootleg Series, Vol. 17: Fragments--Time Out of Mind Sessions (1996--1997) appeared in January 2023. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine, Rovi

Total plays

5.0 billion
Updated on 2024-06-29

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Top Cities

  1. United Kingdom
    184,441 listeners
  2. Australia
    174,235 listeners
  3. Australia
    142,278 listeners
  4. Brazil
    166,965 listeners
  5. France
    138,640 listeners

Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Knockin' On Heaven's Door
420,257,984 2:30 1973-07-13
Knockin' on Heaven's Door
Knockin' on Heaven's Door
420,257,984 2:30 1994-11-15
Like a Rolling Stone
Like a Rolling Stone
336,935,863 6:10 1965-08-30
The Times They Are A-Changin'
The Times They Are A-Changin'
222,014,745 3:12 1964-01-13
215,968,249 8:33 1976-01-16
Blowin' in the Wind
Blowin' in the Wind
205,120,068 2:45 1963-05-27
Girl from the North Country
Girl from the North Country
163,962,477 3:40 1969-04-09
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
134,245,344 3:37 1963-05-27
Mr. Tambourine Man
Mr. Tambourine Man
111,906,717 5:31 1965-03-22
Lay, Lady, Lay
Lay, Lady, Lay
99,441,268 3:17 1969-04-09
Tangled up in Blue
Tangled up in Blue
96,817,291 5:42 1975-01-17
Shelter from the Storm
Shelter from the Storm
87,570,144 5:01 1975-01-17
The Man in Me
The Man in Me
65,472,009 3:06 1970-10-21
The Man In Me
The Man In Me
65,472,009 3:09 1998-01-01
I Want You
I Want You
52,173,519 3:05 1966-06-20
Subterranean Homesick Blues
Subterranean Homesick Blues
51,718,958 2:21 1965-03-22
All Along the Watchtower
All Along the Watchtower
38,347,700 2:31 1967-12-27
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall
35,314,422 6:52 1963-05-27
Simple Twist of Fate
Simple Twist of Fate
33,162,953 4:17 1975-01-17
One More Cup of Coffee
One More Cup of Coffee
31,179,010 3:45 1976-01-16
Forever Young - Slow Version
Forever Young - Slow Version
30,260,564 4:56 1974-01-17
Must Be Santa
Must Be Santa
29,471,408 2:49 2009-10-13
Make You Feel My Love
Make You Feel My Love
28,162,954 3:31 1997-09-30
Just Like a Woman
Just Like a Woman
26,056,669 4:50 1966-06-20
It Ain't Me Babe
It Ain't Me Babe
24,868,324 3:34 1964-08-08
It Ain't Me, Babe
It Ain't Me, Babe
24,868,324 3:34 1967-01-01
Positively 4th Street
Positively 4th Street
24,223,976 3:54 1967-01-01
Ballad of a Thin Man
Ballad of a Thin Man
22,680,594 5:57 1965-08-30
It's All over Now, Baby Blue
It's All over Now, Baby Blue
22,259,830 4:12 1965-03-22
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
22,259,830 4:13 2005-06-20
Masters of War
Masters of War
20,586,174 4:31 1963-05-27
Girl from the North Country
Girl from the North Country
20,153,079 3:20 1963-05-27
Like a Rolling Stone - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
Like a Rolling Stone - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
19,881,511 8:25 1966-06-22
My Back Pages - Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - October 1992
My Back Pages - Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - October 1992
19,573,609 4:40 1993-03-03
Changing of the Guards
Changing of the Guards
19,382,042 6:37 1978-06-15
Boots of Spanish Leather
Boots of Spanish Leather
18,711,869 4:37 1964-01-13
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35
18,355,527 4:34 1966-06-20
Baby, Let Me Follow You Down - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
Baby, Let Me Follow You Down - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
18,060,189 3:43 1966-06-22
Visions of Johanna
Visions of Johanna
17,871,214 7:31 1966-06-20
Buckets of Rain
Buckets of Rain
17,274,032 3:24 1975-01-17
Meet Me in the Morning
Meet Me in the Morning
17,146,356 4:19 1975-01-17
If You See Her, Say Hello
If You See Her, Say Hello
17,026,198 4:48 1975-01-17
Lay, Lady, Lay
Lay, Lady, Lay
15,461,109 3:17 1971-01-01
Lay Lady Lay
Lay Lady Lay
15,461,109 3:17 2013-01-25
Things Have Changed - Single Version
Things Have Changed - Single Version
15,220,219 5:08 2000-02-02
14,986,496 6:16 1983-11-01
Desolation Row
Desolation Row
14,395,382 11:21 1965-08-30
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
14,118,588 7:29 1965-03-22
If Not for You
If Not for You
13,819,616 2:41 1970-10-21
Not Dark Yet
Not Dark Yet
12,688,741 6:28 1997-09-30
Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again
Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again
12,536,049 7:06 1971-01-01
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again
12,536,049 7:04 1966-06-20
To Make You Feel My Love
To Make You Feel My Love
12,422,683 3:51 2005-11-22
Maggie's Farm
Maggie's Farm
12,329,345 3:55 1965-03-22
Tonight I'll Be Staying Here with You
Tonight I'll Be Staying Here with You
12,215,259 3:21 1969-04-09
12,206,559 6:58 1976-01-16
Queen Jane Approximately
Queen Jane Approximately
11,425,091 5:27 1965-08-30
Man in the Long Black Coat
Man in the Long Black Coat
11,186,930 4:33 1989-09-22
You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go
You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go
11,034,485 3:26 2004-01-01
You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go
You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go
10,818,977 2:55 1975-01-17
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Live
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Live
10,753,402 5:49 1995-01-01
Gotta Serve Somebody
Gotta Serve Somebody
10,295,768 5:25 1979-08-20
Song to Woody
Song to Woody
10,241,130 2:40 1962-03-19
Song To Woody
Song To Woody
10,241,130 2:44 2014-06-02
Most of the Time
Most of the Time
10,186,251 5:04 1989-09-22
Billy 1
Billy 1
10,058,474 3:53 1973-07-13
10,041,551 5:31 1976-01-16
Highway 61 Revisited
Highway 61 Revisited
9,979,086 3:26 1965-08-30
House of the Risin' Sun
House of the Risin' Sun
9,750,404 5:18 1962-03-19
House Of The Risin’ Sun
House Of The Risin’ Sun
9,750,404 5:20 2014-06-02
House of the Risin’ Sun
House of the Risin’ Sun
9,750,404 5:20 2017-01-02
Idiot Wind
Idiot Wind
9,712,149 7:47 1975-01-17
She Belongs to Me
She Belongs to Me
9,647,916 2:47 1965-03-22
You're a Big Girl Now
You're a Big Girl Now
9,606,902 4:32 1975-01-17
Little Drummer Boy
Little Drummer Boy
9,561,744 2:52 2009-10-13
Forever Young - Fast Version
Forever Young - Fast Version
9,465,470 2:49 1974-01-17
One Too Many Mornings
One Too Many Mornings
8,775,490 2:38 1964-01-13
Tombstone Blues
Tombstone Blues
8,661,104 5:56 1965-08-30
I Threw It All Away
I Threw It All Away
8,020,738 2:23 1969-04-09
Goodbye Jimmy Reed
Goodbye Jimmy Reed
8,015,367 4:14 2020-06-19
I Contain Multitudes
I Contain Multitudes
8,007,120 4:37 2020-04-17
Oxford Town
Oxford Town
7,960,828 1:47 1963-05-27
I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
7,882,989 2:39 1967-12-27
7,462,943 3:01 1976-01-16
Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts
Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts
7,422,089 8:51 1975-01-17
Love Minus Zero
Love Minus Zero
7,205,034 2:51 1965-03-22
Love Minus Zero/No Limit
Love Minus Zero/No Limit
7,205,034 2:52 2009-01-01
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry
7,195,475 4:05 1965-08-30
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
7,094,267 5:28 1965-08-30
To Be Alone with You
To Be Alone with You
7,060,232 2:08 1969-04-09
Corrina, Corrina
Corrina, Corrina
6,997,786 2:41 1961-01-01
Corrina Corrina
Corrina Corrina
6,997,786 2:42 2024-04-11
Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands
Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands
6,990,241 11:19 1966-06-20
You Ain't Goin' Nowhere - Studio Outtake - 1971
You Ain't Goin' Nowhere - Studio Outtake - 1971
6,844,186 2:44 1971-01-01
False Prophet
False Prophet
6,578,052 6:00 2020-05-08
One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later)
One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later)
6,539,546 4:52 1966-06-20
Oh, Sister
Oh, Sister
6,317,794 4:02 1976-01-16
Thunder on the Mountain
Thunder on the Mountain
6,303,332 5:54 2006-08-29
Ballad of Hollis Brown
Ballad of Hollis Brown
6,206,970 5:02 1964-01-13
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Witmark Demo - 1963
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Witmark Demo - 1963
6,046,836 2:58 1963-01-04
Every Grain of Sand
Every Grain of Sand
6,024,470 6:12 1981-08-12
Romance in Durango
Romance in Durango
5,809,204 5:44 1976-01-16
Bob Dylan's Dream
Bob Dylan's Dream
5,790,474 5:00 1963-05-27
5,790,474 2:16 2022-02-08
5,749,941 3:08 1970-06-08
Blind Willie McTell - Studio Outtake - 1983
Blind Willie McTell - Studio Outtake - 1983
5,748,278 5:52 1991-03-26
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
5,688,868 3:56 1966-06-20
With God on Our Side
With God on Our Side
5,629,759 7:04 1964-01-13
I Shall Be Free
I Shall Be Free
5,488,918 4:48 1963-05-27
I Shall Be Free No. 10
I Shall Be Free No. 10
5,488,918 4:48 1964-08-08
From a Buick 6
From a Buick 6
5,346,366 3:16 1965-08-30
Murder Most Foul
Murder Most Foul
5,327,187 16:55 2020-03-27
Duquesne Whistle
Duquesne Whistle
5,103,173 5:44 2012-09-10
Bob Dylan's Blues
Bob Dylan's Blues
5,063,948 2:20 1963-05-27
Sweetheart Like You
Sweetheart Like You
5,062,380 4:34 1983-11-01
Precious Angel
Precious Angel
5,025,808 6:30 1979-08-20
Here Comes Santa Claus
Here Comes Santa Claus
4,844,989 2:36 2009-10-13
You Belong To Me
You Belong To Me
4,835,495 3:10 1994-01-01
Fourth Time Around
Fourth Time Around
4,831,979 4:33 1966-06-20
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll
4,809,286 5:45 1964-01-13
Down the Highway
Down the Highway
4,796,405 3:25 1963-05-27
Country Pie
Country Pie
4,751,439 1:36 1969-04-09
Melancholy Mood
Melancholy Mood
4,642,270 2:52 2016-04-07
4,632,753 5:21 2001-01-01
Tell Me That It Isn't True
Tell Me That It Isn't True
4,581,977 2:40 1969-04-09
When the Ship Comes In
When the Ship Comes In
4,574,445 3:15 1964-01-13
Talkin' World War III Blues
Talkin' World War III Blues
4,549,235 6:25 1963-05-27
My Own Version of You
My Own Version of You
4,520,431 6:41 2020-06-19
Nashville Skyline Rag
Nashville Skyline Rag
4,445,124 3:12 1969-04-09
I've Made Up My Mind to Give Myself to You
I've Made Up My Mind to Give Myself to You
4,367,945 6:32 2020-06-19
Ring Them Bells
Ring Them Bells
4,307,821 3:01 1989-09-22
Tomorrow Is a Long Time - Witmark Demo - 1962
Tomorrow Is a Long Time - Witmark Demo - 1962
4,281,917 3:45 1963-01-04
One More Night
One More Night
4,275,929 2:21 1969-04-09
Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)
Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)
4,133,570 3:27 1966-06-20
Wanted Man - Take 1
Wanted Man - Take 1
4,114,845 3:11 2019-11-01
My Back Pages
My Back Pages
4,028,134 4:23 1964-08-08
Man Gave Names to All the Animals
Man Gave Names to All the Animals
3,974,281 4:27 1979-08-20
Masters of War - The Avener Rework
Masters of War - The Avener Rework
3,968,937 2:48 2017-11-02
Bob Dylan's 115th Dream
Bob Dylan's 115th Dream
3,953,480 6:30 1965-03-22
Black Diamond Bay
Black Diamond Bay
3,944,099 7:29 1976-01-16
Love Sick
Love Sick
3,936,351 5:21 1997-09-30
Peggy Day
Peggy Day
3,927,826 1:60 1969-04-09
Absolutely Sweet Marie
Absolutely Sweet Marie
3,887,262 4:54 1966-06-20
All I Really Want to Do
All I Really Want to Do
3,882,586 4:06 1964-08-08
Chimes of Freedom
Chimes of Freedom
3,881,300 7:11 1964-08-08
3,816,780 11:05 1976-01-16
North Country Blues
North Country Blues
3,803,944 4:31 1964-01-13
Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Live at Sony Music Studios, New York, NY - November 1994
Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Live at Sony Music Studios, New York, NY - November 1994
3,778,764 5:31 1995-01-01
I Could Have Told You
I Could Have Told You
3,775,076 3:37 2017-01-31
Honey, Just Allow Me One More Chance
Honey, Just Allow Me One More Chance
3,773,274 1:58 1963-05-27
Pledging My Time
Pledging My Time
3,763,404 3:48 1966-06-20
Workingman's Blues #2
Workingman's Blues #2
3,739,256 6:07 2006-08-29
Mama, You Been On My Mind - Studio Outtake - 1964
Mama, You Been On My Mind - Studio Outtake - 1964
3,654,506 2:55 1991-03-26
Just Like a Woman - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
Just Like a Woman - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
3,643,029 5:52 1966-06-21
Man of Constant Sorrow
Man of Constant Sorrow
3,628,895 3:07 1962-03-19
Man Of Constant Sorrow
Man Of Constant Sorrow
3,628,895 3:09 2014-06-02
On the Road Again
On the Road Again
3,534,577 2:35 1965-03-22
Main Title Theme (Billy)
Main Title Theme (Billy)
3,520,858 6:02 1973-07-13
I Shall Be Released - Studio Outtake - 1971
I Shall Be Released - Studio Outtake - 1971
3,502,871 3:02 1971-01-01
Only a Pawn in Their Game
Only a Pawn in Their Game
3,305,848 3:29 1964-01-13
Moonshiner - Studio Outtake - 1963
Moonshiner - Studio Outtake - 1963
3,293,606 5:05 1991-03-26
Pretty Saro - (Unreleased) [Self Portrait]
Pretty Saro - (Unreleased) [Self Portrait]
3,269,179 2:17 2013-08-13
Outlaw Blues
Outlaw Blues
3,241,988 3:04 1965-03-22
Born In Time - Outtake from 'Oh Mercy' sessions
Born In Time - Outtake from 'Oh Mercy' sessions
3,216,398 4:12 2008-10-07
Slow Train
Slow Train
3,171,415 5:58 1979-08-20
Gates of Eden
Gates of Eden
3,151,130 5:40 1965-03-22
Abandoned Love - Studio Outtake - 1975
Abandoned Love - Studio Outtake - 1975
3,128,559 4:27 2013-11-04
Key West (Philosopher Pirate)
Key West (Philosopher Pirate)
3,111,243 9:34 2020-06-19
Temporary Like Achilles
Temporary Like Achilles
3,096,530 5:00 1966-06-20
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right - Witmark Demo - 1963
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right - Witmark Demo - 1963
3,063,393 3:36 1963-01-04
Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
2,995,283 2:35 1962-03-19
Standing in the Doorway
Standing in the Doorway
2,992,094 7:42 1997-09-30
Soon After Midnight
Soon After Midnight
2,972,406 3:28 2012-09-10
To Ramona
To Ramona
2,960,799 3:53 1964-08-08
Dark Eyes
Dark Eyes
2,956,219 5:07 1985-06-08
Everything Is Broken
Everything Is Broken
2,903,306 3:13 1989-09-22
Big River - Take 1
Big River - Take 1
2,888,415 2:04 2019-11-01
Series of Dreams - Studio Outtake - 1989
Series of Dreams - Studio Outtake - 1989
2,871,368 5:52 1991-03-26
Like a Rolling Stone - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
Like a Rolling Stone - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
2,869,188 8:12 1966-06-21
License to Kill
License to Kill
2,863,060 3:34 1983-11-01
Pay in Blood
Pay in Blood
2,841,490 5:10 2012-09-10
If You See Her, Say Hello - Take 1
If You See Her, Say Hello - Take 1
2,841,352 3:57 2018-11-02
Obviously Five Believers
Obviously Five Believers
2,838,401 3:33 1966-06-20
In My Time of Dyin'
In My Time of Dyin'
2,767,570 2:39 1962-03-19
In My Time Of Dyin'
In My Time Of Dyin'
2,767,570 2:41 2014-06-02
In My Time of Dyin’
In My Time of Dyin’
2,767,570 2:41 2017-01-02
Sign on the Window
Sign on the Window
2,766,266 3:41 1970-10-21
Tangled Up in Blue - Take 3, Remake 3
Tangled Up in Blue - Take 3, Remake 3
2,744,653 6:32 2018-11-02
Nettie Moore
Nettie Moore
2,739,985 6:53 2006-08-29
Wedding Song
Wedding Song
2,688,130 4:42 1974-01-17
Long and Wasted Years
Long and Wasted Years
2,682,460 3:46 2012-09-10
Mother of Muses
Mother of Muses
2,678,013 4:29 2020-06-19
High Water (For Charley Patton)
High Water (For Charley Patton)
2,663,366 4:05 2001-01-01
Black Rider
Black Rider
2,616,461 4:13 2020-06-19
New Morning
New Morning
2,594,682 3:56 1970-10-21
Crossing the Rubicon
Crossing the Rubicon
2,510,815 7:23 2020-06-19
Red River Shore - Outtake from 'Time Out Of Mind' sessions
Red River Shore - Outtake from 'Time Out Of Mind' sessions
2,509,780 7:33 2008-10-07
Christmas Island
Christmas Island
2,467,593 2:28 2009-10-13
One Too Many Mornings
One Too Many Mornings
2,463,156 3:23 1967-12-28
Blowin' In the Wind - Witmark Demo - 1962
Blowin' In the Wind - Witmark Demo - 1962
2,449,639 2:36 1963-01-04
You're No Good
You're No Good
2,443,696 1:38 1962-03-19
You'Re No Good
You'Re No Good
2,443,696 1:42 2014-06-02
You’re No Good
You’re No Good
2,443,696 1:41 2017-01-02
Million Dollar Bash
Million Dollar Bash
2,424,672 2:31 1975-06-26
Sara - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon
Sara - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon
2,391,649 4:30 1975-12-31
Beyond Here Lies Nothin' (Explicit)
Beyond Here Lies Nothin' (Explicit)
2,388,781 3:50 2009-04-28
2,355,141 2:23 1970-10-21
Idiot Wind - Take 4, Remake with organ overdub
Idiot Wind - Take 4, Remake with organ overdub
2,340,578 8:52 1991-03-26
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall - Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall - Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
2,340,198 5:13 1975-12-31
Shooting Star
Shooting Star
2,308,142 3:13 1989-09-22
Talkin' New York
Talkin' New York
2,288,901 3:18 1962-03-19
Talkin’ New York
Talkin’ New York
2,288,901 3:20 2017-01-02
Talkin' New-York
Talkin' New-York
2,288,901 3:21 1962-04-01
Restless Farewell
Restless Farewell
2,282,725 5:33 1964-01-13
Ain't Talkin'
Ain't Talkin'
2,272,174 8:48 2006-08-29
You're a Big Girl Now - Take 2
You're a Big Girl Now - Take 2
2,256,029 4:41 2018-11-02
Went to See the Gypsy - Demo
Went to See the Gypsy - Demo
2,251,397 3:01 2013-08-27
Señor (Tales of Yankee Power)
Señor (Tales of Yankee Power)
2,245,537 5:40 1978-06-15
All the Tired Horses
All the Tired Horses
2,229,291 3:13 1970-06-08
Make You Feel My Love - Take 1
Make You Feel My Love - Take 1
2,201,904 4:10 2023-01-26
Is Your Love in Vain?
Is Your Love in Vain?
2,182,102 4:32 1978-06-15
The Ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest
The Ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest
2,179,577 5:33 1967-12-27
Don't Fall Apart on Me Tonight
Don't Fall Apart on Me Tonight
2,176,643 5:56 1983-11-01
Tryin' to Get to Heaven
Tryin' to Get to Heaven
2,166,659 5:21 1997-09-30
When I Paint My Masterpiece - Demo
When I Paint My Masterpiece - Demo
2,149,766 3:53 2013-08-27
As I Went out One Morning
As I Went out One Morning
2,121,140 2:49 1967-12-27
Let Me Die In My Footsteps - Studio Outtake - 1962
Let Me Die In My Footsteps - Studio Outtake - 1962
2,104,048 3:32 1991-03-26
I Shall be Released - Take 1
I Shall be Released - Take 1
2,099,053 4:04 1967-12-28
Up to Me - Take 1
Up to Me - Take 1
2,069,806 6:04 2018-11-02
Man of Constant Sorrow - Live on 'Folk Songs and More Folk Songs' - March 1963
Man of Constant Sorrow - Live on 'Folk Songs and More Folk Songs' - March 1963
2,066,692 3:03 1966-06-23
Spirit on the Water
Spirit on the Water
2,060,106 7:41 2006-08-29
Tomorrow Is a Long Time - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
Tomorrow Is a Long Time - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
2,056,273 3:02 1971-01-01
Forever Young (feat. Bob Dylan) - Concert Version
Forever Young (feat. Bob Dylan) - Concert Version
2,038,391 5:51 2002-12-16
John Wesley Harding
John Wesley Harding
2,024,949 2:57 1967-12-27
He Was a Friend of Mine - Studio Outtake - 1961
He Was a Friend of Mine - Studio Outtake - 1961
2,023,819 4:02 1991-03-26
Went to See the Gypsy
Went to See the Gypsy
1,990,298 2:49 1970-10-21
Too Late (Band Version) - Infidels Outtake
Too Late (Band Version) - Infidels Outtake
1,983,236 6:16 2021-09-17
Early Roman Kings
Early Roman Kings
1,955,015 5:14 2012-09-10
Like A Rolling Stone - Live At The Academy Of Music, New York, 1971 / Remastered 2001
Like A Rolling Stone - Live At The Academy Of Music, New York, 1971 / Remastered 2001
1,952,501 5:25 1972-01-01
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Do You Hear What I Hear?
1,921,938 3:03 2009-10-13
Political World
Political World
1,915,619 3:49 1989-09-22
When the Deal Goes Down
When the Deal Goes Down
1,911,137 5:04 2006-08-29
Dirt Road Blues
Dirt Road Blues
1,888,035 3:35 1997-09-30
Watching the River Flow
Watching the River Flow
1,875,206 3:00 2023-06-02
Mississippi - Outtake from "Time Out Of Mind" Sessions
Mississippi - Outtake from "Time Out Of Mind" Sessions
1,871,750 6:03 2008-10-07
I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine
I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine
1,862,533 3:53 1967-12-27
I and I
I and I
1,859,990 5:12 1983-11-01
Day of the Locusts
Day of the Locusts
1,851,992 3:59 1970-10-21
Most of the Time - Alternate Version from 'Oh Mercy' sessions
Most of the Time - Alternate Version from 'Oh Mercy' sessions
1,850,733 3:34 2008-10-07
Narrow Way
Narrow Way
1,847,742 7:28 2012-09-10
Shelter from the Storm - Live at Hughes Stadium, Ft. Collins, CO - May 1976
Shelter from the Storm - Live at Hughes Stadium, Ft. Collins, CO - May 1976
1,820,861 5:26 1976-09-10
Shelter from the Storm - Take 1
Shelter from the Storm - Take 1
1,818,192 6:02 1996-12-10
Cold Irons Bound
Cold Irons Bound
1,803,203 7:14 1997-09-30
Subterranean Homesick Blues - Take 1, Alternate Take
Subterranean Homesick Blues - Take 1, Alternate Take
1,800,741 2:38 1965-01-01
Someday Baby
Someday Baby
1,799,620 4:56 2006-08-29
My One and Only Love
My One and Only Love
1,782,484 3:21 2017-02-17
Winter Wonderland
Winter Wonderland
1,780,458 1:53 2009-10-13
The Christmas Blues
The Christmas Blues
1,774,476 2:55 2009-10-13
Fixin' to Die
Fixin' to Die
1,773,512 2:20 1962-03-19
Fixin' To Die
Fixin' To Die
1,773,512 2:22 2014-06-02
Fixin’ to Die
Fixin’ to Die
1,773,512 2:23 2017-01-02
Baby, Stop Crying
Baby, Stop Crying
1,757,409 5:19 1978-06-15
All Along the Watchtower - Live at Sony Music Studios, New York, NY - November 1994
All Along the Watchtower - Live at Sony Music Studios, New York, NY - November 1994
1,750,401 3:36 1995-01-01
Roll on John
Roll on John
1,743,475 7:26 2012-09-10
Scarlet Town
Scarlet Town
1,738,082 7:15 2012-09-10
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
1,730,498 4:23 1964-08-08
1,727,640 13:54 2012-09-10
Highway 51 Blues
Highway 51 Blues
1,725,115 2:51 1962-03-19
Highway 51
Highway 51
1,725,115 2:53 2013-02-15
You Ain't Goin' Nowhere - Take 1
You Ain't Goin' Nowhere - Take 1
1,722,097 2:48 1967-12-28
Dignity - Piano Demo from 'Oh Mercy' sessions
Dignity - Piano Demo from 'Oh Mercy' sessions
1,704,050 2:11 2008-10-07
Blood in My Eyes
Blood in My Eyes
1,680,098 5:03 1993-10-26
Time Passes Slowly #1 - Alternate Version, New Morning
Time Passes Slowly #1 - Alternate Version, New Morning
1,673,204 2:18 2013-08-27
I Believe in You
I Believe in You
1,661,880 5:09 1979-08-20
Only a Hobo - Unreleased, Greatest Hits II
Only a Hobo - Unreleased, Greatest Hits II
1,659,187 3:25 2013-08-27
She Belongs to Me - Take 1, Solo Acoustic
She Belongs to Me - Take 1, Solo Acoustic
1,655,231 2:58 1965-01-01
See That My Grave Is Kept Clean
See That My Grave Is Kept Clean
1,655,161 2:44 1962-03-19
Final Theme
Final Theme
1,645,393 5:21 1973-07-13
Brownsville Girl
Brownsville Girl
1,637,724 11:03 1986-08-08
Autumn Leaves
Autumn Leaves
1,623,600 2:58 2015-02-03
Absolutely Sweet Marie - Take 1, Alternate Take
Absolutely Sweet Marie - Take 1, Alternate Take
1,607,013 5:01 1965-01-01
Forgetful Heart
Forgetful Heart
1,605,819 3:42 2009-04-28
Spanish Harlem Incident
Spanish Harlem Incident
1,598,729 2:26 1964-08-08
Billy 4
Billy 4
1,589,188 4:59 1973-07-13
Mississippi - Version 2
Mississippi - Version 2
1,588,054 5:13 2023-01-26
Tell Me That It Isn't True - Take 2
Tell Me That It Isn't True - Take 2
1,571,688 2:07 2019-11-01
I'm A Fool To Want You
I'm A Fool To Want You
1,570,870 4:45 2015-02-03
Tangled Up in Blue - Take 3, Remake 2
Tangled Up in Blue - Take 3, Remake 2
1,561,000 6:50 1991-03-26
Odds and Ends - (Alternate Version) Take 1
Odds and Ends - (Alternate Version) Take 1
1,556,396 1:48 1967-12-28
Neighborhood Bully
Neighborhood Bully
1,547,054 4:36 1983-11-01
Tight Connection to My Heart (Has Anyone Seen My Love)
Tight Connection to My Heart (Has Anyone Seen My Love)
1,545,306 5:21 1985-06-08
Folsom Prison Blues
Folsom Prison Blues
1,543,640 2:46 1967-12-28
Pretty Peggy-O
Pretty Peggy-O
1,543,570 3:22 1962-03-19
Where Are You Tonight? (Journey Through Dark Heat)
Where Are You Tonight? (Journey Through Dark Heat)
1,534,713 6:15 1978-06-15
Million Dollar Bash - Take 1
Million Dollar Bash - Take 1
1,533,258 2:52 1967-12-28
Quinn the Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn) - Studio Outtake - 1967
Quinn the Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn) - Studio Outtake - 1967
1,528,971 2:17 2013-11-04
Cantina Theme (Workin' for the Law)
Cantina Theme (Workin' for the Law)
1,525,296 2:54 1973-07-13
Going, Going, Gone
Going, Going, Gone
1,520,888 3:27 1974-01-17
Odds and Ends
Odds and Ends
1,505,635 1:47 1975-06-26
Masters of War - SherGun Remix
Masters of War - SherGun Remix
1,503,533 3:47 2018-10-26
Freight Train Blues
Freight Train Blues
1,488,796 2:17 1962-03-19
Farewell, Angelina - Take 1, Solo Acoustic
Farewell, Angelina - Take 1, Solo Acoustic
1,487,970 5:28 1965-01-01
Ring Them Bells - Live at the Supper Club, New York, NY - November 1993
Ring Them Bells - Live at the Supper Club, New York, NY - November 1993
1,486,719 4:59 2008-10-07
Man of Peace
Man of Peace
1,477,416 6:32 1983-11-01
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
1,467,393 4:06 2009-10-13
What Good Am I?
What Good Am I?
1,460,289 4:45 1989-09-22
Forever Young
Forever Young
1,457,407 3:15 2023-06-02
Time Passes Slowly
Time Passes Slowly
1,451,472 2:36 1970-10-21
Rollin' and Tumblin'
Rollin' and Tumblin'
1,451,001 6:02 2006-08-29
The Mighty Quinn (Quinn, the Eskimo)
The Mighty Quinn (Quinn, the Eskimo)
1,446,509 2:45 1971-01-01
(Quinn the Eskimo) The Mighty Quinn - Live at the Isle of Wight, UK - August 1969
(Quinn the Eskimo) The Mighty Quinn - Live at the Isle of Wight, UK - August 1969
1,446,509 2:46 1970-06-08
Quinn The Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn)
Quinn The Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn)
1,446,509 2:46 2003-09-15
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
1,442,848 2:31 2009-10-13
Tin Angel
Tin Angel
1,433,954 9:05 2012-09-10
'Til I Fell in Love with You
'Til I Fell in Love with You
1,422,455 5:15 1997-09-30
Bunkhouse Theme
Bunkhouse Theme
1,415,141 2:12 1973-07-13
Million Miles
Million Miles
1,413,116 5:52 1997-09-30
New Pony
New Pony
1,408,064 4:30 1978-06-15
Fourth Time Around - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
Fourth Time Around - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
1,403,995 4:37 1966-06-21
You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go - Take 5
You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go - Take 5
1,400,346 5:16 2018-11-02
I'll Be Home for Christmas
I'll Be Home for Christmas
1,393,037 2:54 2009-10-13
1,381,485 16:31 1997-09-30
Tonight I'll Be Staying Here with You - Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
Tonight I'll Be Staying Here with You - Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
1,380,598 3:55 1975-12-31
Goin' to Acapulco
Goin' to Acapulco
1,379,902 5:28 1975-06-26
All You Have to Do Is Dream - Take 2
All You Have to Do Is Dream - Take 2
1,367,282 3:20 1967-12-28
Turkey Chase
Turkey Chase
1,347,040 3:31 1973-07-13
River Theme
River Theme
1,345,138 1:27 1973-07-13
If Not For You - Alternate Version, New Morning
If Not For You - Alternate Version, New Morning
1,344,209 2:30 2013-08-27
Working On a Guru - Unreleased, New Morning
Working On a Guru - Unreleased, New Morning
1,343,917 3:44 2013-08-27
Ring of Fire - Outtake
Ring of Fire - Outtake
1,322,680 2:28 2019-11-01
Drifter's Escape
Drifter's Escape
1,321,909 2:46 1967-12-27
What Was It You Wanted
What Was It You Wanted
1,321,822 5:03 1989-09-22
This Evening So Soon - Unreleased, Self Portrait
This Evening So Soon - Unreleased, Self Portrait
1,320,147 4:49 2013-08-27
Gospel Plow
Gospel Plow
1,303,687 1:45 1962-03-19
Gospel plow
Gospel plow
1,303,687 1:45 2014-09-08
1,295,946 2:30 2017-03-10
Farewell - Witmark Demo - 1963
Farewell - Witmark Demo - 1963
1,295,888 3:59 1963-01-04
If Dogs Run Free
If Dogs Run Free
1,294,430 3:38 1970-10-21
Katie's Been Gone
Katie's Been Gone
1,287,448 2:47 1975-06-26
Mr. Bojangles
Mr. Bojangles
1,281,113 5:33 1973-11-16
Where Teardrops Fall
Where Teardrops Fall
1,277,923 2:33 1989-09-22
900 Miles from My Home
900 Miles from My Home
1,271,831 2:14 1967-12-28
This Wheel's On Fire
This Wheel's On Fire
1,266,591 3:53 1975-06-26
Summer Days
Summer Days
1,262,331 4:53 2001-01-01
No Time to Think
No Time to Think
1,253,037 8:20 1978-06-15
Dear Landlord
Dear Landlord
1,251,671 3:15 1967-12-27
Motorpsycho Nightmare
Motorpsycho Nightmare
1,250,973 4:34 1964-08-08
Can't Help Falling in Love
Can't Help Falling in Love
1,247,253 4:19 1973-11-16
Not Dark Yet - Version 1
Not Dark Yet - Version 1
1,244,888 7:10 2023-01-26
Isis - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
Isis - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
1,238,083 5:11 1975-12-31
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues - Take 3, Rehearsal
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues - Take 3, Rehearsal
1,236,193 5:38 1965-01-01
Shelter from the Storm - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
Shelter from the Storm - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
1,232,060 4:40 1979-04-23
Big Yellow Taxi
Big Yellow Taxi
1,231,082 2:14 1973-11-16
If Not for You (Alternate Take)
If Not for You (Alternate Take)
1,230,061 3:32 1991-03-26
Highway 61 Revisited - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight, 1969
Highway 61 Revisited - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight, 1969
1,228,136 3:39 2013-08-27
Love Minus Zero, No Limit - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
Love Minus Zero, No Limit - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
1,224,766 3:58 1979-04-23
Can't Wait
Can't Wait
1,214,419 5:46 1997-09-30
On a Night Like This
On a Night Like This
1,208,616 2:58 1974-01-17
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
1,203,979 5:05 1979-04-23
O' Come All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles)
O' Come All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles)
1,195,086 2:49 2009-10-13
This Land Is Your Land - Live in New York City - November 1961
This Land Is Your Land - Live in New York City - November 1961
1,194,354 5:58 1966-06-23
This Land is Your Land
This Land is Your Land
1,194,354 5:59 2014-01-01
Three Angels
Three Angels
1,192,315 2:08 1970-10-21
Union Sundown
Union Sundown
1,182,621 5:23 1983-11-01
Ain't No More Cane - (Alternate Version) Take 2
Ain't No More Cane - (Alternate Version) Take 2
1,178,838 1:58 1967-12-28
The Best Is Yet to Come
The Best Is Yet to Come
1,176,639 2:55 2017-03-31
Beyond the Horizon
Beyond the Horizon
1,172,168 5:35 2006-08-29
I Was Young When I Left Home
I Was Young When I Left Home
1,171,381 5:20 1966-06-23
True Love Tends to Forget
True Love Tends to Forget
1,167,116 4:15 1978-06-15
Love Sick - Version 2
Love Sick - Version 2
1,165,584 6:46 2023-01-27
Father of Night
Father of Night
1,164,167 1:32 1970-10-21
I Shall Be Released - Alternate Take
I Shall Be Released - Alternate Take
1,163,883 3:55 1991-03-26
In Search of Little Sadie - Without Overdubs, Self Portrait
In Search of Little Sadie - Without Overdubs, Self Portrait
1,162,193 2:26 2013-08-27
Silver Bells
Silver Bells
1,154,473 2:35 2009-10-13
Blind Willie McTell - Take 5 - Infidels Outtake
Blind Willie McTell - Take 5 - Infidels Outtake
1,150,796 4:26 2021-09-17
Stay with Me
Stay with Me
1,149,894 2:52 2015-02-03
Billy 7
Billy 7
1,149,689 2:08 1973-07-13
Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts - Take 2
Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts - Take 2
1,148,733 9:50 2018-11-02
The Night We Called It A Day
The Night We Called It A Day
1,147,421 3:21 2015-02-03
Maggie's Farm - Live at Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI - July 1965
Maggie's Farm - Live at Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI - July 1965
1,146,172 5:03 1966-06-23
Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum
Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum
1,140,815 4:46 2001-01-01
The Boxer
The Boxer
1,130,336 2:47 1970-06-08
Ballad in Plain D
Ballad in Plain D
1,129,205 8:17 1964-08-08
Black Crow Blues
Black Crow Blues
1,125,079 3:15 1964-08-08
Dress It up, Better Have it All
Dress It up, Better Have it All
1,125,025 2:53 1967-12-28
Bring Me a Little Water - Unreleased, New Morning
Bring Me a Little Water - Unreleased, New Morning
1,122,415 3:58 2013-08-27
Visions of Johanna - Take 5, Rehearsal
Visions of Johanna - Take 5, Rehearsal
1,121,405 7:39 1965-01-01
I Am a Lonesome Hobo
I Am a Lonesome Hobo
1,113,175 3:21 1967-12-27
Gonna Change My Way of Thinking
Gonna Change My Way of Thinking
1,111,101 5:28 1979-08-20
Do Right to Me Baby (Do Unto Others)
Do Right to Me Baby (Do Unto Others)
1,110,322 3:53 1979-08-20
Why Try to Change Me Now
Why Try to Change Me Now
1,110,176 3:32 2015-02-03
Lily of the West
Lily of the West
1,110,064 3:47 1973-11-16
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon
1,104,932 5:39 1975-12-31
I Pity the Poor Immigrant
I Pity the Poor Immigrant
1,104,518 4:13 1967-12-27
Annie's Going to Sing Her Song - Unreleased, Self Portrait
Annie's Going to Sing Her Song - Unreleased, Self Portrait
1,099,004 2:23 2013-08-27
Tombstone Blues - Live at Sony Music Studios, New York, NY - November 1994
Tombstone Blues - Live at Sony Music Studios, New York, NY - November 1994
1,097,598 4:54 1995-01-01
Desolation Row - Take 2, Piano Demo
Desolation Row - Take 2, Piano Demo
1,093,915 1:59 1965-01-01
To Be Alone with You - Take 1
To Be Alone with You - Take 1
1,088,167 2:27 2019-11-01
Hard Times In New York Town - Demo - 1961
Hard Times In New York Town - Demo - 1961
1,087,102 2:17 1991-03-26
House Carpenter - Studio Outtake - 1961
House Carpenter - Studio Outtake - 1961
1,085,174 4:07 1991-03-26
Minstrel Boy - Unreleased, The Basement Tapes
Minstrel Boy - Unreleased, The Basement Tapes
1,084,229 1:40 2013-08-27
Dink's Song
Dink's Song
1,068,339 4:38 1966-06-23
Too Much of Nothing - Take 2
Too Much of Nothing - Take 2
1,065,460 2:51 1967-12-28
Shooting Star - Live at Sony Music Studios, New York, NY - November 1994
Shooting Star - Live at Sony Music Studios, New York, NY - November 1994
1,062,764 4:06 1995-01-01
Early Mornin' Rain
Early Mornin' Rain
1,059,402 3:38 1970-06-08
When You Gonna Wake Up
When You Gonna Wake Up
1,057,974 5:28 1979-08-20
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - (Take 8) [Alternate Take]
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - (Take 8) [Alternate Take]
1,057,871 3:28 1965-01-01
The Levee's Gonna Break
The Levee's Gonna Break
1,056,086 5:43 2006-08-29
Slow Train - Live at Sullivan Stadium, Foxborough, MA - July 1987
Slow Train - Live at Sullivan Stadium, Foxborough, MA - July 1987
1,055,528 4:56 1989-02-06
Hurricane - Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975
Hurricane - Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975
1,050,063 8:15 1975-12-31
Simple Twist of Fate - Take 3A
Simple Twist of Fate - Take 3A
1,049,932 4:22 2018-11-02
One More Weekend
One More Weekend
1,042,886 3:09 1970-10-21
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
1,038,425 5:08 1979-04-23
Tangled up in Blue - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
Tangled up in Blue - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
1,034,812 4:41 1975-12-31
1,034,394 5:34 1974-01-17
Disease of Conceit
Disease of Conceit
1,032,274 3:44 1989-09-22
Desolation Row - Live at Sony Music Studios, New York, NY - November 1994
Desolation Row - Live at Sony Music Studios, New York, NY - November 1994
1,031,898 8:23 1995-01-01
Orange Juice Blues
Orange Juice Blues
1,030,667 3:39 1975-06-26
When He Returns
When He Returns
1,026,589 4:31 1979-08-20
Talkin' Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues - Studio Outtake - 1962
Talkin' Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues - Studio Outtake - 1962
1,026,291 3:44 1991-03-26
It Ain't Me, Babe - Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975
It Ain't Me, Babe - Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975
1,012,562 5:25 1975-12-31
Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time
1,004,346 3:36 2017-03-31
Lo and Behold! - Take 1
Lo and Behold! - Take 1
1,003,545 2:54 1967-12-28
The First Noel
The First Noel
1,001,547 2:30 2009-10-13
Walkin' Down the Line - Demo - 1963
Walkin' Down the Line - Demo - 1963
999,235 2:52 1991-03-26
Something There Is About You
Something There Is About You
997,564 4:43 1974-01-17
Subterranean Homesick Blues - Alternate Take
Subterranean Homesick Blues - Alternate Take
996,359 2:54 1991-03-26
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry
979,234 4:31 2018-03-23
Down Along the Cove
Down Along the Cove
979,203 2:21 1967-12-27
Tough Mama
Tough Mama
977,311 4:16 1974-01-17
We Better Talk This Over
We Better Talk This Over
972,074 4:06 1978-06-15
Belle Isle - Without Overdubs, Self Portrait
Belle Isle - Without Overdubs, Self Portrait
969,444 2:36 2013-08-27
The Christmas Song
The Christmas Song
964,703 3:57 2009-10-13
Simple Twist of Fate - Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975
Simple Twist of Fate - Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975
964,484 4:17 1975-12-31
When the Ship Comes In - Witmark Demo - 1963
When the Ship Comes In - Witmark Demo - 1963
964,101 2:54 1963-01-04
I Guess I'll Have to Change My Plans
I Guess I'll Have to Change My Plans
961,191 2:24 2017-03-31
959,501 2:49 1974-01-17
Tonight I'll be Staying Here With You - S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals, New York, NY - October 1975
Tonight I'll be Staying Here With You - S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals, New York, NY - October 1975
955,199 2:59 2019-06-07
Watching the River Flow - Single Version
Watching the River Flow - Single Version
954,072 3:34 1971-01-01
Some Enchanted Evening
Some Enchanted Evening
953,757 3:24 2015-02-03
Queen Jane Approximately - Take 5, Alternate Take
Queen Jane Approximately - Take 5, Alternate Take
952,862 6:01 1965-01-01
I Want You - Take 4, Alternate Take
I Want You - Take 4, Alternate Take
952,825 2:51 1965-01-01
Alberta #1
Alberta #1
951,778 2:58 1970-06-08
Blue Moon
Blue Moon
947,632 2:28 1970-06-08
The Wicked Messenger
The Wicked Messenger
942,543 2:02 1967-12-27
O' Little Town of Bethlehem
O' Little Town of Bethlehem
939,528 2:18 2009-10-13
Nothing Was Delivered - Take 1
Nothing Was Delivered - Take 1
938,339 4:26 1967-12-28
Tattle O'Day - Unreleased, Self Portrait
Tattle O'Day - Unreleased, Self Portrait
935,279 3:49 2013-08-27
Days of '49
Days of '49
933,961 5:29 1970-06-08
Like a Rolling Stone - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
Like a Rolling Stone - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
924,735 6:37 1979-04-23
Someday Baby - Alternate Version from 'Modern Times' sessions
Someday Baby - Alternate Version from 'Modern Times' sessions
924,647 5:56 2008-10-07
Floater (Too Much to Ask)
Floater (Too Much to Ask)
921,961 4:60 2001-01-01
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
921,217 5:26 1975-12-31
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
920,498 7:47 1966-06-23
Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - January 1974
Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - January 1974
917,753 3:52 1974-06-20
Man On the Street - Studio Outtake - 1961
Man On the Street - Studio Outtake - 1961
910,902 1:55 1991-03-26
Idiot Wind - Take 6
Idiot Wind - Take 6
909,724 8:50 2018-11-02
Never Say Goodbye
Never Say Goodbye
909,239 2:52 1974-01-17
Full Moon and Empty Arms
Full Moon and Empty Arms
908,497 3:22 2015-02-03
Tears of Rage
Tears of Rage
903,572 4:16 1975-06-26
Yazoo Street Scandal
Yazoo Street Scandal
897,452 3:29 1975-06-26
I'm Your Teenage Prayer
I'm Your Teenage Prayer
897,056 3:52 1967-12-28
That Lucky Old Sun
That Lucky Old Sun
896,935 3:37 2015-02-03
'Cross the Green Mountain - from 'Gods and Generals' OST
'Cross the Green Mountain - from 'Gods and Generals' OST
896,623 8:15 2008-10-07
Highway 61 Revisited - Alternate Take
Highway 61 Revisited - Alternate Take
895,699 3:39 1966-06-23
Lay, Lady, Lay - Take 2
Lay, Lady, Lay - Take 2
893,988 3:25 2019-11-01
893,819 3:50 2009-04-28
Bessie Smith
Bessie Smith
886,936 4:18 1975-06-26
Highway 61 Revisited - Take 3, Alternate Take
Highway 61 Revisited - Take 3, Alternate Take
877,982 3:29 1965-01-01
Gotta Serve Somebody - Live at Anaheim Stadium, Anaheim, CA - July 1987
Gotta Serve Somebody - Live at Anaheim Stadium, Anaheim, CA - July 1987
876,517 5:51 1989-02-06
I Pity the Poor Immigrant - Take 4
I Pity the Poor Immigrant - Take 4
875,233 2:33 2019-11-01
Baby Let Me Follow You Down (feat. Bob Dylan) - Concert Version
Baby Let Me Follow You Down (feat. Bob Dylan) - Concert Version
873,005 2:56 2002-12-16
861,663 5:39 1993-10-26
Tell Ol' Bill - Alternate Version
Tell Ol' Bill - Alternate Version
853,315 5:29 2008-10-07
You Angel You
You Angel You
853,154 2:53 1974-01-17
Series of Dreams - Outtake from 'Oh Mercy' sessions
Series of Dreams - Outtake from 'Oh Mercy' sessions
851,480 6:26 2008-10-07
Dignity - Live
Dignity - Live
848,498 6:30 1995-01-01
Lonesome Day Blues
Lonesome Day Blues
846,606 6:05 2001-01-01
Call Letter Blues - Take 2
Call Letter Blues - Take 2
846,164 4:27 1991-03-26
Rocks And Gravel
Rocks And Gravel
844,344 2:27 2015-08-14
Isis - Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
Isis - Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
841,422 5:14 2019-06-07
No More Auction Block - Live at the Gaslight Café, New York, NY - October 1962
No More Auction Block - Live at the Gaslight Café, New York, NY - October 1962
840,586 3:02 1991-03-26
Don't Ya Tell Henry
Don't Ya Tell Henry
838,200 2:31 1967-12-28
Call Letter Blues - Take 1
Call Letter Blues - Take 1
837,934 4:42 2018-11-02
Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Live at Anaheim Stadium, Anaheim, CA - July 1987
Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Live at Anaheim Stadium, Anaheim, CA - July 1987
837,302 6:52 1989-02-06
What'll I Do
What'll I Do
836,090 3:16 2015-02-03
Worried Blues - Studio Outtake - 1962
Worried Blues - Studio Outtake - 1962
836,063 2:38 1991-03-26
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again - Take 13, Alternate Take
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again - Take 13, Alternate Take
834,512 4:08 1965-01-01
Blowin' in the Wind - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
Blowin' in the Wind - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
834,212 2:43 1975-12-31
Rambling, Gambling Willie - Studio Outtake - 1962
Rambling, Gambling Willie - Studio Outtake - 1962
829,309 4:12 1991-03-26
Let It Be Me
Let It Be Me
826,658 3:01 1970-06-08
Slow Train - Live at Earls Court, London, UK - June 29, 1981
Slow Train - Live at Earls Court, London, UK - June 29, 1981
825,782 4:35 2017-11-03
822,580 3:06 1988-05-31
Visions of Johanna - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
Visions of Johanna - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
819,257 8:09 1966-06-21
Nobody 'Cept You - Studio Outtake - 1973
Nobody 'Cept You - Studio Outtake - 1973
816,695 2:40 1991-03-26
Emotionally Yours
Emotionally Yours
812,776 4:28 1985-06-08
John Brown - Live at Sony Music Studios, New York, NY - November 1994
John Brown - Live at Sony Music Studios, New York, NY - November 1994
812,550 5:22 1995-01-01
I Feel a Change Comin' On
I Feel a Change Comin' On
811,602 5:25 2009-04-28
Po' Boy
Po' Boy
809,612 3:06 2001-01-01
Where Are You?
Where Are You?
806,708 3:32 2015-02-03
If You See Her, Say Hello - S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals, New York, NY - October 1975
If You See Her, Say Hello - S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals, New York, NY - October 1975
803,855 2:56 2019-06-07
I Still Miss Someone - Take 5
I Still Miss Someone - Take 5
803,536 3:35 2019-11-01
Apple Suckling Tree
Apple Suckling Tree
803,438 2:49 1975-06-26
I Shall Be Released - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
I Shall Be Released - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
801,581 4:24 1979-04-23
It's All over Now, Baby Blue - Alternate Take
It's All over Now, Baby Blue - Alternate Take
801,485 3:34 1966-06-23
Huck's Tune - from 'Lucky You' OST
Huck's Tune - from 'Lucky You' OST
798,413 4:01 2007-04-24
Romance in Durango - Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975
Romance in Durango - Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975
794,544 5:22 1975-12-31
Dreamin' of You - Outtake from 'Time Out Of Mind' sessions
Dreamin' of You - Outtake from 'Time Out Of Mind' sessions
794,016 5:49 2008-10-07
Heart of Mine
Heart of Mine
793,321 4:29 1981-08-12
Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975
Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975
788,513 4:21 1975-12-31
Lay, Lady, Lay - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
Lay, Lady, Lay - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
787,996 3:14 1974-06-20
Foot of Pride - Infidels Outtake
Foot of Pride - Infidels Outtake
786,565 5:55 2021-09-17
Maggie's Farm - Live at Hughes Stadium, Ft. Collins, CO - May 1976
Maggie's Farm - Live at Hughes Stadium, Ft. Collins, CO - May 1976
786,208 5:35 1976-09-10
One More Cup of Coffee - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
One More Cup of Coffee - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
785,893 4:15 1975-12-31
Can't Wait - Alternate Version from 'Time Out Of Mind' sessions
Can't Wait - Alternate Version from 'Time Out Of Mind' sessions
781,737 5:43 2008-10-07
Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
778,746 7:08 1991-03-26
Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
778,672 4:15 1974-06-20
778,632 4:03 1980-06-20
Life Is Hard
Life Is Hard
778,063 3:39 2009-04-28
These Foolish Things
These Foolish Things
776,849 4:07 2017-03-31
Ain't No More Cane
Ain't No More Cane
768,213 3:59 1975-06-26
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
766,653 3:14 1975-12-31
If You See Her, Say Hello - Take 2
If You See Her, Say Hello - Take 2
766,353 3:44 1991-03-26
Easy and Slow - Seacrest Motel Rehearsals, Falmouth, MA - October 1975
Easy and Slow - Seacrest Motel Rehearsals, Falmouth, MA - October 1975
764,402 5:23 2019-06-07
Everything Is Broken - Alternate Version from 'Oh Mercy' sessions
Everything Is Broken - Alternate Version from 'Oh Mercy' sessions
760,522 3:11 2008-10-07
Seven Curses - Studio Outtake - 1963
Seven Curses - Studio Outtake - 1963
754,046 3:47 1991-03-26
Making a Liar Out of Me - Rehearsal
Making a Liar Out of Me - Rehearsal
753,359 5:44 2017-11-03
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll - Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll - Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
751,666 5:18 2019-06-07
That Old Feeling
That Old Feeling
747,528 3:36 2017-03-31
Pressing On
Pressing On
745,909 5:14 1980-06-20
One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below) - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below) - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
745,302 3:31 1979-04-23
If You Gotta Go, Go Now (Or Else You Got to Stay All Night) - Studio Outtake - 1965
If You Gotta Go, Go Now (Or Else You Got to Stay All Night) - Studio Outtake - 1965
744,074 2:54 1991-03-26
I Want You - Live at Oakland Coliseum, Oakland, CA - July 1987
I Want You - Live at Oakland Coliseum, Oakland, CA - July 1987
741,128 4:04 1989-02-06
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
741,011 5:46 1966-06-21
I Shall Be Released - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon
I Shall Be Released - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon
740,421 4:33 1975-12-31
I'll Remember You
I'll Remember You
739,604 4:13 1985-06-08
It's All over Now, Baby Blue - Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
It's All over Now, Baby Blue - Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
738,282 4:34 1975-12-31
Knockin' on Heavens Door - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
Knockin' on Heavens Door - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
738,106 4:04 1979-04-23
Lo and Behold!
Lo and Behold!
737,779 2:47 1975-06-26
I'll Keep It with Mine - Studio Outtake - 1966
I'll Keep It with Mine - Studio Outtake - 1966
735,725 3:38 1991-03-26
When I Paint My Masterpiece - Studio Outtake - 1971
When I Paint My Masterpiece - Studio Outtake - 1971
730,843 3:22 1971-01-01
The Man in Me - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
The Man in Me - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
724,655 3:52 2023-11-17
718,677 2:42 2017-03-31
All Along the Watchtower - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
All Along the Watchtower - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
713,420 3:27 1979-04-23
The Weight - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
The Weight - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
713,246 4:36 1974-06-20
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again - Live at Tarrant County Convention Center Arena, Ft. Worth, TX - May 1976
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again - Live at Tarrant County Convention Center Arena, Ft. Worth, TX - May 1976
710,046 6:34 1976-09-10
The Groom's Still Waiting at the Altar
The Groom's Still Waiting at the Altar
709,465 4:03 1981-08-12
Blowin' in the Wind - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
Blowin' in the Wind - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
708,857 4:33 1979-04-23
This Dream of You
This Dream of You
705,122 5:51 2009-04-28
She's Your Lover Now - Take 6, Rehearsal
She's Your Lover Now - Take 6, Rehearsal
703,970 4:57 1965-01-01
With God on Our Side - Live at Sony Music Studios, New York, NY - November 1994
With God on Our Side - Live at Sony Music Studios, New York, NY - November 1994
702,925 7:17 1995-04-25
With God On Our Side - Live
With God On Our Side - Live
702,925 7:07 1995-01-01
Every Grain of Sand - Demo - 1980
Every Grain of Sand - Demo - 1980
702,444 3:37 1991-03-26
Paths of Victory - Studio Outtake - 1963
Paths of Victory - Studio Outtake - 1963
701,729 3:17 1991-03-26
She's Your Lover Now - Studio Outtake - 1966
She's Your Lover Now - Studio Outtake - 1966
700,815 6:08 1991-03-26
Please, Mrs. Henry
Please, Mrs. Henry
696,858 2:33 1975-06-26
Forever Young - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
Forever Young - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
696,408 5:41 1979-04-23
All Along the Watchtower - Live at Anaheim Stadium, Anaheim, CA - July 1987
All Along the Watchtower - Live at Anaheim Stadium, Anaheim, CA - July 1987
696,142 6:23 1989-02-06
Like a Rolling Stone - Alternate Take
Like a Rolling Stone - Alternate Take
687,565 1:35 1991-03-26
Bye and Bye
Bye and Bye
687,317 3:16 2001-01-01
Lay, Lady, Lay - Live at Tarrant County Convention Center Arena, Ft. Worth, TX - May 1976
Lay, Lady, Lay - Live at Tarrant County Convention Center Arena, Ft. Worth, TX - May 1976
684,027 4:53 1976-09-10
Guess Things Happen That Way - Take 3
Guess Things Happen That Way - Take 3
680,433 1:46 2019-11-01
She Belongs to Me - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
She Belongs to Me - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
679,242 3:51 1966-06-22
Visions of Johanna - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
Visions of Johanna - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
677,332 7:57 1966-06-22
Honest with Me
Honest with Me
676,954 5:49 2001-01-01
One Too Many Mornings - Live at Hughes Stadium, Ft. Collins, CO - May 1976
One Too Many Mornings - Live at Hughes Stadium, Ft. Collins, CO - May 1976
668,608 3:43 1976-09-10
September of My Years
September of My Years
665,261 3:23 2017-03-31
It Ain't Me, Babe - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
It Ain't Me, Babe - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
664,320 5:06 2019-06-07
I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know
I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know
663,419 2:25 1970-06-08
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
663,182 4:54 1979-04-23
Seven Days - Live at the Curtis Hixon Convention Center, Tampa, FL - April 1976
Seven Days - Live at the Curtis Hixon Convention Center, Tampa, FL - April 1976
662,319 3:59 1991-03-26
660,201 3:23 2001-01-01
Is Your Love in Vain? - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
Is Your Love in Vain? - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
659,824 4:03 1979-04-23
Baby Let Me Follow You Down (Reprise) (feat. Bob Dylan) - Concert Version
Baby Let Me Follow You Down (Reprise) (feat. Bob Dylan) - Concert Version
658,374 2:59 2002-12-16
Just Like a Woman - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
Just Like a Woman - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
658,194 5:07 1979-04-23
World Gone Wrong
World Gone Wrong
657,801 3:55 1993-10-26
Mama, You Been on My Mind - Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975
Mama, You Been on My Mind - Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975
657,117 3:12 1975-12-31
Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window?
Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window?
656,487 3:38 2007-01-01
If You Ever Go to Houston
If You Ever Go to Houston
651,894 5:48 2009-04-28
Dirt Road Blues - 2022 Remix
Dirt Road Blues - 2022 Remix
650,374 3:34 2023-01-26
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
649,724 4:36 1974-06-20
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) (feat. Bob Dylan) - Concert Version
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) (feat. Bob Dylan) - Concert Version
646,185 3:29 2002-12-16
Like a Rolling Stone - Live at the Isle of Wight, UK - August 1969
Like a Rolling Stone - Live at the Isle of Wight, UK - August 1969
642,826 5:19 1970-06-08
Quit Your Low Down Ways - Studio Outtake - 1962
Quit Your Low Down Ways - Studio Outtake - 1962
642,202 2:39 1991-03-26
When I Paint My Masterpiece
When I Paint My Masterpiece
641,627 4:26 2023-06-02
My Wife's Home Town
My Wife's Home Town
639,032 4:15 2009-04-28
The Death of Emmett Till - Witmark Demo - 1962
The Death of Emmett Till - Witmark Demo - 1962
635,846 4:30 1963-01-04
It's All Good
It's All Good
635,162 5:28 2009-04-28
Hurricane - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
Hurricane - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
633,781 8:01 2019-06-07
Who Killed Davey Moore? - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
Who Killed Davey Moore? - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
633,394 3:08 1991-03-26
Kingsport Town - Studio Outtake - 1962
Kingsport Town - Studio Outtake - 1962
632,635 3:28 1991-03-26
Crash on the Levee
Crash on the Levee
629,281 2:04 1975-06-26
Clothes Line Saga
Clothes Line Saga
627,954 2:58 1975-06-26
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 - Live
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 - Live
625,033 3:29 1995-01-01
Too Much of Nothing
Too Much of Nothing
618,991 3:04 1975-06-26
Desolation Row - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
Desolation Row - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
618,978 11:32 1966-06-21
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
618,479 8:52 1966-06-21
Cocaine Blues - Live at Filene Center, Vienna, VA - August 1997
Cocaine Blues - Live at Filene Center, Vienna, VA - August 1997
616,130 4:41 2008-10-07
Only a Hobo - Studio Outtake - 1963
Only a Hobo - Studio Outtake - 1963
614,539 3:28 1991-03-26
Wallflower - Studio Outtake - 1971
Wallflower - Studio Outtake - 1971
613,747 2:48 1991-03-26
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat - Take 8, Alternate Take
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat - Take 8, Alternate Take
612,840 3:25 1965-01-01
It's Funny to Everyone but Me
It's Funny to Everyone but Me
611,996 2:35 2017-03-31
I Want You - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
I Want You - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
609,833 2:37 1979-04-23
I and I - Reggae Dub by Doctor Dread
I and I - Reggae Dub by Doctor Dread
607,398 6:15 2021-06-12
Idiot Wind - Live at Hughes Stadium, Ft. Collins, CO - May 1976
Idiot Wind - Live at Hughes Stadium, Ft. Collins, CO - May 1976
607,078 10:06 1976-09-10
Percy's Song - Studio Outtake - 1963
Percy's Song - Studio Outtake - 1963
606,005 7:41 2013-11-04
Things We Said Today
Things We Said Today
604,761 3:02 2014-01-01
Queen Jane Approximately - Live at Autzen Stadium, Eugne, OR - July 1987
Queen Jane Approximately - Live at Autzen Stadium, Eugne, OR - July 1987
604,249 6:39 1989-02-06
Walls of Red Wing - Studio Outtake - 1963
Walls of Red Wing - Studio Outtake - 1963
602,540 5:03 1991-03-26
Just Like a Woman - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
Just Like a Woman - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
602,225 4:32 1975-12-31
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
600,975 3:47 1974-06-20
Under the Red Sky
Under the Red Sky
600,397 4:10 1990-09-11
Talkin' Hava Negeilah Blues - Studio Outtake - 1962
Talkin' Hava Negeilah Blues - Studio Outtake - 1962
599,976 0:51 1991-03-26
Precious Angel - Live at the Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA - November 16, 1979
Precious Angel - Live at the Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA - November 16, 1979
598,207 5:40 2017-11-03
Yea! Heavy And A Bottle Of Bread
Yea! Heavy And A Bottle Of Bread
595,562 2:15 1975-06-26
Maggie's Farm - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
Maggie's Farm - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
590,569 5:26 1979-04-23
Santa-Fe - Studio Outtake - 1967
Santa-Fe - Studio Outtake - 1967
588,324 2:08 1991-03-26
Death Is Not the End
Death Is Not the End
586,582 5:10 1988-05-31
When the World Was Young
When the World Was Young
586,196 3:44 2017-03-31
Fourth Time Around - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
Fourth Time Around - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
586,165 4:32 1966-06-22
She Belongs to Me - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
She Belongs to Me - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
585,046 3:27 1966-06-21
Cry a While
Cry a While
582,977 5:05 2001-01-01
Marchin' to the City - Outtake from 'Time Out Of Mind' sessions
Marchin' to the City - Outtake from 'Time Out Of Mind' sessions
582,920 6:32 2008-10-07
Shot of Love
Shot of Love
580,554 4:18 1981-08-12
Sugar Baby
Sugar Baby
579,390 6:41 2001-01-01
I Want You - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
I Want You - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
579,139 2:32 2023-11-17
The Water Is Wide - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
The Water Is Wide - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
575,976 5:16 1975-12-31
Sentimental Journey
Sentimental Journey
575,837 3:10 2017-03-31
Little Sadie
Little Sadie
575,658 2:02 1970-06-08
Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
575,620 4:25 1991-03-26
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
575,082 4:23 1974-06-20
Shake Shake Mama
Shake Shake Mama
573,852 3:37 2009-04-28
Mississippi - Outtake Version 2 from 'Time Out Of Mind' sessions
Mississippi - Outtake Version 2 from 'Time Out Of Mind' sessions
573,400 6:19 2008-10-07
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
570,355 5:53 1966-06-22
All Along the Watchtower - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
All Along the Watchtower - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
567,610 3:20 1974-06-20
A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall - Witmark Demo - 1962
A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall - Witmark Demo - 1962
567,242 6:48 1963-01-04
Oh, Sister - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
Oh, Sister - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
566,126 4:05 1975-12-31
Suze (The Cough Song) - Studio Outtake - 1963
Suze (The Cough Song) - Studio Outtake - 1963
565,732 1:57 1991-03-26
Up to Me - Take 2, Remake 3
Up to Me - Take 2, Remake 3
564,754 6:17 2013-11-04
Simple Twist of Fate - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
Simple Twist of Fate - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
562,353 4:27 1979-04-23
Sitting On a Barbed Wire Fence - Studio Outtake - 1965
Sitting On a Barbed Wire Fence - Studio Outtake - 1965
561,889 3:52 1991-03-26
Frankie & Albert
Frankie & Albert
561,060 3:49 1992-10-27
The Times They Are Changin' - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
The Times They Are Changin' - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
558,042 5:34 1979-04-23
Don't Fall Apart on Me Tonight (Version 2) - Infidels Alternate Take
Don't Fall Apart on Me Tonight (Version 2) - Infidels Alternate Take
556,016 5:29 2021-09-17
Romance In Durango - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon
Romance In Durango - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon
552,859 4:36 2019-06-07
Gotta Serve Somebody - Live at the Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA - November 15, 1979
Gotta Serve Somebody - Live at the Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA - November 15, 1979
551,633 6:29 2017-11-03
She Belongs to Me - Alternate Take
She Belongs to Me - Alternate Take
551,522 3:19 1966-06-23
Girl from the North Country - Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - October 1992
Girl from the North Country - Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - October 1992
551,177 5:12 1993-03-03
In the Summertime
In the Summertime
550,757 3:34 1981-08-12
I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine - Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine - Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
549,649 2:57 2019-06-07
Stormy Weather
Stormy Weather
548,983 3:03 2017-03-31
Girl from the North Country - with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Girl from the North Country - with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
548,249 4:45 2020-11-13
Don't Ya Tell Henry
Don't Ya Tell Henry
546,352 3:13 1975-06-26
High Water (For Charley Patton) - Live at Oakes Garden Theatre, Niagara Falls, ON - August 2003
High Water (For Charley Patton) - Live at Oakes Garden Theatre, Niagara Falls, ON - August 2003
545,585 6:46 2008-10-07
Angelina - Shot of Love Outtake
Angelina - Shot of Love Outtake
545,407 6:41 2021-09-17
Lay Down Your Weary Tune - Studio Outtake - 1963
Lay Down Your Weary Tune - Studio Outtake - 1963
543,562 4:35 2013-11-04
Mama, You Been on My Mind - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
Mama, You Been on My Mind - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
542,166 3:05 1964-01-01
Copper Kettle
Copper Kettle
542,159 3:34 1970-06-08
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
541,937 9:16 1966-06-22
Girl from the North Country - Rehearsal
Girl from the North Country - Rehearsal
540,895 3:04 2019-11-01
It Ain't Me, Babe - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
It Ain't Me, Babe - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
538,776 3:40 1974-06-20
Pledging My Time - Take 1, Alternate Take
Pledging My Time - Take 1, Alternate Take
537,861 3:25 1965-01-01
Someone's Got a Hold of My Heart - Studio Outtake - 1983
Someone's Got a Hold of My Heart - Studio Outtake - 1983
536,846 4:32 1991-03-26
Matchbox - Take 1
Matchbox - Take 1
535,255 3:05 2019-11-01
Open the Door, Homer
Open the Door, Homer
533,572 2:49 1975-06-26
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - October 1992
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - October 1992
530,230 6:21 1993-03-03
Just Like a Woman - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
Just Like a Woman - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
529,927 5:26 1966-06-22
I Shall Be Released - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
I Shall Be Released - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
527,997 3:52 1974-06-20
I Am a Lonesome Hobo - Take 4
I Am a Lonesome Hobo - Take 4
526,391 2:56 2019-11-01
You're a Big Girl Now - Live at Hughes Stadium, Ft. Collins, CO - May 1976
You're a Big Girl Now - Live at Hughes Stadium, Ft. Collins, CO - May 1976
526,186 6:56 1976-09-10
All Along the Watchtower - Take 3
All Along the Watchtower - Take 3
523,438 2:31 2019-11-01
Nothing Was Delivered
Nothing Was Delivered
522,421 4:23 1975-06-26
Property of Jesus
Property of Jesus
521,322 4:33 1981-08-12
Like a Rolling Stone - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
Like a Rolling Stone - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
520,579 7:09 1974-06-20
Hard Times in New York Town - Witmark Demo - 1962
Hard Times in New York Town - Witmark Demo - 1962
519,938 1:56 1963-01-04
You're a Big Girl Now - Take 2, Remake
You're a Big Girl Now - Take 2, Remake
519,160 4:22 2013-11-04
Up on Cripple Creek - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
Up on Cripple Creek - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
517,922 5:19 1974-06-20
Tell Me, Momma - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
Tell Me, Momma - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
515,300 4:50 1966-06-21
Mr. Tambourine Man - Alternate Take
Mr. Tambourine Man - Alternate Take
515,001 6:43 1966-06-23
Rambler, Gambler
Rambler, Gambler
514,706 2:16 1966-06-23
Eternal Circle - Studio Outtake - 1963
Eternal Circle - Studio Outtake - 1963
512,909 2:37 1991-03-26
Blowin' in the Wind - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
Blowin' in the Wind - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
512,430 4:04 1966-06-23
Baby, Let Me Follow You Down - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
Baby, Let Me Follow You Down - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
509,439 3:28 1966-06-21
Gotta Travel On
Gotta Travel On
507,325 3:08 1970-06-08
Angelina - Studio Outtake - 1981
Angelina - Studio Outtake - 1981
505,229 6:57 1991-03-26
The Lonesome River
The Lonesome River
505,221 3:03 2005-04-20
Belle Isle
Belle Isle
504,498 2:33 1970-06-08
Going, Going, Gone - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
Going, Going, Gone - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
502,400 4:26 1979-04-23
When the Night Comes Falling from the Sky - Alternate Take
When the Night Comes Falling from the Sky - Alternate Take
499,804 5:37 1991-03-26
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
499,621 3:26 1974-06-20
What Can I Do for You?
What Can I Do for You?
499,508 5:53 1980-06-20
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
497,483 6:08 1979-04-23
Like A Rolling Stone - Live
Like A Rolling Stone - Live
494,766 6:25 2019-11-08
Desolation Row - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
Desolation Row - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
492,408 12:05 1966-06-22
Boots of Spanish Leather - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
Boots of Spanish Leather - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
492,074 5:37 1963-10-26
One Too Many Mornings - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
One Too Many Mornings - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
491,759 3:39 1966-06-21
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues - Alternate Take
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues - Alternate Take
487,699 5:42 1966-06-23
Country Pie - Take 2
Country Pie - Take 2
487,130 2:07 2019-11-01
I Can't Get You Off Of My Mind
I Can't Get You Off Of My Mind
485,377 2:56 2001-01-01
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
483,577 5:38 1966-06-21
East Virginia Blues (with Earl Scruggs) - Mono
East Virginia Blues (with Earl Scruggs) - Mono
482,191 2:35 2019-11-01
Girl from the North Country - Witmark Demo - 1963
Girl from the North Country - Witmark Demo - 1963
480,569 3:07 1963-01-04
Foot of Pride - Studio Outtake - 1983
Foot of Pride - Studio Outtake - 1983
479,412 5:56 1991-03-26
Visions of Johanna - Live at the Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 1966
Visions of Johanna - Live at the Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 1966
479,368 7:30 2013-11-04
When the Ship Comes In - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
When the Ship Comes In - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
479,188 3:05 1966-06-23
Dignity - Outtake from 'Oh Mercy' sessions
Dignity - Outtake from 'Oh Mercy' sessions
477,768 5:23 2008-10-07
Queen Jane Approximately
Queen Jane Approximately
476,332 5:15 2023-06-02
I Threw It All Away - Live at Tarrant County Convention Center Arena, Ft. Worth, TX - May 1976
I Threw It All Away - Live at Tarrant County Convention Center Arena, Ft. Worth, TX - May 1976
476,130 3:25 1976-09-10
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - Alternate Take
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - Alternate Take
476,052 3:20 1991-03-26
Blowin' in the Wind - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
Blowin' in the Wind - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
474,757 4:32 1974-06-20
Tiny Montgomery
Tiny Montgomery
473,887 2:47 1975-06-26
Forever Young - Demo Version
Forever Young - Demo Version
472,418 2:02 2013-11-04
Oh, Sister - Live at Tarrant County Convention Center Arena, Ft. Worth, TX - May 1976
Oh, Sister - Live at Tarrant County Convention Center Arena, Ft. Worth, TX - May 1976
471,944 4:36 1976-09-10
Desolation Row - Alternate Take
Desolation Row - Alternate Take
470,409 11:45 1966-06-23
Ruben Remus
Ruben Remus
469,525 3:16 1975-06-26
In Search of Little Sadie
In Search of Little Sadie
467,898 2:30 1970-06-08
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at the ABC Theatre, Edinburgh, UK - May 1966
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at the ABC Theatre, Edinburgh, UK - May 1966
467,138 7:46 1966-06-23
Alberta #2
Alberta #2
466,635 3:15 1970-06-08
Masters of War - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
Masters of War - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
466,461 4:42 1966-06-23
Covenant Woman
Covenant Woman
465,136 6:06 1980-06-20
A Satisfied Mind
A Satisfied Mind
463,363 1:59 1980-06-20
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening
462,924 3:12 1975-12-31
Tell Me, Momma - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
Tell Me, Momma - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
462,804 4:52 1966-06-22
When I Got Troubles
When I Got Troubles
461,062 1:29 1966-06-23
Visions of Johanna - Alternate Take
Visions of Johanna - Alternate Take
459,478 6:37 1966-06-23
Can't Escape from You - Studio Outtake - 2005
Can't Escape from You - Studio Outtake - 2005
459,226 5:12 2008-10-07
32-20 Blues - Outtake from 'World Gone Wrong' sessions
32-20 Blues - Outtake from 'World Gone Wrong' sessions
458,109 3:04 2008-10-07
Long Distance Operator
Long Distance Operator
457,758 3:40 1975-06-26
Living the Blues
Living the Blues
455,065 2:44 1970-06-08
All I Really Want to Do - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
All I Really Want to Do - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
453,887 3:49 1979-04-23
It Hurts Me Too
It Hurts Me Too
453,583 3:13 1970-06-08
Woogie Boogie
Woogie Boogie
449,412 2:09 1970-06-08
Ain't Talkin' - Alternate Version from 'Modern Times' sessions
Ain't Talkin' - Alternate Version from 'Modern Times' sessions
449,338 6:09 2008-10-07
This Nearly Was Mine
This Nearly Was Mine
448,364 2:46 2017-03-31
Going, Going, Gone - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Going, Going, Gone - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
448,249 4:04 2023-11-17
Born in Time
Born in Time
445,655 3:39 1990-09-11
It Ain't Me, Babe - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
It Ain't Me, Babe - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
445,499 3:52 1964-01-01
Take a Message to Mary
Take a Message to Mary
444,454 2:46 1970-06-08
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
442,186 5:48 1974-06-20
As Time Goes By
As Time Goes By
437,291 3:18 2017-03-31
Sarah Jane
Sarah Jane
436,051 2:52 1973-11-16
Joey - Live at Sullivan Stadium, Foxborough, MA - July 1987
Joey - Live at Sullivan Stadium, Foxborough, MA - July 1987
434,762 9:22 1989-02-06
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
433,931 4:26 2023-06-02
God Knows - Outtake from 'Oh Mercy' sessions
God Knows - Outtake from 'Oh Mercy' sessions
429,849 3:06 2008-10-07
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
427,776 5:31 1966-06-21
Sally Gal - Alternate Take
Sally Gal - Alternate Take
425,231 2:38 1966-06-23
Take Me as I Am (Or Let Me Go)
Take Me as I Am (Or Let Me Go)
424,721 3:02 1970-06-08
Tangled up in Blue - Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK - July 1984
Tangled up in Blue - Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK - July 1984
424,209 7:02 1984-12-03
The Ballad of Ira Hayes
The Ballad of Ira Hayes
424,017 5:14 1973-11-16
Oh, Sister - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
Oh, Sister - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February/March 1978
423,023 4:51 1979-04-23
Just Like a Woman - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
Just Like a Woman - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
421,399 5:06 1974-06-20
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
419,578 7:00 1966-06-21
Boots of Spanish Leather - Witmark Demo - 1963
Boots of Spanish Leather - Witmark Demo - 1963
417,970 5:47 1963-01-04
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live at Royal Festival Hall, London, UK - May 1964
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live at Royal Festival Hall, London, UK - May 1964
417,822 6:36 2018-07-18
Blackjack Davey
Blackjack Davey
416,705 5:49 1992-10-27
When the Night Comes Falling from the Sky
When the Night Comes Falling from the Sky
416,362 7:29 1985-06-08
Man On the Street - Witmark Demo - 1962
Man On the Street - Witmark Demo - 1962
413,827 1:06 1963-01-04
When You Gonna Wake Up? - Live at Drammenshallen, Drammen, Norway - July 9, 1981
When You Gonna Wake Up? - Live at Drammenshallen, Drammen, Norway - July 9, 1981
412,391 5:28 2017-11-03
I'll Keep It with Mine - Studio Outtake - 1963
I'll Keep It with Mine - Studio Outtake - 1963
411,676 3:44 2013-11-04
Solid Rock - Live at Golden Hall, San Diego, CA - November 27, 1979
Solid Rock - Live at Golden Hall, San Diego, CA - November 27, 1979
408,580 4:42 2017-11-03
It Gets Lonely Early
It Gets Lonely Early
408,021 3:08 2017-03-31
Let's Stick Together
Let's Stick Together
403,811 3:09 1988-05-31
Mama, You Been on My Mind - Witmark Demo - 1964
Mama, You Been on My Mind - Witmark Demo - 1964
403,523 2:12 1963-01-04
Ain't Gonna Go to Hell for Anybody - Live at Le Theatre Saint-Denis, Montreal, Quebec - April 24, 1980
Ain't Gonna Go to Hell for Anybody - Live at Le Theatre Saint-Denis, Montreal, Quebec - April 24, 1980
402,635 4:30 2017-11-03
Lenny Bruce
Lenny Bruce
400,584 4:32 1981-08-12
Young At Heart
Young At Heart
394,695 2:58 2016-05-20
390,967 2:31 2017-03-31
Are You Ready
Are You Ready
389,551 4:45 1980-06-20
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
389,338 3:35 2018-07-18
Trade Winds
Trade Winds
389,290 2:41 2017-03-31
Chimes of Freedom - Live at Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI - July 1964
Chimes of Freedom - Live at Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI - July 1964
389,289 8:03 1966-06-23
I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
389,092 3:04 2023-06-02
Shot of Love - Outtake
Shot of Love - Outtake
388,420 4:24 2017-11-03
Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)
Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)
388,370 3:33 2023-06-02
P.S. I Love You
P.S. I Love You
388,173 4:15 2017-03-31
Rambling, Gambling Willie - Witmark Demo - 1962
Rambling, Gambling Willie - Witmark Demo - 1962
386,958 3:37 1963-01-04
How Deep is the Ocean
How Deep is the Ocean
386,242 3:19 2017-03-31
Jokerman - Infidels Alternate Take
Jokerman - Infidels Alternate Take
383,391 6:12 2021-09-17
Catfish - Studio Outtake - 1975
Catfish - Studio Outtake - 1975
382,971 2:48 1991-03-26
Ballad for a Friend - Witmark Demo - 1962
Ballad for a Friend - Witmark Demo - 1962
382,510 2:22 1963-01-04
Love Henry
Love Henry
381,718 4:22 1993-10-26
Dignity - Alternate Version
Dignity - Alternate Version
381,469 5:36 2013-11-04
Mr. Tambourine Man - Witmark Demo - 1964
Mr. Tambourine Man - Witmark Demo - 1964
378,888 5:53 1963-01-04
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again - Alternate Take
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again - Alternate Take
378,432 5:44 1966-06-23
Golden Loom - Studio Outtake - 1975
Golden Loom - Studio Outtake - 1975
377,746 4:26 1991-03-26
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - Alternate Take
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - Alternate Take
375,554 3:34 1966-06-23
When He Returns - Take 2
When He Returns - Take 2
373,201 4:23 2017-11-03
Need a Woman - Rehearsal
Need a Woman - Rehearsal
370,144 5:11 2021-09-17
He's Funny That Way
He's Funny That Way
369,953 3:30 2018-04-05
Poor Boy Blues - Witmark Demo - 1962
Poor Boy Blues - Witmark Demo - 1962
369,655 2:60 1963-01-04
Blowin' In The Wind - Live at Gerde's Folk City, New York, NY - April 1962
Blowin' In The Wind - Live at Gerde's Folk City, New York, NY - April 1962
369,191 2:41 2018-07-18
Lay Down Your Weary Tune - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
Lay Down Your Weary Tune - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
366,839 5:01 1963-10-26
The Girl On the Greenbriar Shore - Live at Cote d'Opale, Dunkerque, France - June 1992
The Girl On the Greenbriar Shore - Live at Cote d'Opale, Dunkerque, France - June 1992
366,452 2:24 2008-10-07
Solid Rock
Solid Rock
366,449 3:59 1980-06-20
Love Sick - 2022 Remix
Love Sick - 2022 Remix
365,270 5:22 2023-01-26
Tombstone Blues - Alternate Take
Tombstone Blues - Alternate Take
364,644 3:35 1966-06-23
Wiggle Wiggle
Wiggle Wiggle
362,828 2:10 1990-09-11
357,249 4:54 1993-10-26
Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues - Witmark Demo - 1962
Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues - Witmark Demo - 1962
356,659 3:40 1963-01-04
You Changed My Life - Studio Outtake - 1981
You Changed My Life - Studio Outtake - 1981
354,727 5:13 1991-03-26
Guess I'm Doing Fine - Witmark Demo - 1964
Guess I'm Doing Fine - Witmark Demo - 1964
352,326 4:06 1963-01-04
Froggie Went a Courtin'
Froggie Went a Courtin'
351,290 6:23 1992-10-27
Sierra's Theme
Sierra's Theme
349,061 4:24 2023-06-02
Lonesome Day Blues - Live at National Car Rental Center, Sunrise, FL - February 2002
Lonesome Day Blues - Live at National Car Rental Center, Sunrise, FL - February 2002
348,463 7:36 2008-10-07
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
347,751 6:27 1966-06-22
Tell Me - Studio Outtake - 1983
Tell Me - Studio Outtake - 1983
347,675 4:24 1991-03-26
Sittin' on Top of the World
Sittin' on Top of the World
347,125 4:28 1992-10-27
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 17, 1966
346,120 3:21 1966-06-21
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
345,554 3:29 1964-01-01
In the Garden
In the Garden
345,513 5:60 1980-06-20
Two Soldiers
Two Soldiers
344,617 5:42 1993-10-26
Miss the Mississippi - Studio Outtake - 1992
Miss the Mississippi - Studio Outtake - 1992
343,012 3:19 2008-10-07
Ragged & Dirty
Ragged & Dirty
342,897 4:07 1993-10-26
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
342,192 7:23 1966-06-22
Stage Fright - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
Stage Fright - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
340,814 4:46 1974-06-20
She Belongs to Me - Live at the Isle of Wight, UK - August 1969
She Belongs to Me - Live at the Isle of Wight, UK - August 1969
339,647 2:43 1970-06-08
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
339,104 6:15 1966-06-22
There's a Flaw in My Flue
There's a Flaw in My Flue
338,802 2:47 2017-03-31
Gonna Change My Way of Thinking - Live at the Orpheum Theater, Memphis, TN - January 31, 1980
Gonna Change My Way of Thinking - Live at the Orpheum Theater, Memphis, TN - January 31, 1980
337,730 4:47 2017-11-03
Highway 61 Revisited - Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK - July 1984
Highway 61 Revisited - Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK - July 1984
335,928 5:14 1984-12-03
Hard Times
Hard Times
332,499 4:32 1992-10-27
Endless Highway - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
Endless Highway - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
330,621 5:08 1974-06-20
Caribbean Wind - Rehearsal with pedal steel
Caribbean Wind - Rehearsal with pedal steel
330,446 5:58 2017-11-03
I'm Not There
I'm Not There
329,437 5:13 1967-12-28
Blowing In The Wind - Live at John F. Kennedy Stadium, 13th July 1985
Blowing In The Wind - Live at John F. Kennedy Stadium, 13th July 1985
329,211 5:41 1985-01-01
But Beautiful
But Beautiful
327,256 3:19 2017-03-31
Masters of War - Witmark Demo - 1963
Masters of War - Witmark Demo - 1963
327,092 4:22 1963-01-04
Spanish Is the Loving Tongue
Spanish Is the Loving Tongue
326,106 4:17 1973-11-16
Boots of Spanish Leather - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
Boots of Spanish Leather - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
324,399 4:44 2018-07-18
Highway 61 Revisited - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
Highway 61 Revisited - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
324,106 4:26 1974-06-20
Polka Dots And Moonbeams
Polka Dots And Moonbeams
323,505 3:35 2016-05-20
Ye Shall Be Changed - Studio Outtake - 1979
Ye Shall Be Changed - Studio Outtake - 1979
322,281 4:08 1991-03-26
Watered-Down Love
Watered-Down Love
322,255 4:10 1981-08-12
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Take 2, Acoustic
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Take 2, Acoustic
322,071 3:09 1965-01-01
Jim Jones
Jim Jones
320,390 3:54 1992-10-27
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
319,998 9:26 1964-01-01
317,395 4:06 1990-09-11
Lord Protect My Child - Studio Outtake - 1983
Lord Protect My Child - Studio Outtake - 1983
316,249 3:57 1991-03-26
Caribbean Wind - Studio Outtake - 1981
Caribbean Wind - Studio Outtake - 1981
316,069 5:51 2013-11-04
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
314,686 4:02 1963-10-26
When the Ship Comes In - Live at the March on Washington, D.C. - August 1963
When the Ship Comes In - Live at the March on Washington, D.C. - August 1963
314,474 3:16 2018-07-18
Corrina, Corrina - Live at Gerde's Folk City, New York, NY - April 1962
Corrina, Corrina - Live at Gerde's Folk City, New York, NY - April 1962
314,314 3:54 2018-07-18
Broke Down Engine
Broke Down Engine
313,126 3:20 1993-10-26
Here's That Rainy Day
Here's That Rainy Day
312,301 3:27 2017-03-31
John Brown - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
John Brown - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
309,720 5:12 2018-07-18
Let's Keep It Between Us - Rehearsal
Let's Keep It Between Us - Rehearsal
309,708 5:15 2021-09-17
The Shape I'm In - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
The Shape I'm In - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
309,107 4:01 1974-06-20
Standing in the Doorway - 2022 Remix
Standing in the Doorway - 2022 Remix
306,905 7:42 2023-01-26
Let Me Die in My Footsteps - Witmark Demo - 1962
Let Me Die in My Footsteps - Witmark Demo - 1962
306,145 1:35 1963-01-04
Spanish Is the Loving Tongue - Unreleased, Self Portrait
Spanish Is the Loving Tongue - Unreleased, Self Portrait
304,897 3:52 2013-08-27
That Old Black Magic
That Old Black Magic
304,458 3:03 2016-05-20
Lone Pilgrim
Lone Pilgrim
303,570 2:44 1993-10-26
One Too Many Mornings - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
One Too Many Mornings - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
303,045 4:08 1966-06-22
Tombstone Blues
Tombstone Blues
301,364 5:00 2023-06-02
Arthur McBride
Arthur McBride
301,051 6:20 1992-10-27
Man On the Street - Witmark Demo - 1962
Man On the Street - Witmark Demo - 1962
300,887 1:29 1963-01-04
What Was It You Wanted
What Was It You Wanted
300,491 5:04 2023-06-02
299,722 3:38 1988-05-31
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat - Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK - May 26, 1966
299,595 4:05 1966-06-22
Girl from the North Country - Live at Royal Festival Hall, London, UK - May 1964
Girl from the North Country - Live at Royal Festival Hall, London, UK - May 1964
298,746 3:47 2018-07-18
Trust Yourself
Trust Yourself
298,447 3:27 1985-06-08
Seeing the Real You at Last
Seeing the Real You at Last
297,183 4:19 1985-06-08
To Ramona - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
To Ramona - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
296,723 5:01 1964-01-01
Long Ago, Far Away - Witmark Demo - 1962
Long Ago, Far Away - Witmark Demo - 1962
295,935 2:28 1963-01-04
All over You - Witmark Demo - 1963
All over You - Witmark Demo - 1963
295,911 3:51 1963-01-04
Saving Grace
Saving Grace
295,278 5:05 1980-06-20
Maybe You'll Be There
Maybe You'll Be There
295,055 2:54 2016-05-20
Standing on the Highway - Witmark Demo - 1962
Standing on the Highway - Witmark Demo - 1962
294,563 2:30 1963-01-04
Day In, Day Out
Day In, Day Out
292,825 2:58 2017-03-31
Stack a Lee
Stack a Lee
292,375 3:49 1993-10-26
A Fool Such As I
A Fool Such As I
292,299 2:43 1973-11-16
Walkin' Down the Line - Witmark Demo - 1963
Walkin' Down the Line - Witmark Demo - 1963
291,312 3:22 1963-01-04
290,444 4:32 1981-08-12
Price of Love - Shot of Love Outtake
Price of Love - Shot of Love Outtake
289,951 4:15 2021-09-17
Need a Woman - Studio Outtake - 1981
Need a Woman - Studio Outtake - 1981
289,929 5:42 1991-03-26
Silver Dagger - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
Silver Dagger - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
289,032 3:41 1964-01-01
Dead Man, Dead Man
Dead Man, Dead Man
288,814 3:58 1981-08-12
If You Gotta Go, Go Now (Or Else You Got to Stay All Night) - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
If You Gotta Go, Go Now (Or Else You Got to Stay All Night) - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
288,133 3:22 1964-01-01
Mary Ann
Mary Ann
286,423 2:43 1973-11-16
It Ain't Me Babe
It Ain't Me Babe
286,209 3:59 1998-01-01
Where Is the One
Where Is the One
285,987 3:12 2017-03-31
They Killed Him
They Killed Him
285,458 4:04 1986-08-08
Clean Cut Kid
Clean Cut Kid
284,495 4:15 1985-06-08
George Jackson - Acoustic Version
George Jackson - Acoustic Version
284,388 3:37 2013-11-04
Handy Dandy
Handy Dandy
282,918 4:02 1990-09-11
All The Way
All The Way
281,155 4:02 2016-05-20
The Groom's Still Waiting at the Altar - Live at the Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA - November 13, 1979
The Groom's Still Waiting at the Altar - Live at the Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA - November 13, 1979
280,896 6:01 2017-11-03
280,043 4:21 1992-10-27
Tomorrow Night
Tomorrow Night
278,747 3:41 1992-10-27
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Live at Royal Festival Hall, London, UK - May 1964
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Live at Royal Festival Hall, London, UK - May 1964
277,724 3:32 2018-07-18
Minstrel Boy - Live at the Isle of Wight, UK - August 1969
Minstrel Boy - Live at the Isle of Wight, UK - August 1969
276,738 3:32 1970-06-08
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - Live at the Odeon, Liverpool, UK - May 1965
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - Live at the Odeon, Liverpool, UK - May 1965
274,722 5:07 2018-07-18
I Couldn't Sleep a Wink Last Night
I Couldn't Sleep a Wink Last Night
274,719 3:14 2017-03-31
Don't Ever Take Yourself Away - Shot of Love Outtake
Don't Ever Take Yourself Away - Shot of Love Outtake
274,184 4:09 2021-09-17
Wallflower - Alternate Version, 1971
Wallflower - Alternate Version, 1971
273,740 2:19 2013-08-27
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat - Alternate Take
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat - Alternate Take
273,072 6:24 1966-06-23
It Ain't Me, Babe - Live at Royal Festival Hall, London, UK - May 1964
It Ain't Me, Babe - Live at Royal Festival Hall, London, UK - May 1964
272,009 4:22 2018-07-18
Lord Protect My Child - Infidels Outtake
Lord Protect My Child - Infidels Outtake
271,398 4:18 2021-09-17
Down In The Flood - Live At The Academy Of Music / 1971
Down In The Flood - Live At The Academy Of Music / 1971
271,187 5:11 2013-01-01
Down In the Flood - Studio Outtake - 1971
Down In the Flood - Studio Outtake - 1971
269,633 2:48 1971-01-01
268,751 4:33 1993-01-31
Diamond Joe
Diamond Joe
267,594 3:16 1992-10-27
Sweetheart Like You - Infidels Alternate Take
Sweetheart Like You - Infidels Alternate Take
266,925 3:42 2021-09-17
To Be Alone with You
To Be Alone with You
265,829 3:10 2023-06-02
Who Killed Davey Moore? - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
Who Killed Davey Moore? - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
264,941 3:41 1964-01-01
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
264,872 4:03 1964-01-01
264,370 2:55 2016-05-20
It Ain't Me, Babe - Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK - July 1984
It Ain't Me, Babe - Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK - July 1984
262,546 5:23 1984-12-03
Baby, I'm In the Mood for You - Studio Outtake - 1962
Baby, I'm In the Mood for You - Studio Outtake - 1962
262,414 2:55 2013-11-04
Baby, I'm In the Mood for You - Witmark Demo - 1962
Baby, I'm In the Mood for You - Witmark Demo - 1962
261,339 1:35 1963-01-04
Covenant Woman - Take 3
Covenant Woman - Take 3
261,173 5:05 2017-11-03
Spanish Harlem Incident - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
Spanish Harlem Incident - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
258,218 2:42 1964-01-01
Long Time Gone - Witmark Demo - 1963
Long Time Gone - Witmark Demo - 1963
256,721 3:45 1963-01-04
Fur Slippers - Shot of Love Outtake
Fur Slippers - Shot of Love Outtake
256,158 2:49 2021-09-17
I and I - Infidels Alternate Take
I and I - Infidels Alternate Take
255,406 4:27 2021-09-17
Masters of War - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
Masters of War - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
254,638 2:47 2018-07-18
Somewhere Along the Way
Somewhere Along the Way
253,781 3:17 2017-03-31
With God on Our Side - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
With God on Our Side - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
253,582 6:08 1964-01-01
When You Awake - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
When You Awake - Live at LA Forum, Inglewood, CA - February 1974
252,743 3:13 1974-06-20
Why Was I Born
Why Was I Born
252,077 2:50 2017-03-31
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
251,413 6:04 1964-01-01
You're Gonna Quit Me
You're Gonna Quit Me
251,115 2:46 1992-10-27
It Had to be You
It Had to be You
250,806 3:59 2016-05-20
Ballad of Hollis Brown - Witmark Demo - 1962
Ballad of Hollis Brown - Witmark Demo - 1962
249,384 4:06 1963-01-04
Bob Dylan's Dream - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
Bob Dylan's Dream - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
249,228 4:32 2018-07-18
Alberta #3 - Alternate Version, Self Portrait
Alberta #3 - Alternate Version, Self Portrait
248,988 2:37 2013-08-27
Seven Curses - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
Seven Curses - Live at Town Hall, New York, NY - April 1963
247,737 5:14 2018-07-18
God Knows
God Knows
247,393 3:01 1990-09-11
You Go to My Head
You Go to My Head
245,416 3:03 2017-03-31
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
245,303 5:15 2018-07-18
Dead Man, Dead Man - Outtake
Dead Man, Dead Man - Outtake
245,226 7:22 2017-11-03
Someone's Got a Hold of My Heart - Infidels Outtake
Someone's Got a Hold of My Heart - Infidels Outtake
245,030 4:35 2021-09-17
I Threw It All Away - Take 1
I Threw It All Away - Take 1
245,024 2:26 2013-08-27
Pledging My Time
Pledging My Time
243,679 3:51 2023-06-02
Something's Burning, Baby
Something's Burning, Baby
243,204 4:53 1985-06-08
Never Gonna the Same Again
Never Gonna the Same Again
241,608 3:08 1985-06-08
Not Dark Yet - 2022 Remix
Not Dark Yet - 2022 Remix
241,055 6:28 2023-01-26
Neighborhood Bully - Infidels Alternate Take
Neighborhood Bully - Infidels Alternate Take
240,441 4:11 2021-09-17
The Water Is Wide
The Water Is Wide
239,229 5:42 2023-01-26
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
238,823 7:44 1964-01-01
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
237,747 4:33 2023-11-17
Repossession Blues - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Repossession Blues - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
237,293 2:49 2023-11-17
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
235,721 2:50 2023-06-02
T.V. Talkin' Song
T.V. Talkin' Song
234,892 3:02 1990-09-11
Yes Sir, No Sir - Shot of Love Outtake
Yes Sir, No Sir - Shot of Love Outtake
234,616 2:23 2021-09-17
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Live at the Oval, City Hall, Sheffield, UK - April 1965
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Live at the Oval, City Hall, Sheffield, UK - April 1965
234,246 8:04 2018-07-18
When I Paint My Masterpiece - Live At The Academy Of Music, New York, 1971 / Remastered 2001
When I Paint My Masterpiece - Live At The Academy Of Music, New York, 1971 / Remastered 2001
234,084 4:18 1972-01-01
Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
234,013 3:52 1964-01-01
Come Rain or Come Shine
Come Rain or Come Shine
233,702 2:39 2016-05-20
Girl of the North Country - Live at Slane Castle, Slane, IRE - July 1984
Girl of the North Country - Live at Slane Castle, Slane, IRE - July 1984
233,651 4:28 1984-12-03
Oxford Town - Witmark Demo - 1963
Oxford Town - Witmark Demo - 1963
233,522 2:31 1963-01-04
To Ramona - Live at the Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI - July 1964
To Ramona - Live at the Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI - July 1964
233,199 4:23 2018-07-18
North Country Blues - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
North Country Blues - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
233,016 4:15 1963-10-26
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Live at the Odeon, Liverpool, UK - May 1965
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Live at the Odeon, Liverpool, UK - May 1965
231,924 3:59 2018-07-18
Make You Feel My Love
Make You Feel My Love
231,189 3:37 2016-01-15
2 X 2
2 X 2
230,994 3:37 1990-09-11
I'd Hate to Be You on That Dreadful Day - Witmark Demo - 1963
I'd Hate to Be You on That Dreadful Day - Witmark Demo - 1963
228,602 1:59 1963-01-04
I and I - Live at Slane Castle, Slane, IRE - July 1984
I and I - Live at Slane Castle, Slane, IRE - July 1984
227,385 6:18 1984-12-03
All or Nothing at All
All or Nothing at All
225,639 3:03 2016-05-20
Like A Rolling Stone - Live At The Academy Of Music / 1971
Like A Rolling Stone - Live At The Academy Of Music / 1971
225,231 5:26 2013-01-01
Tryin' to Get to Heaven - 2022 Remix
Tryin' to Get to Heaven - 2022 Remix
225,152 5:23 2023-01-26
225,032 3:26 2016-05-20
Return to Me
Return to Me
224,658 2:19 2001-01-01
You Wanna Ramble
You Wanna Ramble
224,002 3:19 1986-08-08
10,000 Men
10,000 Men
223,617 4:23 1990-09-11
Little Maggie
Little Maggie
222,922 2:53 1992-10-27
Gates of Eden - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
Gates of Eden - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
221,371 7:31 1964-01-01
I Shall Be Free - Witmark Demo - 1963
I Shall Be Free - Witmark Demo - 1963
220,711 4:28 1963-01-04
Million Miles - 2022 Remix
Million Miles - 2022 Remix
220,027 5:51 2023-01-26
Bound to Lose, Bound to Win - Witmark Demo - 1963
Bound to Lose, Bound to Win - Witmark Demo - 1963
219,415 1:18 1963-01-04
When I Paint My Masterpiece - Live At The Academy Of Music / 1971
When I Paint My Masterpiece - Live At The Academy Of Music / 1971
219,259 4:57 2013-01-01
The Wicked Messenger
The Wicked Messenger
218,744 2:56 2023-06-02
House of the Risin' Sun
House of the Risin' Sun
218,268 5:10 2024-04-11
Ugliest Girl in the World
Ugliest Girl in the World
217,217 3:30 1988-05-31
Quit Your Low Down Ways - Witmark Demo - 1962
Quit Your Low Down Ways - Witmark Demo - 1962
216,989 2:48 1963-01-04
Precious Memories
Precious Memories
216,537 3:14 1986-08-08
With God on Our Side - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
With God on Our Side - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
215,766 6:49 1963-10-26
Mixed-Up Confusion - Single Version
Mixed-Up Confusion - Single Version
215,755 2:21 2013-11-04
On a Little Street in Singapore
On a Little Street in Singapore
215,528 2:15 2016-05-20
Railroad Bill - Unreleased, Self Portrait
Railroad Bill - Unreleased, Self Portrait
214,748 2:45 2013-08-27
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Live in Moscow & Leningrad, Russia - July/August 1987
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Live in Moscow & Leningrad, Russia - July/August 1987
214,520 2:55 2005-11-22
When Did You Leave Heaven?
When Did You Leave Heaven?
214,172 2:15 1988-05-31
Step It up and Go
Step It up and Go
213,504 2:56 1992-10-27
Cat's in the Well
Cat's in the Well
212,093 3:21 1990-09-11
Ninety Miles an Hour (Down a Dead End Street)
Ninety Miles an Hour (Down a Dead End Street)
212,015 2:56 1988-05-31
Emotionally Yours - Empire Burlesque Alternate Take
Emotionally Yours - Empire Burlesque Alternate Take
211,818 3:37 2021-09-17
Yonder Comes Sin - Rehearsal
Yonder Comes Sin - Rehearsal
211,728 4:11 2017-11-03
Got My Mind Made Up
Got My Mind Made Up
211,605 2:55 1986-08-08
Masters of War - Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK - July 1984
Masters of War - Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK - July 1984
211,525 6:34 1984-12-03
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
209,631 3:42 1964-01-01
Baby, Let Me Follow You Down - Witmark Demo - 1964
Baby, Let Me Follow You Down - Witmark Demo - 1964
208,660 1:54 1963-01-04
Chimes of Freedom - Live at Royal Festival Hall, London, UK - May 1964
Chimes of Freedom - Live at Royal Festival Hall, London, UK - May 1964
207,246 7:32 2018-07-18
I Wanna Be Your Lover - Studio Outtake - 1966
I Wanna Be Your Lover - Studio Outtake - 1966
207,119 3:26 2013-11-04
I'll Keep It with Mine - Take 1, Piano Demo
I'll Keep It with Mine - Take 1, Piano Demo
205,131 4:10 1965-01-01
I'll Keep It with Mine - Witmark Demo - 1964
I'll Keep It with Mine - Witmark Demo - 1964
204,913 3:35 1963-01-04
City of Gold - Live Nov. 22, 1980
City of Gold - Live Nov. 22, 1980
203,213 2:48 2017-11-03
Tight Connection to My Heart (Has Anyone Seen My Love) - Empire Burlesque Alternate Mix
Tight Connection to My Heart (Has Anyone Seen My Love) - Empire Burlesque Alternate Mix
202,902 5:14 2021-09-17
Under Your Spell
Under Your Spell
202,539 3:58 1986-08-08
199,996 5:56 1994-11-15
Bob Dylan's Dream - Witmark Demo - 1963
Bob Dylan's Dream - Witmark Demo - 1963
199,718 3:50 1963-01-04
New Danville Girl - Empire Burlesque Outtake
New Danville Girl - Empire Burlesque Outtake
199,323 11:52 2021-09-17
Tell Me - Infidels Outtake
Tell Me - Infidels Outtake
198,470 5:01 2021-09-17
License to Kill - Live at St James Park, Newcastle, UK - July 1984
License to Kill - Live at St James Park, Newcastle, UK - July 1984
197,691 3:31 1984-12-03
Down In The Flood - Live At The Academy Of Music, New York, 1971 / Remastered 2001
Down In The Flood - Live At The Academy Of Music, New York, 1971 / Remastered 2001
196,814 5:26 1972-01-01
Thirsty Boots - Unreleased, Self Portrait
Thirsty Boots - Unreleased, Self Portrait
196,370 4:06 2013-08-27
Jokerman - Reggae Remix by Doctor Dread
Jokerman - Reggae Remix by Doctor Dread
195,969 6:37 2021-06-12
Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues - Witmark Demo - 1963
Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues - Witmark Demo - 1963
195,710 3:15 1963-01-04
Isis - Live at the Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
Isis - Live at the Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
195,296 5:18 2013-11-04
'Til I Fell in Love with You - 2022 Remix
'Til I Fell in Love with You - 2022 Remix
193,975 5:15 2023-01-26
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
193,975 5:27 2023-11-17
John Brown - Witmark Demo - 1963
John Brown - Witmark Demo - 1963
193,884 4:18 1963-01-04
A Hard Rain's A Gonna Fall
A Hard Rain's A Gonna Fall
192,921 6:58 2010-01-01
Gypsy Lou - Witmark Demo - 1963
Gypsy Lou - Witmark Demo - 1963
192,636 3:43 1963-01-04
Make You Feel My Love - 2022 Remix
Make You Feel My Love - 2022 Remix
192,473 3:31 2023-01-26
Ballad of Hollis Brown - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
Ballad of Hollis Brown - Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY - October 1963
192,387 6:02 1963-10-26
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
192,280 6:27 1964-01-01
Heart of Mine - Live at Saenger Performing Arts Center, New Orleans, LA - November 1981
Heart of Mine - Live at Saenger Performing Arts Center, New Orleans, LA - November 1981
188,846 3:42 2013-11-04
One Too Many Mornings - Live at BBC Studios, London, UK - June 1965
One Too Many Mornings - Live at BBC Studios, London, UK - June 1965
187,997 4:02 2018-07-18
Cold Irons Bound - 2022 Remix
Cold Irons Bound - 2022 Remix
187,381 7:14 2023-01-26
Seven Curses - Witmark Demo - 1963
Seven Curses - Witmark Demo - 1963
186,430 3:11 1963-01-04
Had a Dream About You, Baby
Had a Dream About You, Baby
185,991 2:52 1988-05-31
Maggie's Farm - Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK - July 1984
Maggie's Farm - Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK - July 1984
185,928 4:50 1984-12-03
Maybe Someday
Maybe Someday
184,314 3:19 1986-08-08
Rank Strangers to Me
Rank Strangers to Me
184,151 2:59 1988-05-31
The Love That Faded
The Love That Faded
184,114 2:30 2011-10-03
Wigwam - Without Overdubs, Self Portrait
Wigwam - Without Overdubs, Self Portrait
182,182 3:11 2013-08-27
Slow Train - Live at the Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA - November 16, 1979
Slow Train - Live at the Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA - November 16, 1979
180,625 6:20 2017-11-03
Driftin' Too Far from Shore
Driftin' Too Far from Shore
178,441 3:40 1986-08-08
Bob Dylan's Blues - Witmark Demo - 1963
Bob Dylan's Blues - Witmark Demo - 1963
177,786 1:56 1963-01-04
Only a Hobo - Witmark Demo - 1963
Only a Hobo - Witmark Demo - 1963
177,451 2:24 1963-01-04
Paths of Victory - Witmark Demo - 1963
Paths of Victory - Witmark Demo - 1963
177,362 4:09 1963-01-04
Little Sadie - Without Overdubs, Self Portrait
Little Sadie - Without Overdubs, Self Portrait
176,862 2:02 2013-08-27
It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
172,373 6:08 2004-01-01
Sally Sue Brown
Sally Sue Brown
170,883 2:29 1988-05-31
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK - July 1984
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK - July 1984
170,417 4:17 1984-12-03
Dark Eyes - Empire Burlesque Alternate Take
Dark Eyes - Empire Burlesque Alternate Take
169,632 4:58 2021-09-17
Jet Pilot - Studio Outtake - 1966
Jet Pilot - Studio Outtake - 1966
169,332 0:50 2013-11-04
Visions of Johanna - Live at the ABC Theatre, Belfast, Ireland - May 1966
Visions of Johanna - Live at the ABC Theatre, Belfast, Ireland - May 1966
169,066 7:10 2018-07-18
168,610 3:10 2004-10-19
Man of Constant Sorrow
Man of Constant Sorrow
167,968 3:00 2024-04-11
Gates of Eden - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 1965
Gates of Eden - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 1965
167,102 6:51 2018-07-18
Whatcha Gonna Do? - Witmark Demo - 1963
Whatcha Gonna Do? - Witmark Demo - 1963
165,569 3:34 1963-01-04
Dreamin' of You
Dreamin' of You
165,518 7:51 2023-01-27
All I Really Want to Do - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
All I Really Want to Do - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
163,302 4:01 1964-01-01
Enough is Enough - Live from Slane Castle, Ireland
Enough is Enough - Live from Slane Castle, Ireland
163,187 4:18 2021-09-17
She Belongs to Me - Live at Royal Albert Hall, Manchester, UK - May 1965
She Belongs to Me - Live at Royal Albert Hall, Manchester, UK - May 1965
162,073 4:20 2018-07-18
Desolation Row - Live at TCN 9 TV, Sydney, Australia - April 1966
Desolation Row - Live at TCN 9 TV, Sydney, Australia - April 1966
161,937 10:37 2018-07-18
Seeing the Real You at Last - Empire Burlesque Alternate Take
Seeing the Real You at Last - Empire Burlesque Alternate Take
160,833 4:24 2021-09-17
Tombstone Blues - Live at St James Park, Newcastle, UK - July 1984
Tombstone Blues - Live at St James Park, Newcastle, UK - July 1984
160,520 4:33 1984-12-03
Highlands - 2022 Remix
Highlands - 2022 Remix
159,552 16:32 2023-01-26
158,042 2:08 1967-12-28
I Threw It All Away - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
I Threw It All Away - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
157,660 5:25 2023-11-17
Ain't Gonna Grieve - Witmark Demo - 1963
Ain't Gonna Grieve - Witmark Demo - 1963
157,637 1:27 1963-01-04
Talkin' World War III Blues - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
Talkin' World War III Blues - Live at Philharmonic Hall, New York, NY - October 1964
157,618 5:41 1964-01-01
Shelter from the Storm - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Shelter from the Storm - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
157,367 4:44 2023-11-17
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at the ABC Theatre, Edinburgh, Scotland - May 1966
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at the ABC Theatre, Edinburgh, Scotland - May 1966
156,774 7:38 2018-07-18
Romance In Durango - Live at the Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
Romance In Durango - Live at the Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975
155,684 4:37 2013-11-04
Hero Blues - Witmark Demo - 1963
Hero Blues - Witmark Demo - 1963
154,516 1:34 1963-01-04
Can't Wait - 2022 Remix
Can't Wait - 2022 Remix
153,645 5:46 2023-01-26
Red River Shore - Version 1
Red River Shore - Version 1
152,497 6:50 2023-01-26
Blowin' In The Wind
Blowin' In The Wind
152,045 4:05 2009-01-01
Maggie's Farm - Live at the Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, CA - September 1965
Maggie's Farm - Live at the Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, CA - September 1965
151,888 4:21 2018-07-18
Don't Ya Tell Henry - Live At The Academy Of Music, New York, 1971 / Remastered 2001
Don't Ya Tell Henry - Live At The Academy Of Music, New York, 1971 / Remastered 2001
151,318 4:39 1972-01-01
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - Live at the Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI - July 1965
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - Live at the Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI - July 1965
149,925 3:32 2018-07-18
I'll Be Your Baby Tonight - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight, 1969
I'll Be Your Baby Tonight - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight, 1969
149,775 3:32 2013-08-27
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
148,260 4:16 2023-11-17
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) - Live at ABC Theatre, Belfast, Ireland - May 1966
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) - Live at ABC Theatre, Belfast, Ireland - May 1966
144,661 5:19 2013-11-04
Baby Please Don't Go
Baby Please Don't Go
143,421 4:19 2013-07-15
Baby Please Don’t Go
Baby Please Don’t Go
143,421 4:15 2022-02-08
Baby, Please Don't Go
Baby, Please Don't Go
143,421 4:16 2013-06-15
I Shall be Released - Take 2
I Shall be Released - Take 2
138,910 3:58 1967-12-28
Girl from the North Country - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Girl from the North Country - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
137,551 5:03 2023-11-17
Baby Let Me Follow You Down - Live at the Capitol Theatre, Cardiff, UK - May 1966
Baby Let Me Follow You Down - Live at the Capitol Theatre, Cardiff, UK - May 1966
136,311 3:38 2018-07-18
Clean Cut Kid - Empire Burlesque Alternate Take
Clean Cut Kid - Empire Burlesque Alternate Take
134,041 4:42 2021-09-17
Adiós, Angelina
Adiós, Angelina
133,729 2:26 2002-03-18
New Morning - With Horn Section Overdubs, New Morning
New Morning - With Horn Section Overdubs, New Morning
133,568 4:04 2013-08-27
Positively 4th Street - Take 5, Alternate Take
Positively 4th Street - Take 5, Alternate Take
132,413 4:23 1965-01-01
Pretty Boy Floyd
Pretty Boy Floyd
132,005 4:24 1988-08-30
Love Sick - Version 1
Love Sick - Version 1
131,100 5:13 2023-01-26
Don’t Ya Tell Henry - Live At The Academy Of Music / 1971
Don’t Ya Tell Henry - Live At The Academy Of Music / 1971
130,216 3:55 2013-01-01
Honey, Just Allow Me One More Chance - Live at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA - May 1963
Honey, Just Allow Me One More Chance - Live at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA - May 1963
130,058 1:58 1963-05-10
Can't Wait - Version 1
Can't Wait - Version 1
130,055 4:52 2023-01-26
See That My Grave Is Kept Clean
See That My Grave Is Kept Clean
129,784 3:40 2013-06-15
Masters of War - Live at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA - May 1963
Masters of War - Live at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA - May 1963
128,633 6:28 1963-05-10
Copper Kettle - Without Overdubs, Self Portrait
Copper Kettle - Without Overdubs, Self Portrait
126,024 3:36 2013-08-27
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) - Live at the Capitol Theatre, Cardiff, UK - May 1966
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) - Live at the Capitol Theatre, Cardiff, UK - May 1966
125,353 5:52 2018-07-18
Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues - Live at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA - May 1963
Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues - Live at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA - May 1963
124,680 4:40 1963-05-10
Every Grain of Sand - Rehearsal
Every Grain of Sand - Rehearsal
123,445 4:49 2017-11-03
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
121,386 4:45 2023-11-17
Dirt Road Blues - Version 1
Dirt Road Blues - Version 1
120,336 5:29 2023-01-26
I Believe In You - Live at the Stanley Theatre, Pittsburgh, PA - May 16, 1980
I Believe In You - Live at the Stanley Theatre, Pittsburgh, PA - May 16, 1980
119,253 4:51 2017-11-03
Days of '49 - Without Overdubs, Self Portrait
Days of '49 - Without Overdubs, Self Portrait
118,190 5:14 2013-08-27
Standing in the Doorway - Version 2
Standing in the Doorway - Version 2
118,037 7:07 2023-01-26
Sign On the Window - With Orchestral Overdubs, New Morning
Sign On the Window - With Orchestral Overdubs, New Morning
116,511 3:52 2013-08-27
Mr. Blue
Mr. Blue
114,853 1:52 1967-12-28
Pretty Peggy-O (Live Version)
Pretty Peggy-O (Live Version)
114,289 6:01 2013-06-15
All the Tired Horses - Without Overdubs, Self Portrait
All the Tired Horses - Without Overdubs, Self Portrait
113,581 1:15 2013-08-27
Dixie - Live
Dixie - Live
112,997 2:13 1981-01-01
These Hands - Unreleased, Self Portrait
These Hands - Unreleased, Self Portrait
112,275 3:43 2013-08-27
Johnny Todd
Johnny Todd
112,040 2:05 1967-12-28
Things Have Changed - Live, 2000
Things Have Changed - Live, 2000
111,750 5:20 2008-10-07
Edge of the Ocean
Edge of the Ocean
111,695 2:21 1967-12-28
Mississippi - Unreleased version #3, Time Out Of Mind
Mississippi - Unreleased version #3, Time Out Of Mind
111,394 6:18 2008-10-07
Like a Rolling Stone - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Like a Rolling Stone - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
111,278 6:34 2023-11-17
If Not for You
If Not for You
109,663 2:34 2015-06-15
Ballad of Hollis Brown - Live at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA - May 1963
Ballad of Hollis Brown - Live at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA - May 1963
109,429 7:11 1963-05-10
To Ramona - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
To Ramona - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
109,419 4:40 2023-11-17
I Don't Hurt Anymore
I Don't Hurt Anymore
108,538 2:15 1967-12-28
Death of Emmet Till
Death of Emmet Till
106,813 4:41 2022-02-09
Mississippi - Version 1
Mississippi - Version 1
106,791 6:03 2023-01-27
Maggie's Farm - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Maggie's Farm - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
106,558 5:05 2023-11-17
Cold Irons Bound - Live, 2004
Cold Irons Bound - Live, 2004
106,288 5:45 2008-10-07
Gonna Change My Way of Thinking
Gonna Change My Way of Thinking
105,681 5:17 2003-04-01
Like A Rolling Stone - Live At The Academy Of Music / 1971 / Soundboard Mix
Like A Rolling Stone - Live At The Academy Of Music / 1971 / Soundboard Mix
102,953 5:41 2013-01-01
Open the Door Homer - Take 1
Open the Door Homer - Take 1
102,374 2:53 1967-12-28
That's Alright Mama
That's Alright Mama
102,174 3:17 2022-02-08
Cold Irons Bound - Live
Cold Irons Bound - Live
101,986 5:44 1981-01-01
Cold Irons Bound
Cold Irons Bound
101,433 6:08 2023-01-26
Going to New Orleans
Going to New Orleans
100,200 3:07 2022-02-10
Quinn the Eskimo - Take 2
Quinn the Eskimo - Take 2
100,123 2:16 1967-12-28
99,904 14:06 2023-01-26
Man Gave Names to All the Animals - Live at Paramount Theatre, Portland, OR - January 16, 1980
Man Gave Names to All the Animals - Live at Paramount Theatre, Portland, OR - January 16, 1980
99,792 5:45 2017-11-03
Country Pie - Alternate Version, Nashville Skyline
Country Pie - Alternate Version, Nashville Skyline
99,632 1:27 2013-08-27
Fordi jeg elsker deg (Make You Feel My Love)
Fordi jeg elsker deg (Make You Feel My Love)
99,111 3:00 2018-06-27
House Carpenter - Unreleased, Self Portrait
House Carpenter - Unreleased, Self Portrait
98,957 5:59 2013-08-27
Wagon Wheel (Arr. K. Blench for String Quartet)
Wagon Wheel (Arr. K. Blench for String Quartet)
98,730 3:60 2018-04-13
I Shall Be Released - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
I Shall Be Released - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
98,667 4:29 2023-11-17
Mixed-up Confusion
Mixed-up Confusion
98,342 2:21 2022-02-10
Mixed Up Confusion
Mixed Up Confusion
98,342 2:20 2024-04-11
If Dogs Run Free - Alternate Version, New Morning
If Dogs Run Free - Alternate Version, New Morning
98,022 4:11 2013-08-27
Most of the Time - Alternate Version #2, Oh Mercy
Most of the Time - Alternate Version #2, Oh Mercy
98,009 4:43 2008-10-07
When He Returns - Live at Kiva Auditorium, Albuquerque, NM - December 5, 1979
When He Returns - Live at Kiva Auditorium, Albuquerque, NM - December 5, 1979
97,910 5:00 2017-11-03
You Win Again
You Win Again
96,895 2:43 1967-12-28
Red River Shore - Unreleased version #2, Time Out Of Mind
Red River Shore - Unreleased version #2, Time Out Of Mind
96,197 7:04 2008-10-07
If You Gotta Go, Go Now - Take 2, Alternate Take
If You Gotta Go, Go Now - Take 2, Alternate Take
95,067 2:49 1965-01-01
Mr. Tambourine Man - Take 3 with Band, Incomplete
Mr. Tambourine Man - Take 3 with Band, Incomplete
92,951 3:23 1965-01-01
Is Your Love in Vain? - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Is Your Love in Vain? - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
92,847 5:01 2023-11-17
Covenant Woman - Live at the Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica, CA - November 20, 1979
Covenant Woman - Live at the Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica, CA - November 20, 1979
91,507 5:51 2017-11-03
Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Arr. for Guitar)
Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Arr. for Guitar)
91,465 2:35 2019-12-22
John Brown
John Brown
90,892 4:20 2013-07-14
Tryin' to Get to Heaven - Live, 2000
Tryin' to Get to Heaven - Live, 2000
90,146 5:08 2008-10-07
Went to See the Gypsy - Alternate Version, New Morning
Went to See the Gypsy - Alternate Version, New Morning
89,745 3:34 2013-08-27
One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
87,838 4:32 2023-11-17
Every Grain of Sand - Live at Civic Center Theatre, Lakeland, FL - November 21, 1981
Every Grain of Sand - Live at Civic Center Theatre, Lakeland, FL - November 21, 1981
87,721 3:42 2017-11-03
Tell Ol' Bill
Tell Ol' Bill
87,687 5:07 2005-10-11
You Ain't Goin' Nowhere - Take 2
You Ain't Goin' Nowhere - Take 2
87,408 2:46 1967-12-28
Highway 61 Revisited - Demo - 1999
Highway 61 Revisited - Demo - 1999
86,321 5:10 2005-11-22
Bob Dylan's Dream - Live at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA - May 1963
Bob Dylan's Dream - Live at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA - May 1963
86,166 5:57 1963-05-10
Sitting On a Barbed Wire Fence - Take 2
Sitting On a Barbed Wire Fence - Take 2
85,523 3:58 1965-01-01
Can't Wait - Alternate Version #2, Time Out Of Mind
Can't Wait - Alternate Version #2, Time Out Of Mind
85,335 7:26 2008-10-07
'Til I Fell in Love with You - Version 1
'Til I Fell in Love with You - Version 1
85,040 2:57 2023-01-27
Desolation Row - Take 1, Alternate Take
Desolation Row - Take 1, Alternate Take
84,768 11:16 1965-01-01
Wild Mountain Time - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
Wild Mountain Time - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
83,434 2:52 2013-08-27
Do Re Mi
Do Re Mi
82,944 2:56 2009-01-01
Tryin' to Get to Heaven - Version 1
Tryin' to Get to Heaven - Version 1
82,737 6:56 2023-01-27
Caribbean Wind - Live at the Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA - November 12, 1979
Caribbean Wind - Live at the Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA - November 12, 1979
82,265 5:23 2017-11-03
Talkin' World War III Blues - Live at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA - May 1963
Talkin' World War III Blues - Live at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA - May 1963
81,917 6:24 1963-05-10
Roll on Train
Roll on Train
81,239 2:00 1967-12-28
Tryin' to Get to Heaven - Version 2
Tryin' to Get to Heaven - Version 2
81,087 5:07 2023-01-26
Tears of Rage - Take 3
Tears of Rage - Take 3
79,929 4:15 1967-12-28
Blowin' in the Wind - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Blowin' in the Wind - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
79,645 4:32 2023-11-17
I Pity The Poor Immigrant
I Pity The Poor Immigrant
79,640 4:27 2009-10-13
What Can I Do for You? - Live at Golden Hall, San Diego, CA - November 27, 1979
What Can I Do for You? - Live at Golden Hall, San Diego, CA - November 27, 1979
79,608 5:53 2017-11-03
Born In Time - Unreleased version #2, Oh Mercy
Born In Time - Unreleased version #2, Oh Mercy
79,458 4:10 2008-10-07
Poor Lazarus
Poor Lazarus
79,390 4:26 2013-06-15
Hard Time in New York Town
Hard Time in New York Town
79,384 2:20 2013-06-15
Time Passes Slowly #2 - Alternate Version, New Morning
Time Passes Slowly #2 - Alternate Version, New Morning
79,354 3:03 2013-08-27
I Forgot to Remember to Forget
I Forgot to Remember to Forget
78,834 3:19 1967-12-28
My Bucket's Got a Hole in It
My Bucket's Got a Hole in It
78,514 1:35 1967-12-28
Outlaw Blues - Take 2, Alternate Take
Outlaw Blues - Take 2, Alternate Take
78,271 3:29 1965-01-01
This Wheel's on Fire
This Wheel's on Fire
77,839 3:54 1967-12-28
77,777 2:18 2013-06-15
Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues - Live at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA - May 1963
Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues - Live at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA - May 1963
77,271 5:44 1963-05-10
When I Paint My Masterpiece - Live At The Academy Of Music / 1971 / Soundboard Mix
When I Paint My Masterpiece - Live At The Academy Of Music / 1971 / Soundboard Mix
76,689 4:15 2013-01-01
Just Like a Woman - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Just Like a Woman - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
76,598 5:02 2023-11-17
Marchin' to the City - Unreleased version #2, Time Out of Mind
Marchin' to the City - Unreleased version #2, Time Out of Mind
75,949 3:41 2008-10-07
California - Take 1, Solo Acoustic
California - Take 1, Solo Acoustic
75,892 3:04 1965-01-01
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 11, Alternate Take
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 11, Alternate Take
75,018 5:56 1965-01-01
Waitin' For You
Waitin' For You
74,802 3:37 2002-01-01
Crash on the Levee - Take 2
Crash on the Levee - Take 2
74,755 2:06 1967-12-28
Medicine Sunday - Take 1
Medicine Sunday - Take 1
74,616 1:00 1965-01-01
Do Right to Me Baby (Do Unto Others) - Live at the Uptown Theatre, Kansas City, MO - January 28, 1980
Do Right to Me Baby (Do Unto Others) - Live at the Uptown Theatre, Kansas City, MO - January 28, 1980
74,603 5:08 2017-11-03
Man of Constant Sorrow
Man of Constant Sorrow
73,656 3:34 2013-06-15
Saved - Live at the Paramount Theatre, Portland, OR - January 12, 1980
Saved - Live at the Paramount Theatre, Portland, OR - January 12, 1980
73,580 4:48 2017-11-03
'Til I Fell in Love with You - Version 2
'Til I Fell in Love with You - Version 2
73,360 3:54 2023-01-27
Goin' to Acapulco
Goin' to Acapulco
73,206 5:37 1967-12-28
Simple Twist of Fate - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Simple Twist of Fate - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
72,147 4:16 2023-11-17
All Along the Watchtower - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
All Along the Watchtower - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
71,024 4:13 2023-11-17
Not Dark Yet - Version 2
Not Dark Yet - Version 2
70,692 5:30 2023-01-27
Candy Man
Candy Man
70,566 3:09 2013-06-15
I'm Alright
I'm Alright
70,427 1:46 1967-12-28
Diamond Joe - Live
Diamond Joe - Live
70,383 2:33 1981-01-01
Tiny Montgomery
Tiny Montgomery
70,120 2:57 1967-12-28
In the Summertime - Live at the Orpheum Theatre, Boston, MA - October 21, 1981
In the Summertime - Live at the Orpheum Theatre, Boston, MA - October 21, 1981
70,053 3:15 2017-11-03
Pressing On - Live at the Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA - November 6, 1979
Pressing On - Live at the Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA - November 6, 1979
69,506 6:52 2017-11-03
Down in the Flood - Live At The Academy Of Music / 1971 / Soundboard Mix
Down in the Flood - Live At The Academy Of Music / 1971 / Soundboard Mix
68,759 5:43 2013-01-01
You Don't Have to Do That - Take 1, Solo Acoustic
You Don't Have to Do That - Take 1, Solo Acoustic
68,647 0:49 1965-01-01
Red River Shore - Version 2
Red River Shore - Version 2
68,448 7:35 2023-01-27
Oh, Sister - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Oh, Sister - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
68,363 4:40 2023-11-17
Gotta Serve Somebody - Live at Earls Court, London, UK - June 27, 1981
Gotta Serve Somebody - Live at Earls Court, London, UK - June 27, 1981
67,286 3:57 2017-11-03
One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) - Take 19, Alternate Take
One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) - Take 19, Alternate Take
66,989 5:10 1965-01-01
George Jackson - Big Band Version
George Jackson - Big Band Version
66,557 5:34 2013-11-04
Please Mrs. Henry
Please Mrs. Henry
66,511 2:34 1967-12-28
On the Road Again - Take 4, Alternate Take
On the Road Again - Take 4, Alternate Take
66,366 2:31 1965-01-01
You're a Big Girl Now - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
You're a Big Girl Now - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
66,306 5:33 2023-11-17
In the Garden - Live at the Uptown Theatre, Kansas City, MO - January 27, 1980
In the Garden - Live at the Uptown Theatre, Kansas City, MO - January 27, 1980
66,228 6:33 2017-11-03
Sign on the Cross
Sign on the Cross
65,744 7:21 1967-12-28
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
65,693 5:12 2023-11-17
Bells of Rhymney
Bells of Rhymney
65,575 3:16 1967-12-28
Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? - Take 17
Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? - Take 17
65,539 3:59 1965-01-01
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Take 1, Breakdown
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Take 1, Breakdown
65,136 1:33 1965-01-01
Blowin' in the Wind
Blowin' in the Wind
64,841 6:36 1967-12-28
Ain't No Man Righteous, No Not One - Live at the Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA - November 16, 1979
Ain't No Man Righteous, No Not One - Live at the Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA - November 16, 1979
64,652 4:35 2017-11-03
Tomorrow Is a Long Time - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Tomorrow Is a Long Time - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
64,332 4:24 2023-11-17
In the Pines (Live Version)
In the Pines (Live Version)
63,982 6:05 2013-06-15
Can't Wait - Version 2
Can't Wait - Version 2
63,751 6:01 2023-01-27
63,397 3:22 1967-12-28
Ring Them Bells - Alternate Version, Oh Mercy
Ring Them Bells - Alternate Version, Oh Mercy
63,217 3:09 2008-10-07
Waltzing with Sin
Waltzing with Sin
63,126 2:49 1967-12-28
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
63,109 5:08 2023-11-17
Spanish is the Loving Tongue
Spanish is the Loving Tongue
62,972 3:53 1967-12-28
Gospel Plow (Live Version)
Gospel Plow (Live Version)
62,768 4:45 2013-06-15
Get Your Rocks Off
Get Your Rocks Off
62,037 3:46 1967-12-28
He Was a Friend of Mine
He Was a Friend of Mine
61,793 4:39 2013-07-15
Don’t Ya Tell Henry - Live At The Academy Of Music / 1971 / Soundboard Mix
Don’t Ya Tell Henry - Live At The Academy Of Music / 1971 / Soundboard Mix
61,443 4:11 2013-01-01
Duncan and Brady - Unreleased, 1992
Duncan and Brady - Unreleased, 1992
60,771 3:47 2008-10-07
Band Of The Hand
Band Of The Hand
60,748 4:35 1986-01-01
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - Take 1
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - Take 1
60,454 3:33 1965-01-01
Like a Rolling Stone - Instrumental
Like a Rolling Stone - Instrumental
60,255 6:35 2014-02-03
Dirt Road Blues - Version 2
Dirt Road Blues - Version 2
60,254 4:18 2023-01-27
Vomit Express
Vomit Express
59,949 6:37 1983-02-14
Down In the Flood - Live
Down In the Flood - Live
59,851 3:36 1981-01-01
Tombstone Blues - Take 1, Alternate Take
Tombstone Blues - Take 1, Alternate Take
59,765 7:29 1965-01-01
One for the Road
One for the Road
59,259 4:50 1967-12-28
Just Like a Woman - Take 4, Alternate Take
Just Like a Woman - Take 4, Alternate Take
59,116 5:18 1965-01-01
Mr. Tambourine Man (Arr. for Guitar)
Mr. Tambourine Man (Arr. for Guitar)
59,018 3:59 2020-11-15
MR. Tambourine Man (Arr. for Guitar)
MR. Tambourine Man (Arr. for Guitar)
59,018 3:59 2019-12-22
Shot of Love - Live at Palace des Sports, Avignon, France - July 25, 1981
Shot of Love - Live at Palace des Sports, Avignon, France - July 25, 1981
58,373 4:45 2017-11-03
Blessed Is the Name - Live at the Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica, CA - November 20, 1979
Blessed Is the Name - Live at the Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica, CA - November 20, 1979
58,167 4:18 2017-11-03
Lunatic Princess - Take 1
Lunatic Princess - Take 1
57,938 1:19 1965-01-01
Marchin' to the City
Marchin' to the City
57,843 4:33 2023-01-27
All I Really Want to Do - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
All I Really Want to Do - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
57,839 3:57 2023-11-17
Ol' Roison the Beau
Ol' Roison the Beau
57,778 4:55 1967-12-28
Big River - Take 2
Big River - Take 2
57,772 2:23 1967-12-28
Standing in the Doorway - Version 2
Standing in the Doorway - Version 2
57,047 7:23 2023-01-27
The Auld Triangle
The Auld Triangle
56,673 5:47 1967-12-28
Saving Grace - Live at the Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA - November 6, 1979
Saving Grace - Live at the Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA - November 6, 1979
56,601 4:25 2017-11-03
Baby, Won't You be My Baby
Baby, Won't You be My Baby
56,564 2:53 1967-12-28
55,929 2:49 2020-04-22
Watered-Down Love - Live at Pine Knob Music Theatre, Clarkston, MI - June 12, 1981
Watered-Down Love - Live at Pine Knob Music Theatre, Clarkston, MI - June 12, 1981
55,889 4:44 2017-11-03
Mary and the Soldier - Unreleased, World Gone Wrong
Mary and the Soldier - Unreleased, World Gone Wrong
55,833 4:12 2008-10-07
Still in Town
Still in Town
55,461 3:04 1967-12-28
Baby Let Me Follow You Down
Baby Let Me Follow You Down
55,082 2:58 2022-02-09
Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
55,082 2:60 2013-06-15
Minstrel Boy
Minstrel Boy
54,253 1:40 1967-12-28
Silent Weekend
Silent Weekend
54,184 3:01 1967-12-28
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
53,817 6:34 2023-11-17
Solid Rock - Live at the Spectrum, Philadelphia, PA - October 23, 1981
Solid Rock - Live at the Spectrum, Philadelphia, PA - October 23, 1981
53,787 4:20 2017-11-03
I Threw It All Away - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
I Threw It All Away - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
53,458 3:07 2013-08-27
Forever Young - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Forever Young - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
53,077 7:18 2023-11-17
Solid Rock
Solid Rock
52,872 3:54 2012-09-07
Lay Lady Lay - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
Lay Lady Lay - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
52,466 3:55 2013-08-27
She Belongs to Me - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
She Belongs to Me - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
52,293 3:02 2013-08-27
Are You Ready? - Live at Kleinhans Music Hall, Buffalo, NY - April 30, 1980
Are You Ready? - Live at Kleinhans Music Hall, Buffalo, NY - April 30, 1980
52,255 6:18 2017-11-03
Clothes Line Saga
Clothes Line Saga
52,192 2:59 1967-12-28
You're No Good
You're No Good
52,106 1:34 2024-04-11
To Ramona - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
To Ramona - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
51,974 2:26 2013-08-27
Four Strong Winds
Four Strong Winds
51,919 3:42 1967-12-28
1913 Massacre (Live Version)
1913 Massacre (Live Version)
51,595 6:18 2013-06-15
Dead Man, Dead Man - Live at Stade Municipal des Minimes, Toulouse, France - June 21, 1981
Dead Man, Dead Man - Live at Stade Municipal des Minimes, Toulouse, France - June 21, 1981
51,387 4:22 2017-11-03
I and I - Reggae Remix by Doctor Dread
I and I - Reggae Remix by Doctor Dread
51,224 5:35 2021-06-12
Yea! Heavy and a Bottle of Bread - Take 2
Yea! Heavy and a Bottle of Bread - Take 2
50,863 2:16 1967-12-28
Positively 4th Street - Take 4, Complete
Positively 4th Street - Take 4, Complete
50,677 4:22 1965-01-01
Love Sick - Live in Birmingham, England - June 24, 1998
Love Sick - Live in Birmingham, England - June 24, 1998
50,490 5:09 2023-01-27
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Take 3 Remake, Complete
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Take 3 Remake, Complete
49,853 3:41 1965-01-01
Big River - Take 1
Big River - Take 1
49,330 0:43 1967-12-28
Train Of Love
Train Of Love
49,205 3:24 2002-09-24
Not Dark Yet - Live in Sheffield, England - September 22, 2000
Not Dark Yet - Live in Sheffield, England - September 22, 2000
49,159 6:15 2023-01-27
It Ain't Me, Babe - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
It Ain't Me, Babe - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
48,560 3:09 2013-08-27
Apple Suckling Tree - Take 2
Apple Suckling Tree - Take 2
48,479 2:50 1967-12-28
Blowin' in the Wind - Live
Blowin' in the Wind - Live
48,164 2:40 2013-05-06
Talkin' New York
Talkin' New York
47,994 3:13 2024-04-11
Band Introductions - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
Band Introductions - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
47,491 2:41 2023-11-17
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Take 1 Remake, Complete
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Take 1 Remake, Complete
46,281 2:42 1965-01-01
Corrina, Corrina
Corrina, Corrina
46,025 3:05 2022-02-10
Can't Wait - Live in Nashville, Tennessee - February 6, 1999
Can't Wait - Live in Nashville, Tennessee - February 6, 1999
45,988 6:31 2023-01-27
Standing in the Doorway - Live in London, England - October 6, 2000
Standing in the Doorway - Live in London, England - October 6, 2000
45,705 8:17 2023-01-27
Rock, Salt and Nails
Rock, Salt and Nails
45,398 4:37 1967-12-28
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
45,373 3:09 2013-08-27
People Get Ready
People Get Ready
45,187 3:15 1967-12-28
Sally Girl
Sally Girl
44,968 1:35 2013-06-15
Sally That Girl
Sally That Girl
44,968 1:39 2013-07-15
Intro - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
Intro - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
44,962 0:40 2013-08-27
'Til I Fell in Love with You - Version 3
'Til I Fell in Love with You - Version 3
44,720 6:10 2023-01-27
Maggie's Farm - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
Maggie's Farm - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
44,601 4:01 2013-08-27
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - February 28, 1978
44,437 5:02 2023-11-17
(Quinn the Eskimo) The Mighty Quinn - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
(Quinn the Eskimo) The Mighty Quinn - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
44,404 2:50 2013-08-27
I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
44,343 3:32 2013-08-27
Sally Gal
Sally Gal
43,695 2:20 2022-02-10
Forever Young - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
Forever Young - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
43,629 7:50 2023-11-17
Like a Rolling Stone - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
Like a Rolling Stone - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
43,425 5:25 2013-08-27
Bob Dylan's 115th Dream - Take 2, Complete
Bob Dylan's 115th Dream - Take 2, Complete
43,325 5:49 1965-01-01
Highway 51 Blues
Highway 51 Blues
42,945 2:43 2024-04-11
Goin’ to San Diego
Goin’ to San Diego
42,888 4:16 1983-02-14
Make You Feel My Love - Arr. for Vocal Ensemble by Alexander L’Estrange
Make You Feel My Love - Arr. for Vocal Ensemble by Alexander L’Estrange
42,661 3:43 2022-07-08
I Ain't Got No Home
I Ain't Got No Home
42,431 2:11 2013-07-15
I Ain't Got No Town
I Ain't Got No Town
42,431 2:06 2013-06-15
Make You Feel My Love - Live in Los Angeles, California - May 21, 1998
Make You Feel My Love - Live in Los Angeles, California - May 21, 1998
42,131 4:08 2023-01-27
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
41,843 4:05 2023-11-17
Riding in My Car
Riding in My Car
41,841 2:33 2013-07-15
Ring Them Bells
Ring Them Bells
40,612 3:04 2011-01-21
Knockin' On Heaven's Door - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
Knockin' On Heaven's Door - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
40,491 4:10 2023-11-17
One Too Many Mornings - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
One Too Many Mornings - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
40,282 2:39 2013-08-27
Love Her With A Feeling - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
Love Her With A Feeling - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
40,116 2:53 2023-11-17
Ballad of Hollis Brown
Ballad of Hollis Brown
39,965 5:02 2022-02-10
Subterranean Homesick Blues - Take 1
Subterranean Homesick Blues - Take 1
39,890 3:06 1965-01-01
Blackwater Blues (Live Version)
Blackwater Blues (Live Version)
39,810 6:33 2013-06-15
I'm a Fool for You - Take 2
I'm a Fool for You - Take 2
39,760 2:34 1967-12-28
Mississippi - Live in Washington, D.C. - November 15, 2001
Mississippi - Live in Washington, D.C. - November 15, 2001
39,526 5:43 2023-01-27
I'm a Fool for You - Take 1
I'm a Fool for You - Take 1
39,429 1:06 1967-12-28
He Was a Friend of Mine
He Was a Friend of Mine
39,120 4:01 2022-02-10
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
39,094 5:04 2023-11-17
Cool Water
Cool Water
38,933 3:04 1967-12-28
Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands - Take 1, Complete
Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands - Take 1, Complete
38,893 10:07 1965-01-01
Highway 61 Revisited - Take 7, False Start
Highway 61 Revisited - Take 7, False Start
38,861 0:33 1965-01-01
Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? - Take 1, Alternate Take
Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? - Take 1, Alternate Take
38,842 4:37 1965-01-01
Cold Irons Bound - Live in Oslo, Norway - May 19, 2000
Cold Irons Bound - Live in Oslo, Norway - May 19, 2000
38,769 6:29 2023-01-27
I'm Guilty of Loving You
I'm Guilty of Loving You
38,310 1:09 1967-12-28
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
38,305 4:05 2023-11-17
I Threw It All Away - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
I Threw It All Away - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
38,167 5:17 2023-11-17
See That My Grave Is Kept Clean
See That My Grave Is Kept Clean
38,088 2:36 2024-04-11
Tryin' to Get to Heaven - Live in Birmingham, England - September 20, 2000
Tryin' to Get to Heaven - Live in Birmingham, England - September 20, 2000
37,927 5:43 2023-01-27
A Fool Such As I
A Fool Such As I
37,748 2:57 1967-12-28
I Ain't Got No Home - Recorded Live
I Ain't Got No Home - Recorded Live
37,611 3:40 1972-01-01
Million Miles - Live in Atlantic City, New Jersey - January 31, 1998
Million Miles - Live in Atlantic City, New Jersey - January 31, 1998
37,360 5:47 2023-01-27
She Belongs to Me - Take 2 Remake, Complete
She Belongs to Me - Take 2 Remake, Complete
37,264 3:19 1965-01-01
Highlands - Live in Newcastle, Australia - March 24, 2001
Highlands - Live in Newcastle, Australia - March 24, 2001
37,197 10:10 2023-01-27
Let Me Die in My Footsteps
Let Me Die in My Footsteps
37,024 3:31 2022-02-09
Like a Rolling Stone - Takes 9-10 Remake, False Starts
Like a Rolling Stone - Takes 9-10 Remake, False Starts
37,013 0:33 1965-01-01
Po' Lazarus
Po' Lazarus
36,951 0:60 1967-12-28
Shelter from the Storm - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
Shelter from the Storm - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
36,859 4:52 2023-11-17
Under Control
Under Control
36,800 2:50 1967-12-28
It's Hard to Be Blind
It's Hard to Be Blind
36,121 2:57 2013-06-15
If You Gotta Go, Go Now - Take 1, Complete
If You Gotta Go, Go Now - Take 1, Complete
36,056 2:53 1965-01-01
'Til I Fell in Love with You - Live in Buenos Aires, Argentina - April 5, 1998
'Til I Fell in Love with You - Live in Buenos Aires, Argentina - April 5, 1998
35,891 5:26 2023-01-27
Girl from the North Country - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
Girl from the North Country - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
35,891 4:18 2023-11-17
One More Cup Of Coffee (Valley Below) - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
One More Cup Of Coffee (Valley Below) - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
35,747 3:29 2023-11-17
Kickin' My Dog Around
Kickin' My Dog Around
35,704 2:43 1967-12-28
Jokerman - Instrumental Dub by Doctor Dread
Jokerman - Instrumental Dub by Doctor Dread
35,462 6:20 2021-06-12
House Carpenter
House Carpenter
35,346 4:07 2022-02-09
Fixin' to Die (Live Version)
Fixin' to Die (Live Version)
35,176 4:44 2013-06-15
Song to Woody (Live Version)
Song to Woody (Live Version)
34,805 4:14 2013-06-15
I Pity the Poor Immigrant - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
I Pity the Poor Immigrant - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
34,727 3:48 2013-08-27
In the Evening
In the Evening
34,474 3:59 2013-06-15
Naomi Wise
Naomi Wise
33,803 3:04 2013-06-15
Trouble In Mind - Take 1
Trouble In Mind - Take 1
33,780 4:50 2017-11-03
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
33,478 3:17 2013-08-27
Long John
Long John
33,365 6:22 2013-06-15
Joshua Gone Barbados
Joshua Gone Barbados
33,326 2:46 1967-12-28
Tombstone Blues - Alternate Chambers Brothers Version
Tombstone Blues - Alternate Chambers Brothers Version
32,955 5:58 2014-02-03
Like a Rolling Stone - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
Like a Rolling Stone - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
32,950 6:51 2023-11-17
Milk Cow's Calf's Blues
Milk Cow's Calf's Blues
32,898 2:43 2022-02-10
Gospel Plow (Hold On)
Gospel Plow (Hold On)
32,744 1:31 2013-06-15
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Take 1, False Start
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Take 1, False Start
32,471 1:09 1965-01-01
32,437 2:22 1967-12-28
32,398 2:16 2013-06-15
Baby I'm in the Mood for You
Baby I'm in the Mood for You
32,388 2:43 2022-02-10
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
32,176 4:49 2023-11-17
Can't Wait - Live in Oslo, Norway - May 19, 2000
Can't Wait - Live in Oslo, Norway - May 19, 2000
31,939 4:50 2023-01-27
(I Heard That) Lonesome Whistle
(I Heard That) Lonesome Whistle
31,902 2:02 2022-02-08
It Ain't Me, Babe
It Ain't Me, Babe
31,496 3:32 1967-12-28
She Belongs to Me - Take 1 Remake, Complete
She Belongs to Me - Take 1 Remake, Complete
31,332 2:48 1965-01-01
The French Girl - Take 2
The French Girl - Take 2
31,275 3:00 1967-12-28
Song for Canada
Song for Canada
30,938 4:31 1967-12-28
See You Later Allen Ginsberg - Take 2
See You Later Allen Ginsberg - Take 2
30,622 0:51 1967-12-28
Desolation Row - Take 5 Remake, Complete
Desolation Row - Take 5 Remake, Complete
30,597 10:50 1965-01-01
Playboys And Playgirls
Playboys And Playgirls
30,580 3:22 1998-01-01
Freight Train Blues
Freight Train Blues
30,531 2:12 2024-04-11
One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
30,371 4:44 2023-11-17
Positively 4th Street - Takes 1-3, False Starts
Positively 4th Street - Takes 1-3, False Starts
30,350 0:56 1965-01-01
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
30,225 6:39 2023-11-17
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 4 Remake
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 4 Remake
30,143 6:27 1965-01-01
Outlaw Blues - Take 1, Complete
Outlaw Blues - Take 1, Complete
29,464 2:15 1965-01-01
Man on the Street
Man on the Street
29,399 1:54 2022-02-10
Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues (Live Version)
Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues (Live Version)
29,327 4:37 2013-06-15
Minstrel Boy - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
Minstrel Boy - Live with The Band, Isle Of Wight - Remixed and Remastered 2013
29,259 3:48 2013-08-27
Mr. Tambourine Man - Takes 1-2, False Starts
Mr. Tambourine Man - Takes 1-2, False Starts
29,180 1:50 1965-01-01
I Shall Be Released - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
I Shall Be Released - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
29,084 4:23 2023-11-17
On the Road Again - Take 1, Complete
On the Road Again - Take 1, Complete
28,900 3:20 1965-01-01
Maggie's Farm - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
Maggie's Farm - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
28,873 5:31 2023-11-17
The Grand Coulee Dam - Recorded Live
The Grand Coulee Dam - Recorded Live
28,772 3:06 1972-01-01
Gotta Serve Somebody - Take 1
Gotta Serve Somebody - Take 1
28,545 5:40 2017-11-03
She's Your Lover Now - Take 16, Complete
She's Your Lover Now - Take 16, Complete
28,293 8:25 1965-01-01
Quinn the Eskimo - Take 1
Quinn the Eskimo - Take 1
28,284 2:03 1967-12-28
Is Your Love in Vain? - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
Is Your Love in Vain? - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
28,144 4:15 2023-11-17
Let Me Die in My Footsteps
Let Me Die in My Footsteps
28,011 3:43 2013-07-14
Make You Feel My Love
Make You Feel My Love
27,837 4:16 2019-01-25
The French Girl - Take 1
The French Girl - Take 1
27,708 2:12 1967-12-28
I Wanna Be Your Lover - Take 6, Complete
I Wanna Be Your Lover - Take 6, Complete
27,509 3:29 1965-01-01
Fourth Time Around - Take 11, Complete
Fourth Time Around - Take 11, Complete
27,442 4:25 1965-01-01
Talking New York (Live Version)
Talking New York (Live Version)
27,421 3:41 2013-06-15
Wildwood Flower
Wildwood Flower
27,312 2:11 1967-12-28
Like a Rolling Stone - Live in London
Like a Rolling Stone - Live in London
27,265 6:25 2017-11-03
Bob Dylan Medley
Bob Dylan Medley
27,011 7:18 1997-01-01
Black Cross (Live Version)
Black Cross (Live Version)
26,942 6:00 2013-06-15
Blowin' in the Wind - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
Blowin' in the Wind - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
26,940 4:36 2023-11-17
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
26,860 4:23 2023-11-17
Million Dollar Bash - Take 2
Million Dollar Bash - Take 2
26,687 2:35 1967-12-28
My Blue Eyed Jane
My Blue Eyed Jane
26,677 3:15 1997-01-01
Slow Train - Soundcheck
Slow Train - Soundcheck
26,533 3:03 2017-11-03
Like a Rolling Stone - Takes 1-3, Rehearsal
Like a Rolling Stone - Takes 1-3, Rehearsal
26,531 5:49 1965-01-01
I Was Young When I Left Home
I Was Young When I Left Home
26,457 5:47 2013-06-15
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - Take 1, Complete (6/15/65)
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - Take 1, Complete (6/15/65)
26,181 2:39 1965-01-01
All Along the Watchtower - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
All Along the Watchtower - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
26,079 3:27 2023-11-17
If I Were a Carpenter
If I Were a Carpenter
25,990 2:23 1967-12-28
Going, Going, Gone - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
Going, Going, Gone - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
25,891 4:05 2023-11-17
I Believe In You
I Believe In You
25,803 5:57 1998-10-01
I'll Fly Away (with Bob Dylan)
I'll Fly Away (with Bob Dylan)
25,757 2:48 1994-01-01
Baby Ain't That Fine
Baby Ain't That Fine
25,729 2:11 1967-12-28
Make You Feel My Love
Make You Feel My Love
25,543 4:16 2021-04-16
Just Like a Woman - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
Just Like a Woman - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
25,524 5:07 2023-11-17
Girl from the North Country - Live in London
Girl from the North Country - Live in London
25,489 5:10 2017-11-03
Black Cross
Black Cross
25,423 4:15 2013-06-15
I'm in the Mood
I'm in the Mood
25,254 1:58 1967-12-28
Queen Jane Approximately - Take 2, Complete
Queen Jane Approximately - Take 2, Complete
25,238 5:18 1965-01-01
One Man's Loss
One Man's Loss
25,180 3:52 1967-12-28
A Satisfied Mind
A Satisfied Mind
25,008 2:01 1967-12-28
Be Careful of Stones That You Throw
Be Careful of Stones That You Throw
24,999 3:04 1967-12-28
The Hills of Mexico
The Hills of Mexico
24,950 3:05 1967-12-28
24,849 3:04 2009-11-02
From a Buick 6 - Take 4
From a Buick 6 - Take 4
24,738 3:11 1965-01-01
Jag Har Tänkt På Dej
Jag Har Tänkt På Dej
24,668 3:02 2004-02-18
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - Take 3 Remake, Complete
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - Take 3 Remake, Complete
24,622 3:40 1965-01-01
The Death of Emmett Till
The Death of Emmett Till
24,543 6:33 2017-01-02
Jet Pilot - Take 1
Jet Pilot - Take 1
24,408 1:26 1965-01-01
Nothing Was Delivered - Take 3
Nothing Was Delivered - Take 3
24,380 0:33 1967-12-28
Vd Blues
Vd Blues
24,371 1:56 2013-06-15
V D Blues
V D Blues
24,371 1:59 2013-07-15
You're a Big Girl Now - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
You're a Big Girl Now - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
24,269 4:59 2023-11-17
Bonnie Ship the Diamond
Bonnie Ship the Diamond
24,242 3:21 1967-12-28
I Want You - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
I Want You - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
24,232 2:43 2023-11-17
Dear Mrs. Roosevelt - Recorded Live
Dear Mrs. Roosevelt - Recorded Live
24,210 5:47 1972-01-01
Ramblin' Round
Ramblin' Round
24,137 4:01 2022-02-09
Ramblin' Around
Ramblin' Around
24,137 4:03 2013-06-15
Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? - Take 6, Complete
Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? - Take 6, Complete
23,907 3:47 1965-01-01
Oh, Sister - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
Oh, Sister - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
23,850 4:57 2023-11-17
I Wanna Be Your Lover - Take 1, Fragment
I Wanna Be Your Lover - Take 1, Fragment
23,807 1:06 1965-01-01
Vd Waltz
Vd Waltz
23,515 0:51 2013-06-15
V D Waltz
V D Waltz
23,515 0:55 2013-07-15
I Can't Make it Alone
I Can't Make it Alone
23,414 3:34 1967-12-28
Wichita (Going to Louisiana)
Wichita (Going to Louisiana)
23,395 2:55 2022-02-10
Make You Feel My Love
Make You Feel My Love
23,369 3:23 2017-03-05
Pressing On - Live in Toronto
Pressing On - Live in Toronto
23,353 5:26 2017-11-03
All I Really Want to Do - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
All I Really Want to Do - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
23,253 3:50 2023-11-17
Ain't No Man Righteous, No Not One - Take 6
Ain't No Man Righteous, No Not One - Take 6
23,249 4:59 2017-11-03
Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Live in London
Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Live in London
23,223 5:01 2017-11-03
Wade in the Water
Wade in the Water
23,161 3:01 2013-06-15
Shake A Hand - Live 1986
Shake A Hand - Live 1986
23,150 3:06 2023-02-15
She's Your Lover Now - Take 15
She's Your Lover Now - Take 15
23,101 6:23 1965-01-01
Vd Gunner's Blues
Vd Gunner's Blues
22,983 2:36 2013-06-15
V D Gunner's Blues
V D Gunner's Blues
22,983 2:41 2013-07-15
Young but Daily Growing
Young but Daily Growing
22,963 5:40 1967-12-28
Precious Angel - Live in Toronto
Precious Angel - Live in Toronto
22,890 5:23 2017-11-03
Freight Train Blues (Live Version)
Freight Train Blues (Live Version)
22,883 4:02 2013-06-15
Rocks and Gravel
Rocks and Gravel
22,785 2:48 2022-02-10
Just Like a Woman - Take 1, Complete
Just Like a Woman - Take 1, Complete
22,704 4:30 1965-01-01
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live in London
Mr. Tambourine Man - Live in London
22,621 5:15 2017-11-03
Vd City
Vd City
22,512 1:49 2013-06-15
V D City
V D City
22,512 1:52 2013-07-15
Hard Travelin'
Hard Travelin'
22,449 3:34 1962-04-01
Tombstone Blues - Take 9
Tombstone Blues - Take 9
22,359 3:35 1965-01-01
Tears of Rage - Take 1
Tears of Rage - Take 1
22,354 4:04 1967-12-28
Dink's Song
Dink's Song
22,300 4:42 2013-06-15
Do Right to Me Baby (Do Unto Others) - Soundcheck
Do Right to Me Baby (Do Unto Others) - Soundcheck
22,127 3:38 2017-11-03
Slow Train - Rehearsal with horns
Slow Train - Rehearsal with horns
22,100 5:37 2017-11-03
Crash on the Levee - Take 1
Crash on the Levee - Take 1
21,968 2:11 1967-12-28
Help Me Understand - Soundcheck
Help Me Understand - Soundcheck
21,949 2:41 2017-11-03
Pressing On - Take 1
Pressing On - Take 1
21,914 5:50 2017-11-03
Visions of Johanna - Take 14, Complete
Visions of Johanna - Take 14, Complete
21,706 7:30 1965-01-01
What Can I Do for You? - Live in Toronto
What Can I Do for You? - Live in Toronto
21,700 6:33 2017-11-03
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 4, Rehearsal
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 4, Rehearsal
21,617 1:39 1965-01-01
Yea! Heavy and a Bottle of Bread - Take 1
Yea! Heavy and a Bottle of Bread - Take 1
21,531 1:50 1967-12-28
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - Live in London
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - Live in London
21,333 4:60 2017-11-03
Band Introductions - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
Band Introductions - Live at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 1978
21,278 1:56 2023-11-17
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - Take 3, Incomplete
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - Take 3, Incomplete
21,265 3:11 1965-01-01
Mary Lou, I Love You Too
Mary Lou, I Love You Too
21,254 2:30 1967-12-28
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live in London
Ballad of a Thin Man - Live in London
21,208 3:26 2017-11-03
Like a Rolling Stone - Rehearsal Remake
Like a Rolling Stone - Rehearsal Remake
21,143 2:32 1965-01-01
Gonna Change My Way of Thinking - Rehearsal with horns
Gonna Change My Way of Thinking - Rehearsal with horns
21,095 4:58 2017-11-03
Jesus Is the One - Live July 17, 1981
Jesus Is the One - Live July 17, 1981
21,030 2:46 2017-11-03
Forever Young - Live in London
Forever Young - Live in London
20,756 4:15 2017-11-03
Rise Again - Rehearsal
Rise Again - Rehearsal
20,751 3:03 2017-11-03
Too Much of Nothing - Take 1
Too Much of Nothing - Take 1
20,640 3:03 1967-12-28
When He Returns - Live in Toronto
When He Returns - Live in Toronto
20,625 5:25 2017-11-03
Open the Door Homer - Take 3
Open the Door Homer - Take 3
20,576 3:14 1967-12-28
Try Me Little Girl
Try Me Little Girl
20,523 1:38 1967-12-28
Poor Lazarus
Poor Lazarus
20,513 5:13 2017-01-02
Thief on the Cross - Live Nov. 10, 1981
Thief on the Cross - Live Nov. 10, 1981
20,496 4:05 2017-11-03
All You Have to do is Dream - Take 1
All You Have to do is Dream - Take 1
20,476 3:56 1967-12-28
Down on Me
Down on Me
20,311 0:43 1967-12-28
Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) - Take 1, Complete
Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) - Take 1, Complete
20,257 3:37 1965-01-01
Visions of Johanna - Take 7, Complete
Visions of Johanna - Take 7, Complete
20,233 9:09 1965-01-01
Don't You Try Me Now
Don't You Try Me Now
20,204 3:12 1967-12-28
Instrumental - Take 2, Complete
Instrumental - Take 2, Complete
20,143 4:01 1965-01-01
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues - Take 13, Complete
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues - Take 13, Complete
20,113 5:27 1965-01-01
Ballad of a Thin Man - Take 2, Breakdown
Ballad of a Thin Man - Take 2, Breakdown
20,090 3:52 1965-01-01
Positively 4th Street - Live 1986
Positively 4th Street - Live 1986
20,062 3:56 2023-02-15
Gotta Serve Somebody - Live in Toronto
Gotta Serve Somebody - Live in Toronto
20,037 6:53 2017-11-03
On the Road Again - Take 1 Remake, Complete
On the Road Again - Take 1 Remake, Complete
19,995 2:29 1965-01-01
Gotta Serve Somebody - Rehearsal with horns
Gotta Serve Somebody - Rehearsal with horns
19,982 4:35 2017-11-03
On the Road Again - Take 7 Remake, Complete
On the Road Again - Take 7 Remake, Complete
19,974 2:48 1965-01-01
The Groom's Still Waiting at the Altar - Take 2
The Groom's Still Waiting at the Altar - Take 2
19,962 5:26 2017-11-03
You Changed My Life - Take 4
You Changed My Life - Take 4
19,953 4:31 2017-11-03
She's on My Mind Again
She's on My Mind Again
19,903 4:18 1967-12-28
Let's Begin - Live in London
Let's Begin - Live in London
19,866 3:26 2017-11-03
Like a Rolling Stone - Master Take, Vocals, Guitar
Like a Rolling Stone - Master Take, Vocals, Guitar
19,666 6:24 1965-01-01
Slow Train - Live in Toronto
Slow Train - Live in Toronto
19,557 6:49 2017-11-03
Hallelujah, I've Just Been Moved
Hallelujah, I've Just Been Moved
19,545 3:04 1967-12-28
Rambling, Gambling Willie
Rambling, Gambling Willie
19,538 4:11 2022-02-10
The Groom's Still Waiting at the Altar - Live
The Groom's Still Waiting at the Altar - Live
19,512 5:50 2014-02-03
Man on the Street (Live Version)
Man on the Street (Live Version)
19,464 2:24 2013-06-15
I Will Love Him - Live Apr. 19, 1980
I Will Love Him - Live Apr. 19, 1980
19,439 5:19 2017-11-03
Will the Circle be Unbroken
Will the Circle be Unbroken
19,421 2:09 1967-12-28
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 5, Rehearsal
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 5, Rehearsal
19,303 2:16 1965-01-01
She'll be Coming Round the Mountain
She'll be Coming Round the Mountain
19,297 1:39 1967-12-28
Ain't Gonna Go to Hell for Anybody - Live Dec. 2, 1980
Ain't Gonna Go to Hell for Anybody - Live Dec. 2, 1980
19,267 3:51 2017-11-03
Wild Wolf
Wild Wolf
19,240 3:35 1967-12-28
Man on the Street
Man on the Street
19,173 2:29 2013-07-15
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again - Take 14, Complete
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again - Take 14, Complete
19,135 7:03 1965-01-01
Ain't Gonna Go to Hell for Anybody - Live in Toronto
Ain't Gonna Go to Hell for Anybody - Live in Toronto
19,004 4:15 2017-11-03
Odds and Ends - Take 2
Odds and Ends - Take 2
18,975 1:49 1967-12-28
Like a Rolling Stone - Takes 2-3 Remake, False Starts
Like a Rolling Stone - Takes 2-3 Remake, False Starts
18,896 0:33 1965-01-01
Solid Rock - Live in London
Solid Rock - Live in London
18,845 4:32 2017-11-03
Just Like a Woman - Live in London
Just Like a Woman - Live in London
18,604 3:50 2017-11-03
On a Rainy Afternoon
On a Rainy Afternoon
18,495 2:53 1967-12-28
Standing on the Highway
Standing on the Highway
18,482 3:17 1962-04-01
Like a Rolling Stone - Master Take, Guitar
Like a Rolling Stone - Master Take, Guitar
18,433 6:24 1965-01-01
Slow Train - Live in London
Slow Train - Live in London
18,414 4:52 2017-11-03
I Believe in You - Live in Toronto
I Believe in You - Live in Toronto
18,395 4:44 2017-11-03
It's the Flight of the Bumblebee
It's the Flight of the Bumblebee
18,331 2:09 1967-12-28
One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) - Take 2, Rehearsal
One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) - Take 2, Rehearsal
18,130 2:16 1965-01-01
Ain't No More Cane - Take 1
Ain't No More Cane - Take 1
18,033 2:41 1967-12-28
Stand by Faith - Rehearsal
Stand by Faith - Rehearsal
18,000 2:35 2017-11-03
My Woman She's A-Leavin'
My Woman She's A-Leavin'
17,995 2:30 1967-12-28
Visions of Johanna - Take 1, Rehearsal
Visions of Johanna - Take 1, Rehearsal
17,992 1:42 1965-01-01
Lenny Bruce - Live in London
Lenny Bruce - Live in London
17,952 4:30 2017-11-03
All American Boy
All American Boy
17,934 3:59 1967-12-28
I Believe in You - Live in London
I Believe in You - Live in London
17,837 4:57 2017-11-03
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 1 Remake, Rehearsal
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 1 Remake, Rehearsal
17,751 1:56 1965-01-01
Visions of Johanna - Take 8
Visions of Johanna - Take 8
17,740 7:04 1965-01-01
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) - Live in London
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) - Live in London
17,688 3:46 2017-11-03
Maggie's Farm - Live in London
Maggie's Farm - Live in London
17,644 4:07 2017-11-03
Radio Spot for January 1980, Portland, OR show
Radio Spot for January 1980, Portland, OR show
17,609 1:00 2017-11-03
Cover Down, Pray Through - Live May 1, 1980
Cover Down, Pray Through - Live May 1, 1980
17,568 4:20 2017-11-03
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again - Take 1, Rehearsal
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again - Take 1, Rehearsal
17,545 3:21 1965-01-01
Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad
Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad
17,447 3:21 1967-12-28
Just Like a Woman - Take 8, Complete
Just Like a Woman - Take 8, Complete
17,437 5:21 1965-01-01
Watered-Down Love - Outtake
Watered-Down Love - Outtake
17,433 4:16 2017-11-03
Song to Woody
Song to Woody
17,319 3:14 2013-07-15
She's Your Lover Now - Take 1, Breakdown
She's Your Lover Now - Take 1, Breakdown
17,202 3:00 1965-01-01
Tears of Rage - Take 2
Tears of Rage - Take 2
17,199 2:31 1967-12-28
Blowin' in the Wind - Live in London
Blowin' in the Wind - Live in London
17,055 5:00 2017-11-03
Hero Blues
Hero Blues
17,048 2:47 2022-02-10
Solid Rock - Live in Toronto
Solid Rock - Live in Toronto
16,918 4:50 2017-11-03
Covenant Woman - Live in Toronto
Covenant Woman - Live in Toronto
16,917 6:08 2017-11-03
Nashville Skyline Rag
Nashville Skyline Rag
16,861 1:51 1971-01-01
Nothing Was Delivered - Take 2
Nothing Was Delivered - Take 2
16,851 3:44 1967-12-28
Blowin' in the Wind
Blowin' in the Wind
16,817 3:57 2022-02-09
Gotta Serve Somebody - Live in London
Gotta Serve Somebody - Live in London
16,795 4:30 2017-11-03
Highway 61 Revisited - Take 5, Complete
Highway 61 Revisited - Take 5, Complete
16,677 3:39 1965-01-01
Jelly Bean
Jelly Bean
16,552 2:58 1967-12-28
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 - Take 1, Rehearsal and Finished Track
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 - Take 1, Rehearsal and Finished Track
16,472 6:18 1965-01-01
Worried Blues
Worried Blues
16,442 2:36 2022-02-10
Apple Suckling Tree - Take 1
Apple Suckling Tree - Take 1
16,432 2:41 1967-12-28
I Shall Be Free
I Shall Be Free
16,377 4:28 2022-02-10
Open the Door Homer - Take 2
Open the Door Homer - Take 2
16,260 0:58 1967-12-28
When You Gonna Wake Up? - Live in Toronto
When You Gonna Wake Up? - Live in Toronto
16,208 5:41 2017-11-03
Cover Down, Pray Through - Live in Toronto
Cover Down, Pray Through - Live in Toronto
16,160 4:33 2017-11-03
Like a Rolling Stone - Master Take, Piano, Bass
Like a Rolling Stone - Master Take, Piano, Bass
16,141 6:24 1965-01-01
Down by the Station
Down by the Station
16,123 1:29 1967-12-28
Man Gave Names to All the Animals - Live in London
Man Gave Names to All the Animals - Live in London
16,080 4:48 2017-11-03
2 Dollars and 99 Cents
2 Dollars and 99 Cents
16,049 2:35 1967-12-28
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues - Take 1, Breakdown
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues - Take 1, Breakdown
16,024 1:08 1965-01-01
Blowin' In The Wind
Blowin' In The Wind
16,019 3:56 1990-01-01
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again - Rehearsal
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again - Rehearsal
15,991 4:53 1965-01-01
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again - Take 5
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again - Take 5
15,960 5:51 1965-01-01
Clean Cut Kid - Live 1986
Clean Cut Kid - Live 1986
15,921 2:54 2023-02-15
Watered-Down Love - Live in London
Watered-Down Love - Live in London
15,811 4:51 2017-11-03
I'll Remember You - Live 1986
I'll Remember You - Live 1986
15,798 4:41 2023-02-15
Talkn' Bear Mountain Massacre
Talkn' Bear Mountain Massacre
15,727 6:16 2013-07-15
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat - Take 3, Complete
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat - Take 3, Complete
15,598 4:25 1965-01-01
Temporary Like Achilles - Take 3, Complete
Temporary Like Achilles - Take 3, Complete
15,579 5:41 1965-01-01
Love is Only Mine
Love is Only Mine
15,576 1:50 1967-12-28
Man Gave Names to All the Animals - Live in Toronto
Man Gave Names to All the Animals - Live in Toronto
15,572 5:40 2017-11-03
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 5 Remake, Rehearsal
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 5 Remake, Rehearsal
15,513 1:53 1965-01-01
One Kind Favor
One Kind Favor
15,459 3:33 1967-12-28
Bourbon Street
Bourbon Street
15,409 5:05 1967-12-28
15,324 2:20 2014-06-02
Bring it on Home
Bring it on Home
15,296 3:07 1967-12-28
It Ain't Me Babe
It Ain't Me Babe
15,198 3:36 1998-01-01
Obviously Five Believers - Take 3, Complete
Obviously Five Believers - Take 3, Complete
15,106 3:45 1965-01-01
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 8 Remake, Breakdown
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 8 Remake, Breakdown
15,035 4:17 1965-01-01
Like a Rolling Stone - Master Take, Drums, Organ
Like a Rolling Stone - Master Take, Drums, Organ
14,993 6:28 1965-01-01
Dink's Song
Dink's Song
14,981 4:56 2013-07-15
Any Time
Any Time
14,895 3:17 1967-12-28
Do Right to Me Baby (Do Unto Others) - Live in Toronto
Do Right to Me Baby (Do Unto Others) - Live in Toronto
14,843 4:42 2017-11-03
The Story of East Orange
The Story of East Orange
14,808 1:37 2013-07-15
Dead Man, Dead Man - Live in London
Dead Man, Dead Man - Live in London
14,692 4:54 2017-11-03
What's it Gonna be When it Comes Up
What's it Gonna be When it Comes Up
14,688 3:04 1967-12-28
Whatcha Gonna Do
Whatcha Gonna Do
14,472 2:56 2022-02-10
When You Gonna Wake Up? - Live in London
When You Gonna Wake Up? - Live in London
14,422 4:49 2017-11-03
Saving Grace - Live in Toronto
Saving Grace - Live in Toronto
14,391 4:42 2017-11-03
Make You Feel My Love (Arr. for Guitar)
Make You Feel My Love (Arr. for Guitar)
14,211 3:28 2020-04-05
Gonna Get You Now
Gonna Get You Now
14,203 1:31 1967-12-28
That's Alright Mama (Alt.)
That's Alright Mama (Alt.)
14,133 2:07 2022-02-10
14,128 1:37 1967-12-28
In the Garden - Live in London
In the Garden - Live in London
14,093 5:48 2017-11-03
14,080 1:52 1967-12-28
One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) - Take 4, Rehearsal
One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) - Take 4, Rehearsal
14,041 1:52 1965-01-01
In the Garden - Live in Toronto
In the Garden - Live in Toronto
14,027 6:17 2017-11-03
King of France
King of France
13,840 3:53 1967-12-28
All Along The Watchtower
All Along The Watchtower
13,779 5:01 2010-01-01
Pretty Polly
Pretty Polly
13,691 6:36 2013-07-15
13,618 2:40 2022-02-09
Are You Ready? - Live in Toronto
Are You Ready? - Live in Toronto
13,603 4:29 2017-11-03
That's the Breaks
That's the Breaks
13,455 4:18 1967-12-28
Come All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies
Come All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies
13,388 2:09 1967-12-28
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 15 Remake, Breakdown
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 15 Remake, Breakdown
13,316 3:07 1965-01-01
Band Introductions - Live in London
Band Introductions - Live in London
13,313 4:05 2017-11-03
Shot Of Love - Live 1986
Shot Of Love - Live 1986
13,234 5:18 2023-02-15
I Can't Come in with a Broken Heart
I Can't Come in with a Broken Heart
13,174 2:42 1967-12-28
Pretty Mary
Pretty Mary
13,062 3:12 1967-12-28
I Was Young When I Left Home
I Was Young When I Left Home
13,061 5:58 2013-07-15
Ramblin' on My Mind
Ramblin' on My Mind
12,955 3:18 2022-02-09
A Long Time A-Growin' (Live Version)
A Long Time A-Growin' (Live Version)
12,748 5:59 2013-06-15
Band Introductions - Live in Toronto
Band Introductions - Live in Toronto
12,561 2:06 2017-11-03
900 Miles from My Home / Confidential
900 Miles from My Home / Confidential
12,552 2:27 1967-12-28
We Had It All - Live 1986
We Had It All - Live 1986
12,529 4:28 2023-02-15
Rocks and Gravel
Rocks and Gravel
12,517 4:53 2022-02-09
Northern Claim
Northern Claim
12,354 2:05 1967-12-28
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 13 Remake, Breakdown
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 13 Remake, Breakdown
12,259 1:35 1965-01-01
Next Time on the Highway
Next Time on the Highway
12,239 2:20 1967-12-28
Hiram Hubbard
Hiram Hubbard
12,212 5:17 2022-02-09
He Was a Friend of Mine
He Was a Friend of Mine
12,159 4:03 2022-02-09
Make You Feel My Love (Arr. for Piano)
Make You Feel My Love (Arr. for Piano)
12,119 3:16 2018-11-25
Masters Of War - Live 1986
Masters Of War - Live 1986
12,087 4:35 2023-02-15
11,909 3:24 2000-01-01
The Spanish Song - Take 1
The Spanish Song - Take 1
11,523 2:47 1967-12-28
Two Trains Runnin'
Two Trains Runnin'
11,344 4:04 2022-02-09
Make You Feel My Love
Make You Feel My Love
11,161 3:27 2015-10-09
Spoken Intro - Live
Spoken Intro - Live
10,892 2:02 2014-02-03
Quit Your Lowdown Ways
Quit Your Lowdown Ways
10,775 3:14 2022-02-09
Mixed-up Confusion
Mixed-up Confusion
10,560 2:29 2022-10-28
Mixed-Up Confusion
Mixed-Up Confusion
10,560 2:30 2017-01-02
Stealin’ Stealin’
Stealin’ Stealin’
10,484 2:14 2014-06-02
The Spanish Song - Take 2
The Spanish Song - Take 2
10,471 2:16 1967-12-28
Listen To Her Heart - Live 1986
Listen To Her Heart - Live 1986
10,339 3:08 2023-02-15
Muleskinner Blues (Blue Yodel No. 8)
Muleskinner Blues (Blue Yodel No. 8)
10,284 3:04 2022-02-09
Jimmy Berman (Gay Lib Rag)
Jimmy Berman (Gay Lib Rag)
10,070 4:04 1983-02-14
Straight Into Darkness - Live 1986
Straight Into Darkness - Live 1986
9,603 5:26 2023-02-15
The Waiting - Live 1986
The Waiting - Live 1986
9,486 6:08 2023-02-15
Talking Merchant Marine (Live Version)
Talking Merchant Marine (Live Version)
9,121 4:32 2013-06-15
Breakdown - Live 1986
Breakdown - Live 1986
8,836 7:36 2023-02-15
Make You Feel My Love
Make You Feel My Love
8,349 3:17 2014-01-01
Knockin' On Heaven's Door - Live 1986
Knockin' On Heaven's Door - Live 1986
8,290 3:30 2023-02-15
8,132 6:15 2020-07-10
It Ain't Me Babe - Live 1986
It Ain't Me Babe - Live 1986
8,086 5:03 2023-02-15
Baby Please Don’t Go
Baby Please Don’t Go
7,992 2:16 2017-01-02
Blowin’ in the Wind
Blowin’ in the Wind
7,956 3:54 2010-10-13
Candy Man
Candy Man
7,896 3:06 2014-06-02
Fordi jeg elsker deg
Fordi jeg elsker deg
7,796 4:07 2015-10-08
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall - Live 1986
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall - Live 1986
7,543 7:17 2023-02-15
One Too Many Mornings - Live 1986
One Too Many Mornings - Live 1986
7,420 3:23 2023-02-15
7,009 3:23 2002-11-04
6,368 4:10 2013-07-14
I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know - Live 1986
I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know - Live 1986
6,022 3:59 2023-02-15
When The Night Comes Falling From The Sky - Live 1986
When The Night Comes Falling From The Sky - Live 1986
5,979 5:44 2023-02-15
Blowin' In the Wind
Blowin' In the Wind
5,948 5:06 1992-01-01
Ballad Of A Thin Man - Live 1986
Ballad Of A Thin Man - Live 1986
5,527 5:18 2023-02-15
Make You Feel My Love (Solo Guitar Arrangement)
Make You Feel My Love (Solo Guitar Arrangement)
5,440 1:56 2019-01-21
Band Of The Hand - Live 1986
Band Of The Hand - Live 1986
5,412 4:08 2023-02-15
Ring Dem Bells - Voice
Ring Dem Bells - Voice
5,279 2:44 2001-06-11
Lonesome Town - Live 1986
Lonesome Town - Live 1986
5,167 4:07 2023-02-15
It’S Hard To Be Blind
It’S Hard To Be Blind
5,130 2:57 2014-06-02
Like A Rolling Stone - Live 1986
Like A Rolling Stone - Live 1986
4,910 5:13 2023-02-15
Omie Wise
Omie Wise
4,621 3:01 2014-06-02
Even The Losers - Live 1986
Even The Losers - Live 1986
4,550 3:53 2023-02-15
Spike - Live 1986
Spike - Live 1986
4,524 8:38 2023-02-15
Across The Borderline - Live 1986
Across The Borderline - Live 1986
4,390 4:12 2023-02-15
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Bonus Track
Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Bonus Track
4,336 5:22 1995-01-01
I And I - Live 1986
I And I - Live 1986
4,334 5:59 2023-02-15
In The Evening
In The Evening
4,175 3:58 2014-06-02
Death Is Not The End
Death Is Not The End
4,147 5:29 2010-09-20
4,088 4:58 2020-07-10
Roll on, John
Roll on, John
4,068 3:00 1962-04-01
Tonight Might Be My Night - Live 1986
Tonight Might Be My Night - Live 1986
3,897 6:31 2023-02-15
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 - Live 1986
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 - Live 1986
3,839 2:46 2023-02-15
Blowin' In The Wind - Live 1986
Blowin' In The Wind - Live 1986
3,796 3:55 2023-02-15
Like a Rolling Stone - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 1966
Like a Rolling Stone - Live at Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK - May 1966
3,785 8:01 2018-07-18
I'll Fly Away
I'll Fly Away
3,619 2:55 2013-04-12
Long John
Long John
3,619 6:21 2014-06-02
Caress Me Baby - Live 1986
Caress Me Baby - Live 1986
3,605 6:21 2023-02-15
In The Garden - Live 1986
In The Garden - Live 1986
3,531 7:13 2023-02-15
The Water Is Wide
The Water Is Wide
3,433 3:45 2013-04-12
Mean Old Southern Railroad
Mean Old Southern Railroad
3,320 3:20 2017-01-02
Good Rockin' Mama - Live 1986
Good Rockin' Mama - Live 1986
3,194 4:05 2023-02-15
Dink's Song
Dink's Song
3,134 3:01 2013-04-12
Barbara Allen
Barbara Allen
3,096 7:54 2013-07-14
Ramblin’ ‘Round
Ramblin’ ‘Round
2,977 3:19 2014-06-02
Smokestack Lightnin’
Smokestack Lightnin’
2,953 4:28 2017-01-02
Vd City
Vd City
2,935 1:48 2014-06-02
Handsome Molly
Handsome Molly
2,914 2:48 2013-07-14
Things Have Changed - Radio Edit
Things Have Changed - Radio Edit
2,855 3:37 2016-05-13
Uranium Rock - Live 1986
Uranium Rock - Live 1986
2,841 3:06 2023-02-15
Hard Travellin’
Hard Travellin’
2,694 5:04 2017-01-02
The Ballad Of Hollis Brown
The Ballad Of Hollis Brown
2,604 5:28 1994-09-06
Standing on the Highway
Standing on the Highway
2,336 4:38 2017-01-02
Like a Rolling Stone
Like a Rolling Stone
2,228 4:35 2000-01-01
Swing and Turn Jubilee
Swing and Turn Jubilee
2,227 2:22 2013-04-12
The Death of Emmett Till
The Death of Emmett Till
2,198 4:28 2013-07-14
2,176 0:47 2017-01-02
Dear Companion
Dear Companion
2,159 3:15 2013-04-12
Come Back Baby
Come Back Baby
2,095 2:46 2013-04-12
Black Is the Color of My True Love's Hair
Black Is the Color of My True Love's Hair
2,001 3:22 2013-04-12
1,874 4:46 2013-04-12
1,780 3:15 2013-07-14
A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall
A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall
1,763 9:18 2016-05-24
1,742 2:25 2013-04-12
September on Jessore Road
September on Jessore Road
1,741 10:37 1994-09-06
A Dream
A Dream
1,732 6:18 1994-09-06
Once I Had a Sweetheart
Once I Had a Sweetheart
1,671 3:41 2013-04-12
1,637 6:08 2020-09-24
Los Biblicos
Los Biblicos
1,614 2:08 2013-04-12
1,609 2:60 2013-07-14
Fixin’ to Die - Live
Fixin’ to Die - Live
1,534 5:47 2017-01-02
Blowin' In The Wind
Blowin' In The Wind
1,520 4:05 1982-01-01
The House of the Rising Sun
The House of the Rising Sun
1,512 2:27 2013-04-12
Airplane Bllues
Airplane Bllues
1,445 4:25 1994-09-06
Malaguena Salerosa
Malaguena Salerosa
1,414 2:40 2013-04-12
Troubled and I Don't Know Why
Troubled and I Don't Know Why
1,370 3:10 2013-09-01
When Jesus Lived in Galilee
When Jesus Lived in Galilee
1,364 2:44 2013-04-12
The Wreck of the Old Ninety - Seven
The Wreck of the Old Ninety - Seven
1,354 2:11 2013-04-12
John Brown
John Brown
1,338 5:58 2013-07-14
The Cuckoo
The Cuckoo
1,320 2:22 2013-07-14
Rocks and Gravel
Rocks and Gravel
1,231 5:02 2013-07-14
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
1,220 3:13 2013-07-14
I Know Where I'm Going
I Know Where I'm Going
1,199 3:03 2013-04-12
Masters of War
Masters of War
1,193 3:08 2008-10-01
Danny Boy
Danny Boy
1,168 3:42 2013-04-12
Pobre De Mi
Pobre De Mi
1,144 2:20 2013-04-12
Galway Shawl
Galway Shawl
1,123 2:42 2013-04-12
If I Had a Ribbon Bow
If I Had a Ribbon Bow
1,096 2:23 2013-04-12
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall
1,084 6:44 2013-07-14
Lindo Capullio
Lindo Capullio
1,059 1:26 2013-04-12
1,049 4:36 2020-09-24
Scarlet Ribbons (For Her Hair)
Scarlet Ribbons (For Her Hair)
1,020 3:38 2013-04-12
Ye Banks and Braes
Ye Banks and Braes
1,015 2:39 2013-04-12
See You Later Allen Ginsberg - Take 1
See You Later Allen Ginsberg - Take 1
< 1000 0:30 1967-12-28
Big Dog
Big Dog
< 1000 0:24 1967-12-28
Lock Your Door
Lock Your Door
< 1000 0:23 1967-12-28
Bob Dylan's 115th Dream - Take 1, Fragment
Bob Dylan's 115th Dream - Take 1, Fragment
< 1000 0:27 1965-01-01
From a Buick 6 - Take 1, False Start
From a Buick 6 - Take 1, False Start
< 1000 0:21 1965-01-01
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 6 Remake, False Start
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 6 Remake, False Start
< 1000 0:20 1965-01-01
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 12 Remake, False Start
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 12 Remake, False Start
< 1000 0:08 1965-01-01
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 14 Remake, False Start
Like a Rolling Stone - Take 14 Remake, False Start
< 1000 0:22 1965-01-01
Like A Rolling Stone - 2011 Master for 7" Box
Like A Rolling Stone - 2011 Master for 7" Box
< 1000 5:58 2016-04-01
A Hard Rain's A Gonna Fall
A Hard Rain's A Gonna Fall
< 1000 2:42 2011-01-20
Make You Feel My Love
Make You Feel My Love
< 1000 3:02 2022-02-11
Blowin' in the Wind (Karaoke Version Originally Performed by Peter Paul & Mary)
Blowin' in the Wind (Karaoke Version Originally Performed by Peter Paul & Mary)
< 1000 2:50 2020-01-04
The Texan Boys
The Texan Boys
< 1000 1:44 2013-04-12
The Riddle Song (I Gave My Love a Cherry)
The Riddle Song (I Gave My Love a Cherry)
< 1000 2:52 2013-04-12
Lolly Too Dum
Lolly Too Dum
< 1000 3:01 2013-04-12
Little Willie
Little Willie
< 1000 1:37 2013-04-12
Hush a Bye
Hush a Bye
< 1000 2:08 2013-04-12
I Wonder as I Wander
I Wonder as I Wander
< 1000 4:10 2013-04-12
The Lord
The Lord
< 1000 0:50 2013-04-12
Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
< 1000 3:25 2013-04-12
Go Way from My Window
Go Way from My Window
< 1000 2:50 2013-04-12
She Moves Through the Fair
She Moves Through the Fair
< 1000 3:01 2013-04-12
< 1000 1:28 2013-04-12
Little Pig
Little Pig
< 1000 2:19 2013-04-12
Blackjack Oak
Blackjack Oak
< 1000 2:44 2013-04-12
Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
< 1000 3:01 2013-04-12
You're No Good
You're No Good
< 1000 1:39 2013-04-12
Talkin' New York
Talkin' New York
< 1000 3:19 2013-04-12
In My Time of Dyin'
In My Time of Dyin'
< 1000 2:40 2013-04-12
Man of Constant Sorrow
Man of Constant Sorrow
< 1000 3:07 2013-04-12
Fixin' to Die
Fixin' to Die
< 1000 2:20 2013-04-12
Pretty Peggy - O
Pretty Peggy - O
< 1000 3:23 2013-04-12
Gospel Plow
Gospel Plow
< 1000 1:46 2013-04-12
Freight Train Blues
Freight Train Blues
< 1000 2:18 2013-04-12
Mixed up Confusion
Mixed up Confusion
< 1000 2:28 2013-04-12
Corrina, Corrina
Corrina, Corrina
< 1000 2:36 2013-04-12
To Make You Feel My Love
To Make You Feel My Love
< 1000 3:10 2017-11-24
Simple Twist of Fate
Simple Twist of Fate
< 1000 3:44 2013-03-25
Make You Feel My Love (Arr. By Anton Burger)
Make You Feel My Love (Arr. By Anton Burger)
< 1000 3:28 2014-08-15
West Texas
West Texas
< 1000 5:38 2013-07-14
I'd Hate to Be You on That Dreadful Day
I'd Hate to Be You on That Dreadful Day
< 1000 1:03 2013-07-14
Oxford Town
Oxford Town
< 1000 1:51 2013-07-14
Paths of Victory
Paths of Victory
< 1000 2:26 2013-07-14
Walkin' Down the Line
Walkin' Down the Line
< 1000 1:59 2013-07-14
Playboys and Playgirls
Playboys and Playgirls
< 1000 4:02 2013-07-14
Talkin' Devil
Talkin' Devil
< 1000 0:54 2013-07-14
Masters of War
Masters of War
< 1000 3:45 2013-07-14
Only a Hobo
Only a Hobo
< 1000 2:04 2013-07-14
I Shall Be Free
I Shall Be Free
< 1000 3:57 2013-07-14
< 1000 2:02 2013-07-14
A Hard Rain's a Gonna Fall
A Hard Rain's a Gonna Fall
< 1000 8:06 2013-07-14
Blowin' in the Wind
Blowin' in the Wind
< 1000 2:11 2013-07-14
Sally Gal
Sally Gal
< 1000 1:37 2014-06-02
Black Cross [Hezikiah Jones]
Black Cross [Hezikiah Jones]
< 1000 4:15 2014-06-02
That's All Right Mama
That's All Right Mama
< 1000 3:27 2013-07-14
I Shall Be Free
I Shall Be Free
< 1000 3:58 2013-07-14
Going to New Orleans
Going to New Orleans
< 1000 3:20 2013-07-14
Sally Gal
Sally Gal
< 1000 2:29 2013-07-14
Corrina, Corrina
Corrina, Corrina
< 1000 3:17 2013-07-14
Milk Cow's Calf's Blues
Milk Cow's Calf's Blues
< 1000 2:51 2013-07-14
(I Heard That) Lonesome Whistle
(I Heard That) Lonesome Whistle
< 1000 2:10 2013-07-14
Whatcha Gonna Do
Whatcha Gonna Do
< 1000 3:06 2013-07-14
Rocks and Gravels
Rocks and Gravels
< 1000 2:59 2013-07-14
Hero Blues
Hero Blues
< 1000 3:01 2013-07-14
Mixed-Up Confusion
Mixed-Up Confusion
< 1000 2:40 2013-07-14
Sally Gal (Extended Version)
Sally Gal (Extended Version)
< 1000 3:16 2013-07-14
Baby Please Don't Go
Baby Please Don't Go
< 1000 2:04 2013-07-14
Wichita (Going to Louisiana)
Wichita (Going to Louisiana)
< 1000 3:00 2013-07-14
Milk Cow's Calf's Blues (Version 2)
Milk Cow's Calf's Blues (Version 2)
< 1000 2:32 2013-07-14
Baby, I'm in the Mood for You
Baby, I'm in the Mood for You
< 1000 2:52 2013-07-14
Hero Blues (Version 2)
Hero Blues (Version 2)
< 1000 2:57 2013-07-14
Mixed-Up Confusion (Version 2)
Mixed-Up Confusion (Version 2)
< 1000 2:25 2013-07-14
Ballad of Hollis Brown
Ballad of Hollis Brown
< 1000 5:16 2013-07-14
Whatcha Gonna Do (Version 2)
Whatcha Gonna Do (Version 2)
< 1000 2:21 2013-07-14
I Shall Be Free (Version 2)
I Shall Be Free (Version 2)
< 1000 4:42 2013-07-14
Wichita (Going to Louisiana) [Version 2]
Wichita (Going to Louisiana) [Version 2]
< 1000 3:08 2013-07-14
Hero Blues (Version 3)
Hero Blues (Version 3)
< 1000 2:57 2013-07-14
That's All Right Mama (Version 2)
That's All Right Mama (Version 2)
< 1000 2:14 2013-07-14
Smokestack Lighning
Smokestack Lighning
< 1000 2:41 1962-04-01
Stealin' Stealin'
Stealin' Stealin'
< 1000 2:55 1962-04-01

New releases

Music Legends Bob Dylan : The Poet's Folk Hits
Music Legends Bob Dylan : The Poet's Folk Hits
[Wagram Music]
The Complete Budokan 1978 (Live)
The Complete Budokan 1978 (Live)
Mixing Up The Medicine / A Retrospective
Mixing Up The Medicine / A Retrospective
Shadow Kingdom
Shadow Kingdom
Fragments - Time Out of Mind Sessions (1996-1997): The Bootleg Series, Vol. 17 (Deluxe Edition)
Fragments - Time Out of Mind Sessions (1996-1997): The Bootleg Series, Vol. 17 (Deluxe Edition)
Fragments - Time Out of Mind Sessions (1996-1997): The Bootleg Series, Vol. 17
Fragments - Time Out of Mind Sessions (1996-1997): The Bootleg Series, Vol. 17
Savage Young Years
Savage Young Years
[MC - Music Central]
Vinyl Story Presents Bob Dylan
Vinyl Story Presents Bob Dylan
House of the Risin' Sun
House of the Risin' Sun
[W.T.M. Classics]
Dylan & Cash - Two Rebels
Dylan & Cash - Two Rebels
The Joker, Vol. IV: Early Years
The Joker, Vol. IV: Early Years
[Wet Music]
The Joker, Vol. V: Early Years
The Joker, Vol. V: Early Years
[Wet Music]
The Joker, Vol. II: Early Years
The Joker, Vol. II: Early Years
[Wet Music]
The Joker, Vol. III: Early Years
The Joker, Vol. III: Early Years
[Wet Music]
The Joker, Vol. II: Early Years
The Joker, Vol. II: Early Years
The Joker, Vol. I: Early Years
The Joker, Vol. I: Early Years
[Wet Music]
The Joker, Vol. I: Early Years
The Joker, Vol. I: Early Years
Springtime in New York: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 16 / 1980-1985
Springtime in New York: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 16 / 1980-1985
The Reggae Remix EP
The Reggae Remix EP
The Best of The Bootleg Series
The Best of The Bootleg Series
Rough and Rowdy Ways
Rough and Rowdy Ways
False Prophet
False Prophet
I Contain Multitudes
I Contain Multitudes
Murder Most Foul
Murder Most Foul
Travelin' Thru, 1967 - 1969: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 15 (Sampler)
Travelin' Thru, 1967 - 1969: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 15 (Sampler)
The Rolling Thunder Revue: The 1975 Live Recordings (Sampler)
The Rolling Thunder Revue: The 1975 Live Recordings (Sampler)
Make You Feel My Love: 16 Love Songs of Bob Dylan
Make You Feel My Love: 16 Love Songs of Bob Dylan
More Blood, More Tracks: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 14 (Sampler)
More Blood, More Tracks: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 14 (Sampler)
Masters of War (SherGun Remix)
Masters of War (SherGun Remix)
Live 1962-1966 - Rare Performances From The Copyright Collections
Live 1962-1966 - Rare Performances From The Copyright Collections
Live 1962-1966 - Rare Performances from the Copyright Collections (Japan Version)
Live 1962-1966 - Rare Performances from the Copyright Collections (Japan Version)
The Music Which Inspired Girl from the North Country
The Music Which Inspired Girl from the North Country
Blowing In The Wind (Live at John F. Kennedy Stadium, 13th July 1985)
Blowing In The Wind (Live at John F. Kennedy Stadium, 13th July 1985)
[The Band Aid Trust]
Trouble No More: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 13 / 1979-1981 (Deluxe Edition)
Trouble No More: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 13 / 1979-1981 (Deluxe Edition)
Masters of War (The Avener Rework)
Masters of War (The Avener Rework)
My One and Only Love
My One and Only Love
I Could Have Told You
I Could Have Told You
RTL & BD Music Present Bob Dylan
RTL & BD Music Present Bob Dylan
Fallen Angels
Fallen Angels
Melancholy Mood
Melancholy Mood
Shadows in the Night
Shadows in the Night
The Essential Bob Dylan
The Essential Bob Dylan
Things We Said Today
Things We Said Today
[Arctic Poppy]
Side Tracks
Side Tracks
Un'ora con...
Un'ora con...
Another Self Portrait (1969-1971): The Bootleg Series, Vol. 10 [Deluxe Edition]
Another Self Portrait (1969-1971): The Bootleg Series, Vol. 10 [Deluxe Edition]
Pretty Saro [(Unreleased) [Self Portrait]]
Pretty Saro [(Unreleased) [Self Portrait]]
Live on Air: Bob Dylan in Minneapolis
Live on Air: Bob Dylan in Minneapolis
[Global Song Records]
Live on Air: Bob Dylan in NY
Live on Air: Bob Dylan in NY
[Global Song Records]
Gaslight Sessions
Gaslight Sessions
[Lumi OMP]
New York Sessions 1962
New York Sessions 1962
[Lumi OMP]
The Freewheelin' Outtakes
The Freewheelin' Outtakes
[Lumi OMP]
Live in NYC 1961
Live in NYC 1961
[Master Classics Records]
Live in Minneapolis 1961
Live in Minneapolis 1961
[Master Classics Records]
Christmas In The Heart
Christmas In The Heart
Together Through Life
Together Through Life
Tell Tale Signs: The Bootleg Series Vol. 8 (Deluxe Edition)
Tell Tale Signs: The Bootleg Series Vol. 8 (Deluxe Edition)
Modern Times
Modern Times
Love And Theft
Love And Theft
Love And Theft (Alben für die Ewigkeit)
Love And Theft (Alben für die Ewigkeit)
Time Out Of Mind
Time Out Of Mind
MTV Unplugged (Live)
MTV Unplugged (Live)
Bob Dylan MTV Unplugged (Alben für die Ewigkeit)
Bob Dylan MTV Unplugged (Alben für die Ewigkeit)
Greatest Hits Volume 3
Greatest Hits Volume 3
World Gone Wrong
World Gone Wrong
Good As I Been To You
Good As I Been To You
The Bootleg Series Volumes 1-3 (Rare And Unreleased) 1961-1991
The Bootleg Series Volumes 1-3 (Rare And Unreleased) 1961-1991
Under The Red Sky
Under The Red Sky
Oh Mercy
Oh Mercy
Dylan & The Dead (Live)
Dylan & The Dead (Live)
Down In The Groove
Down In The Groove
Knocked Out Loaded
Knocked Out Loaded
Empire Burlesque
Empire Burlesque
Real Live
Real Live
Shot Of Love
Shot Of Love
Slow Train Coming
Slow Train Coming
Bob Dylan At Budokan (Live)
Bob Dylan At Budokan (Live)
Hard Rain (Live)
Hard Rain (Live)
The Bootleg Series, Vol. 5 - Bob Dylan Live 1975: The Rolling Thunder Revue
The Bootleg Series, Vol. 5 - Bob Dylan Live 1975: The Rolling Thunder Revue
The Basement Tapes
The Basement Tapes
Blood On The Tracks
Blood On The Tracks
Before The Flood (Live)
Before The Flood (Live)
Planet Waves
Planet Waves
Dylan (1973)
Dylan (1973)
Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid (Soundtrack From The Motion Picture)
Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid (Soundtrack From The Motion Picture)
Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Volume II
Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Volume II
New Morning
New Morning
Self Portrait
Self Portrait
Nashville Skyline
Nashville Skyline
The Basement Tapes Complete: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 11 (Deluxe Edition)
The Basement Tapes Complete: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 11 (Deluxe Edition)
John Wesley Harding
John Wesley Harding
Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits
Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits
No Direction Home: Bootleg Volume 7 (Movie Soundtrack)
No Direction Home: Bootleg Volume 7 (Movie Soundtrack)
The Real Royal Albert Hall 1966 Concert (Live)
The Real Royal Albert Hall 1966 Concert (Live)
Live 1966 "The Royal Albert Hall Concert" The Bootleg Series Vol. 4
Live 1966 "The Royal Albert Hall Concert" The Bootleg Series Vol. 4
Blonde On Blonde
Blonde On Blonde
Highway 61 Revisited
Highway 61 Revisited
Bringing It All Back Home
Bringing It All Back Home
The Cutting Edge 1965-1966: The Bootleg Series, Vol.12 (Deluxe Edition)
The Cutting Edge 1965-1966: The Bootleg Series, Vol.12 (Deluxe Edition)
Another Side Of Bob Dylan
Another Side Of Bob Dylan
The Times They Are A-Changin'
The Times They Are A-Changin'
The Bootleg Volume 6: Bob Dylan Live 1964 - Concert At Philharmonic Hall
The Bootleg Volume 6: Bob Dylan Live 1964 - Concert At Philharmonic Hall
Bob Dylan Live At Carnegie Hall 1963
Bob Dylan Live At Carnegie Hall 1963
The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan In Concert: Brandeis University 1963 (Live)
Bob Dylan In Concert: Brandeis University 1963 (Live)
The Witmark Demos: 1962-1964 (The Bootleg Series Vol. 9)
The Witmark Demos: 1962-1964 (The Bootleg Series Vol. 9)
House of the Risin' Sun
House of the Risin' Sun
Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan