Music Metrics Vault

Cutee B.

Data updated on 2025-02-21 18:58:44 UTC
We have no information about this artist.

Total plays

181.0 million
Updated on 2025-02-21

Monthly listeners




Top Cities

  1. France
    35,759 listeners
  2. Australia
    43,676 listeners
  3. Australia
    38,430 listeners
  4. Australia
    29,576 listeners
  5. Belgium
    28,044 listeners

Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
Rock This Party (Everybody Dance Now)
Rock This Party (Everybody Dance Now)
179,417,000 4:05 2006-08-22
Rock This Party - Nari & Milani Remix
Rock This Party - Nari & Milani Remix
874,431 2:51 2021-12-24
Vision of Paradise
Vision of Paradise
226,230 6:26 2012-01-26
88,972 5:18 2000-01-01
Rock This Party (Everybody Dance Now) - [Woody Bianchi Rock It Rmx]
Rock This Party (Everybody Dance Now) - [Woody Bianchi Rock It Rmx]
68,919 7:34 2007-03-10
Le décompte
Le décompte
60,960 4:07 2001-05-25
Scratch Fury
Scratch Fury
48,358 1:25 2007-04-16
Espionage - Cutee B Remix
Espionage - Cutee B Remix
39,395 3:26 2013-11-18
38,645 4:17 2017-06-29
Le Bonheur
Le Bonheur
36,825 4:23 2010-06-24
Back Again - Original Mix
Back Again - Original Mix
26,327 6:00 2012-08-06
25,789 4:47 2001-05-25
Back Again - Radio Edit
Back Again - Radio Edit
23,283 3:44 2012-08-06
Rock the Boat - Cutee B Remix
Rock the Boat - Cutee B Remix
21,546 5:49 2012-02-15
Rock This Party (Everybody Dance Now)
Rock This Party (Everybody Dance Now)
18,983 3:35 2023-03-31
Interlude Cutee B
Interlude Cutee B
14,056 1:46 2010-06-24
Inchallah - Remix Cutee B
Inchallah - Remix Cutee B
7,668 3:47 2010-06-21
Back Again - Winter 2013 Mix
Back Again - Winter 2013 Mix
6,656 5:36 2012-11-26
Funky Flute
Funky Flute
3,374 3:20 2024-09-06
Jazz Ob Piano
Jazz Ob Piano
2,185 4:23 2024-07-19
< 1000 2:18 2019-01-30
Shot Me Down - Enlish Dirty
Shot Me Down - Enlish Dirty
< 1000 3:10 2014-06-02
Fonky First
Fonky First
< 1000 3:47 2024-10-18

New releases

Rock This Party (Nari & Milani Remix)
Rock This Party (Nari & Milani Remix)
[Yellow productions]
Back Again (Winter 2013 Mix)
Back Again (Winter 2013 Mix)
[Pool E Music]
Back Again
Back Again
[Pool E Music]
Rock This Party (Everybody Dance Now)
Rock This Party (Everybody Dance Now)
[Yellow Productions]