Music Metrics Vault

Ernie Sabella

Data updated on 2025-02-21 09:58:37 UTC
We have no information about this artist.


: movie tunes

Total plays

520.4 million
Updated on 2025-02-21

Monthly listeners




Top Cities

  1. Australia
    59,396 listeners
  2. United Kingdom
    49,716 listeners
  3. Australia
    50,708 listeners
  4. Australia
    36,821 listeners
  5. United States
    31,296 listeners

Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata
316,575,528 3:34 1994-01-01
Can You Feel the Love Tonight - From "The Lion King" / Soundtrack Version
Can You Feel the Love Tonight - From "The Lion King" / Soundtrack Version
193,930,793 2:57 1994-01-01
Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata
3,812,310 4:08 2014-06-24
Warthog Rhapsody - From "The Lion King"/Soundtrack Version
Warthog Rhapsody - From "The Lion King"/Soundtrack Version
2,161,763 3:06 1995-01-01
Man of La Mancha (I, Don Quixote)
Man of La Mancha (I, Don Quixote)
1,780,451 2:16 2003-01-06
I Really Like Him
I Really Like Him
418,984 2:03 2003-01-06
Golden Helmet of Mambrino
Golden Helmet of Mambrino
326,060 2:18 2003-01-06
Knight of the Woeful Countenance
Knight of the Woeful Countenance
318,054 2:04 2003-01-06
Finale Sequence: The Death of Alonso Quijana - Dulcinea (Reprise) / The Impossible Dream (The Quest) (Reprise) / Man of La Mancha (I, Don Quixote) (Reprise) / The Psalm
Finale Sequence: The Death of Alonso Quijana - Dulcinea (Reprise) / The Impossible Dream (The Quest) (Reprise) / Man of La Mancha (I, Don Quixote) (Reprise) / The Psalm
311,369 8:22 2003-01-06
Stand By Me - From "Timon and Pumbaa"
Stand By Me - From "Timon and Pumbaa"
309,817 3:13 2017-10-27
A Little Gossip
A Little Gossip
259,848 1:30 2003-01-06
Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata
112,332 2:04 2001-01-01
I Love To Cry At Weddings
I Love To Cry At Weddings
45,785 2:11 2005-07-12
Binge - Remix
Binge - Remix
3,319 2:43 2022-12-12
The Greatest
The Greatest
2,204 3:50 2022-12-12