Music Metrics Vault

Evan Burrison

Data updated on 2024-12-06 05:35:42 UTC
Born and raised experiencing the classic rural Ontario experience of bush parties, hockey games, campfires and farmers fields, Evan is a small town country artist through and through.

Hailing from the border town of Fort Erie, Ontario, more specifically Crystal Beach, Ontario - Evan Burrison uses his music to express the experience of living in a small town of less than 8,000 people and finding himself through country music. Initially, wanting to be a music producer, Evan attended Fanshawe College in London to learn music production and songwriting. Through this experience he received several awards and accolades for his songwriting and performance skills where it became clear that he is a true artist and performer at heart. At the young age of 22, Evan has made major waves in the country music industry already, with the release of his debut single achieving over 25,000 streams on Spotify ALONE in the first week and already garnering the attention of country music fans worldwide, it is clear there is a bright future ahead.

Total plays

Updated on 2024-11-25

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Monthly listeners




Top Cities

  1. Canada
    365 listeners
  2. Canada
    418 listeners
  3. Canada
    349 listeners
  4. Canada
    170 listeners
  5. Canada
    169 listeners

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You and Me
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[Swell Records]
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[Swell Records]