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Evan Burrison

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Data updated on 2025-02-23 17:44:30 UTC
Evan Burrison is a Canada’s next up country singer/songwriter and producer from Crystal Beach Ontario, carving his own path in Canadian country music. Known for his ability to blend country, and indie-alternative influences, he’s got a sound that’s as unique as it is relatable. A small-town charm with that big-city polish.

Over the years, Evan’s knack for crafting songs has earned some serious recognition, including the Antonio Lanni Songwriter of the Year Award. But awards aside, he’s all about making music that connects with people. Whether he’s collaborating with artists across Ontario, or over on the States Side, Evan’s focus is always on creating songs that feel like home and hit you right in the feels.

His latest single, No Rest, is proof of just that. It’s the soundtrack for anyone who’s ever shut down the bar, walked home at sunrise, and kept living for the weekend. You can stream it everywhere and probably should.

When he’s not in the studio or writing, Evan’s keeping his followers in the loop on Instagram @evanburrison with behind-the-scenes updates and glimpses into his creative process.

If you’re looking for music that’s equal parts fresh and familiar, keep your eye on Evan Burrison—he’s just getting started.

Total plays

Updated on 2025-02-23

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Monthly listeners




Top Cities

  1. Canada
    190 listeners
  2. Canada
    343 listeners
  3. Canada
    196 listeners
  4. Australia
    215 listeners
  5. Australia
    171 listeners

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Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
She Knows Better
She Knows Better
255,293 3:21 2024-04-12
You and Me
You and Me
134,781 2:27 2024-08-16
No Rest
No Rest
66,821 3:04 2024-12-06

New releases

No Rest
No Rest
[Swell Records]
You and Me
You and Me
[Swell Records]
She Knows Better
She Knows Better
[Swell Records]