Music Metrics Vault

Evan Rachel Wood

Data updated on 2025-02-22 07:04:32 UTC
With a wide-ranging career from HBO's award-winning TV series Westworld to indie flicks like Pretty Persuasion, American actress Evan Rachel Wood had her breakthrough in the 2003 award-winning teen movie Thirteen. Dabbling in music throughout her expansive acting career, the North Carolina-born actress lent her expressive vocals to the soundtracks of 2007's Across the Universe and 2019's Frozen 2.

Born into a theatrical family in Raleigh, North Carolina, actress Evan Rachel Wood got her start in acting at just a few months old, performing for her father's community theater project, Theater in the Park. Having found a sequence of roles in minor films throughout the '90s, Wood's true breakthrough came in 2003's Thirteen: taking on the role of troubled teen Tracy Freeland, she was nominated for a Golden Globe, as well as being named one of Vanity Fair's "It Girls of Hollywood." Continuing to land key roles throughout the 2000s, the American actress found particular success in independent flicks Pretty Persuasion and Down in the Valley, as well as in Ryan Murphy's Golden Globe-nominated comedy Running with Scissors. Her musical debut came in the 2007 musical Across the Universe: taking on the role of Lucy, Wood demonstrated her vocal talents on soundtrack cuts "Hold Me Tight," "It Won't Be Long," "If I Fell," "Dear Prudence," "Because," and "Blackbird."

After a series of career-building roles throughout the 2000s and 2010s, including key roles in hugely popular HBO TV series True Blood and Westworld, Wood returned to music in 2019's Frozen 2. As the voice of Queen Iduna, Wood lent her extensive vocal talents to several of the soundtrack's key cuts, including the theatrical "Show Yourself." ~ David Crone

Total plays

556.9 million
Updated on 2025-02-22


United States

Monthly listeners




Top Cities

  1. United Kingdom
    28,232 listeners
  2. Australia
    31,188 listeners
  3. Australia
    27,427 listeners
  4. Indonesia
    28,838 listeners
  5. Australia
    19,948 listeners

Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
Show Yourself
Show Yourself
288,205,609 4:21 2019-11-15
All Is Found
All Is Found
171,340,544 2:05 2019-11-15
All Is Found (Lullaby Ending) - Outtake
All Is Found (Lullaby Ending) - Outtake
35,388,429 1:54 2019-11-15
It Won't Be Long - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
It Won't Be Long - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
9,037,963 2:16 2007-01-01
Black Bird - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
Black Bird - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
8,535,440 3:05 2007-01-01
Dear Prudence
Dear Prudence
8,489,553 5:19 2007-01-01
Hold Me Tight
Hold Me Tight
8,399,171 2:35 2007-01-01
If I Fell
If I Fell
8,215,125 2:37 2007-01-01
6,835,792 2:30 2007-01-01
C'mon Marianne / Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)
C'mon Marianne / Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)
3,018,086 3:32 2015-01-01
Strange Magic
Strange Magic
2,562,542 4:16 2015-01-01
I'll Never Fall in Love Again
I'll Never Fall in Love Again
2,227,540 2:48 2015-01-01
Can't Help Falling in Love
Can't Help Falling in Love
1,827,486 2:53 2015-01-01
Tell Him / Wild Thing
Tell Him / Wild Thing
1,098,594 3:40 2015-01-01
Straight On
Straight On
1,021,688 3:06 2015-01-01
Somewhere In My Memory
Somewhere In My Memory
271,295 3:10 2021-10-08
Can I Be Your Friend
Can I Be Your Friend
157,714 3:58 2020-06-12
I'd Have You Anytime
I'd Have You Anytime
132,485 3:53 2012-01-24
92,113 3:22 2022-07-15
Christmas Isn't Christmas Without You
Christmas Isn't Christmas Without You
2,444 3:27 2002-01-01
Silver And Gold
Silver And Gold
< 1000 2:43 2002-01-01

New releases

[Matías León]
It Won't Be Long (Across The Universe - Music From The Motion Picture)
It Won't Be Long (Across The Universe - Music From The Motion Picture)