Music Metrics Vault


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Data updated on 2025-02-14 18:53:55 UTC
We have no information about this artist.

Total plays

155.0 million
Updated on 2025-02-10

Monthly listeners




Top Cities

  1. United Kingdom
    20,658 listeners
  2. Australia
    17,702 listeners
  3. Indonesia
    26,306 listeners
  4. United States
    17,297 listeners
  5. United States
    16,169 listeners

Related artists

Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
Part of Your World - From "The Little Mermaid"
Part of Your World - From "The Little Mermaid"
85,382,015 3:34 2023-04-26
20,766,648 3:39 2023-08-04
For the First Time
For the First Time
15,595,090 4:08 2023-05-19
Part of Your World (Reprise)
Part of Your World (Reprise)
11,936,248 2:37 2023-05-19
Part of Your World (Reprise II)
Part of Your World (Reprise II)
9,575,266 1:33 2023-05-19
In Your Hands
In Your Hands
8,296,989 2:52 2024-03-15
Soft (feat. Chlöe & Halle) [Unlocked]
Soft (feat. Chlöe & Halle) [Unlocked]
2,071,941 3:12 2024-11-15
Keep It Movin’
Keep It Movin’
705,132 3:53 2023-12-15
Mysterious Ways
Mysterious Ways
473,725 3:47 2023-12-15
Keep Pushin’ - Missy Elliott Remix
Keep Pushin’ - Missy Elliott Remix
364,401 2:28 2023-12-15
Huckleberry Pie
Huckleberry Pie
289,289 1:07 2023-12-15

New releases

In Your Hands
In Your Hands
[Parkwood Entertainment/Columbia]
Keep Pushin’ (Missy Elliott Remix) (From the Original Motion Picture “The Color Purple”)
Keep Pushin’ (Missy Elliott Remix) (From the Original Motion Picture “The Color Purple”)
[Parkwood Entertainment/Columbia]
Part of Your World (From "The Little Mermaid")
Part of Your World (From "The Little Mermaid")
[Walt Disney Records]