Music Metrics Vault

Jaydon Lewis

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Data updated on 2023-10-03 14:36:09 UTC
We have no information about this artist.

Total plays

Updated on 2023-10-03

Monthly listeners




Top Cities

  1. India
    18 listeners
  2. India
    3 listeners
  3. India
    6 listeners
  4. India
    5 listeners
  5. India
    7 listeners

Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
More Than A Stranger (Jaydon Lewis Remix)
More Than A Stranger (Jaydon Lewis Remix)
29,957 2:41 2018-06-22
Paradise - Original Mix
Paradise - Original Mix
21,027 3:50 2013-11-15
Dial Tone Raga - Reetigowla - Eka talam - Remix
Dial Tone Raga - Reetigowla - Eka talam - Remix
3,685 2:07 2021-02-25