Music Metrics Vault

Macabre Plaza

Data updated on 2024-12-16 22:04:44 UTC
Instagram: macabreplazaoffical

Total plays

276.7 million
Updated on 2024-12-16

Monthly listeners




Top Cities

  1. United States
    73,656 listeners
  2. United States
    47,531 listeners
  3. Australia
    43,994 listeners
  4. Chile
    51,544 listeners
  5. United States
    44,108 listeners

Related artists

Piero Piccioni
Piero Piccioni
Laurindo Almeida
Laurindo Almeida
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sundiver ca
Dana and Alden
Dana and Alden
Ley Soul
Ley Soul
Ash Lee
Ash Lee
Alberto Baldan Bembo
Alberto Baldan Bembo

Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
A Bird's Last Look
A Bird's Last Look
108,552,801 1:10 2022-04-21
Middle of Nowhere
Middle of Nowhere
37,390,193 1:01 2021-09-15
Till the Wheels Fall Off
Till the Wheels Fall Off
25,905,199 1:20 2022-04-21
A Devil's Touch in the Midwest
A Devil's Touch in the Midwest
25,712,415 1:08 2021-02-16
Abandoned Plaza
Abandoned Plaza
16,333,101 1:36 2022-04-21
Let's Dance in the Dirt!
Let's Dance in the Dirt!
9,497,171 1:22 2021-09-15
Small Town Pigeon
Small Town Pigeon
8,540,883 1:35 2021-02-16
An Old Farmer's Smile
An Old Farmer's Smile
8,266,057 1:09 2022-04-21
An Old Smile
An Old Smile
5,940,900 1:12 2021-02-16
Fly the Voodoo Skies
Fly the Voodoo Skies
4,858,848 1:11 2021-09-15
A Chimps' smile
A Chimps' smile
3,510,655 1:12 2021-09-15
Dimly Lit Small Town
Dimly Lit Small Town
2,582,275 1:20 2022-04-21
This Song Is Always Playing Inside a Horses Head
This Song Is Always Playing Inside a Horses Head
2,230,763 1:25 2018-10-16
We'll Be There by Sundown
We'll Be There by Sundown
1,733,597 1:10 2021-02-16
1,495,978 1:03 2022-11-04
Dinner With an Old Puppet
Dinner With an Old Puppet
1,439,405 1:07 2023-09-05
A Dragon With a Pirate Hat On
A Dragon With a Pirate Hat On
1,411,783 1:17 2023-09-05
Glorifying the Past
Glorifying the Past
1,391,576 1:45 2021-02-16
Take Me for Example
Take Me for Example
1,363,701 2:27 2018-10-16
Smoke Coming from a Cabin in the Distance
Smoke Coming from a Cabin in the Distance
1,331,072 1:18 2023-09-05
Delish Dessert
Delish Dessert
1,050,844 1:48 2021-02-16
Wooden Door With a Smile
Wooden Door With a Smile
1,047,583 1:45 2021-02-16
Before Love Was Lost
Before Love Was Lost
950,875 1:53 2018-10-16
A Devil Peeking over the Bushes in My Backyard
A Devil Peeking over the Bushes in My Backyard
899,757 1:03 2023-09-05
Looking Back With Such Great Memories Only to Realize That They Were Never There, or Were They?
Looking Back With Such Great Memories Only to Realize That They Were Never There, or Were They?
751,329 1:31 2018-10-16
Something That I Thought I Saw Once
Something That I Thought I Saw Once
650,177 1:56 2018-10-16
Welcome to the Jason Inn
Welcome to the Jason Inn
526,539 1:52 2023-09-05
Deer in the Highbeams
Deer in the Highbeams
380,177 1:45 2024-05-10
Middle of Nowhere 2
Middle of Nowhere 2
270,718 1:40 2024-05-10
Will You Remember Me?
Will You Remember Me?
255,747 1:12 2024-05-10
Thank You to Everyone
Thank You to Everyone
248,028 1:13 2024-05-10
Big Red Lips With Shoes On
Big Red Lips With Shoes On
213,312 1:09 2024-05-10

New releases

Do You Remember Where You Were the First Time You Saw This Horse?
Do You Remember Where You Were the First Time You Saw This Horse?
[Macabre Plaza]
Dinner with an Old Puppet
Dinner with an Old Puppet
[Vada Vada]
Out With the Old in With the Taboo
Out With the Old in With the Taboo
[Vada Vada]
Remember Me? EP from Mp
Remember Me? EP from Mp
[Vada Vada]
An Old Smile
An Old Smile
[Vada Vada]
An Old Smile
An Old Smile
[Vada Vada]
Macabre Plaza
Macabre Plaza
[Vada Vada]