Music Metrics Vault


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Data updated on 2025-02-14 14:56:15 UTC
We have no information about this artist.

Total plays

221.0 million
Updated on 2025-02-14

Monthly listeners




Top Cities

  1. Chile
    212,593 listeners
  2. Peru
    137,596 listeners
  3. Colombia
    214,939 listeners
  4. Colombia
    105,689 listeners
  5. Mexico
    77,041 listeners

Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
Quizas - Remix
Quizas - Remix
220,430,639 4:00 2007-01-01
Lamento De Amor
Lamento De Amor
524,697 3:36 2004-01-27
Doin' It Majah (feat. MARIO'SO, A$$a$$in, Playa Jay Tee & 206)
Doin' It Majah (feat. MARIO'SO, A$$a$$in, Playa Jay Tee & 206)
< 1000 3:51 2011-07-12

New releases

Best of my vida
Best of my vida
[JK Production]
My Best music
My Best music
[JK Production]