Music Metrics Vault

Murray Elias

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Data updated on 2025-02-27 14:47:01 UTC
We have no information about this artist.

Total plays

336.3 million
Updated on 2025-02-27

Monthly listeners




Top Cities

  1. Mexico
    109,582 listeners
  2. Colombia
    89,823 listeners
  3. Chile
    81,414 listeners
  4. Brazil
    109,082 listeners
  5. Costa Rica
    San José
    48,601 listeners

Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
I'm Still in Love with You (feat. Sasha)
I'm Still in Love with You (feat. Sasha)
281,040,880 4:33 2017-06-02
I'm Still in Love with You (feat. Sasha)
I'm Still in Love with You (feat. Sasha)
45,776,824 3:35 2002-01-01
Gimme the Light (feat. Busta Rhymes) - Pass the Dro-Voisier Remix
Gimme the Light (feat. Busta Rhymes) - Pass the Dro-Voisier Remix
9,263,747 3:21 2017-06-02
American Science - Chemical Reaction Mix; 2010 Remaster
American Science - Chemical Reaction Mix; 2010 Remaster
118,927 7:46 1986-11-24
American Science - Chemical Reaction Mix; 1999 Remaster
American Science - Chemical Reaction Mix; 1999 Remaster
70,942 7:42 1999-01-01
American Science - Meltdown Dub; 2010 Remaster
American Science - Meltdown Dub; 2010 Remaster
21,600 7:30 2010-09-24