Music Metrics Vault

Ol' Dirty Bastard

Data updated on 2025-03-28 09:05:08 UTC
One of the founding members of the Wu-Tang Clan, who recorded some of the most influential hip-hop of the '90s, Ol' Dirty Bastard was the loose cannon of the group, both on record and off. Delivering his outrageously profane, free-associative rhymes in a distinctive half-rapped, half-sung style, ODB came across as a mix of gonzo comic relief and not-quite-stable menace. Unfortunately, after launching a successful solo career, his personal life began to exhibit those same qualities. ODB spent much of 1998 and 1999 getting arrested with ridiculous, comical frequency, building up a rap sheet that now reads not so much like a soap opera as an epic Russian novel. At first, his difficulties with the law made him a larger-than-life figure, the ringmaster of rap's most cartoonish sideshow. Sadly, his life inevitably slipped out of control, and the possibility that his continued antics were at least partly the result of conscious image-making disappeared as time wore on. It was difficult for observers to tell whether ODB's wildly erratic behavior was the result of serious drug problems or genuine mental instability; bad luck certainly played a role in his downfall, but so did his own undeniably poor judgment. Despite being sentenced to prison on drug charges in 2001, it's worth noting that while he was running amuck Ol' Dirty's offenses were largely nonviolent; the saddest part of his story is that, in the end, the only person he truly harmed was himself.

Ol' Dirty Bastard was born Russell Tyrone Jones in Brooklyn in 1969, and grew up in the neighborhood of Fort Green as a welfare child. As he got older, he started hanging out more and more with his cousins Robert Diggs and Gary Grice; they all shared a taste for rap music and kung-fu movies. The trio parlayed their obsessions into founding the Wu-Tang Clan, renaming themselves Ol' Dirty Bastard (since there was no father to his style), the RZA, and the Genius, respectively. The Wu grew into an innovatively structured hip-hop collective designed to hit big and then spin off as many solo careers for its members as possible. Buoyed by the RZA's production genius and a number of strong personalities, the Wu-Tang Clan's first album, Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers), was released at the end of 1993 and became one of the most influential rap albums of the decade. Earlier in the year, Ol' Dirty had been convicted of second-degree assault in New York, the only violent offense ever proven against him; trouble continued to stalk him in 1994, when he was shot in the stomach by another rapper in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn following a street argument.

Luckily, the injuries weren't serious, and Dirty became the second Wu-Tang member to launch a solo career (after Method Man) when he signed with Elektra and released the RZA-produced Return to the 36 Chambers: The Dirty Version in early 1995. The stellar singles "Brooklyn Zoo" and "Shimmy Shimmy Ya" both became hits, making the album a gold-selling success. Additionally, his guest spot on a remix of Mariah Carey's "Fantasy" produced one of the year's unlikeliest hitmaking teams. With the concurrent success of the other Wu solo projects, anticipation for the group's second album ran high, and when the double-disc Wu-Tang Forever came out in the summer of 1997, it sold over 600,000 copies in its first week of release. Included on the second disc was "Dog Shit," two and a half minutes of perhaps the most bizarre, scatological ODB ranting that had yet appeared on record. And then, the saga began.

In November 1997, Ol' Dirty Bastard was arrested for failing to pay nearly a year's worth of child support -- around 35,000 dollars -- for the three children he had with his wife, Icelene Jones (by this point, he'd fathered a total of 13 children, beginning in his teenage years). Things picked up in February 1998: he started his own clothing line, dubbed My Dirty Wear, and along with several protégés, he rushed out of a New York recording studio to help save a four-year-old girl who had been hit by a car and lay trapped underneath. The very next day, at the Grammy Awards (where the Wu had been nominated for Best Rap Album), there followed the incident that truly established the Ol' Dirty legend. During Shawn Colvin's acceptance speech for her Song of the Year award, ODB rushed the stage seemingly out of nowhere, clad in a bright red suit. He took over the microphone and launched into a rambling complaint about buying an expensive new outfit but losing the Grammy to Puff Daddy, whom he described as "good" but not as good as his own group, because "Wu-Tang is for the children." Hustled off-stage after this puzzling, oddly timed outburst, ODB was the talk of the next day's news reports, and many mainstream outlets had to find ways of avoiding the "bastard" portion of his name. He further confounded the public by announcing in April that he was scrapping his Ol' Dirty Bastard alias (which headed up a long list that included Osirus [sic], Joe Bannanas [sic], Dirt McGirt, Dirt Dog, and Unique Ason) and calling himself Big Baby Jesus. None of his explanations in interviews even verged on coherence, and the press never took the switch all that seriously; even the erstwhile Big Baby Jesus himself seemed to forget about the idea after a short time.

The rest of 1998 was a slow downward spiral. In April, he pleaded guilty to a charge of attempted assault on Icelene Jones, resulting in a protection order against him; the following month, a bench warrant was issued for his arrest after he missed two court dates concerning his child support payments (he finally did show up and signed an agreement to pay off the debts). In late June, ODB was shot in a robbery attempt in Brownsville, Brooklyn; two assailants pushed their way into ODB's girlfriend's apartment, stole some money and jewelry from the rapper, and shot him once. The bullet entered his back and went through his arm before exiting his body, but luckily the wounds were superficial, and several hours after receiving emergency-room treatment, ODB ignored the hospital's request for overnight observation and simply walked out. Only one week later, ODB was arrested in Virginia Beach for shoplifting, after walking out of a shoe store wearing a pair of 50 dollar sneakers. Adding insult to injury, his SUV was stolen from outside a New York recording studio a couple weeks later. Undaunted, Dirty went ahead with his plans to tour, set up his own Osirus Entertainment label, and recorded with a group of protégés called D.R.U.G. (Dirty Rotten Underground Grimies). As a result, he missed several court dates concerning his Virginia Beach shoplifting charge, resulting in an order for his arrest.

That difficulty seemed to matter less when, in September, ODB was arrested in Los Angeles for making terrorist threats. He'd been attending a concert by R&B singer Des'ree at the House of Blues in West Hollywood, and refused to be escorted outside by security who'd grown tired of his drunken rowdiness; after he was kicked out, he returned and threatened to shoot the security staff -- a felony in California, punishable by up to three years in jail. Not two weeks after posting bail, ODB was kicked out of a hotel in Berlin, Germany, for lounging on his balcony in the nude (no charges were filed). He later returned to California, where he was arrested once again in November on more charges of making terrorist threats -- this time allegedly threatening to kill an ex-girlfriend (and mother of one of his children). ODB pleaded not guilty in both "terrorist" cases, and returned to New York in January. At this point, it was still difficult to view ODB as a genuine criminal -- not that his conduct had been exemplary by any means, but there was a possibility that he was simply misunderstood, or that the California criminal justice system was essentially criminalizing the act of being a blowhard.

Shortly after ODB's return to New York, he was pulled over for a traffic violation while driving with his cousin. What happened next was never fully clarified. The officers claimed that ODB got out of his vehicle and started shooting at them; he was arrested and charged with attempted murder and criminal weapon possession. However, the police were never able to produce a matching weapon, ammunition, or empty ammo shells to support their claims, and there were a multitude of conflicting stories reported from their side as to the exact details of the incident. In February, a grand jury decided there was not enough evidence and dismissed the case, after which an outraged ODB filed suit against the arresting officers. Just a couple of weeks later, ODB once again fell victim to the vagaries of the California legal system. After citing him for double-parking his car in Hollywood, police discovered that he was driving without a license, and when they searched him, they found that he was wearing a bulletproof vest. This was understandable, given his recent experience in New York, but California had recently passed a law making it illegal for convicted violent felons to wear body armor -- and because of his 1993 second-degree assault conviction, ODB fell under that category (in fact, his arrest was one of the very first under the law). In March, now back in New York, ODB was pulled over for another traffic violation (this time driving without license plates), and police found a small amount of crack cocaine in his SUV, leading to misdemeanor drug possession charges. Five days later, ODB was pulled over and cited again for driving without license plates, as well as driving with a suspended license. In the face of this impossible legal maze, April brought one small bit of good news -- the terrorist-threat charges involving his ex-girlfriend were dismissed due to lack of evidence. What was more, former O.J. Simpson defense attorney Robert Shapiro signed on as ODB's legal representative.

Still, ODB's run of ill luck continued. At the end of July, he was jailed in California for failing to pay a portion of his bail from the House of Blues case (in a recent court hearing, he'd acknowledged financial difficulties stemming from his legal bills). He was able to post the money and was released; however, just days later, he was arrested in New York after running a red light. He was still driving on a suspended license, but what was more serious, officers discovered not only marijuana, but 20 vials of crack cocaine. He was able to post bail, but didn't return to Los Angeles for a hearing in the body-armor case, and his bail there was revoked and a bench warrant issued for his arrest. In mid-August, ODB checked himself into a rehab center in upstate New York, hoping to address his escalating problem with hard drugs; he soon transferred to a different center in California.

Somehow, in the middle of his incredible, headline-dominating run as a bicoastal outlaw, ODB had found time to record a new album under the auspices of several different producers, including the RZA and the Neptunes. Released in September 1999, Nigga Please entered the charts at number ten, aided by his position as the undisputed king of hip-hop bad boys; it also spawned a minor hit single in "Got Your Money." In November, ODB received more good news, of a sort: his sentencing in the two pending California cases (the body armor and the House of Blues) came out to one year in drug rehabilitation and three years' probation, with no prison time. Despite the fact that a resolution was in sight, ODB complained during the sentencing hearing that he felt police had been targeting him excessively. That sense of persecution manifested itself in a January 2000 hearing in New York, related to his drug charges; apparently exasperated by all the chaos, a sullen ODB ignored the presiding judge, talked dirty to a female DA (in typically bizarre fashion, he reportedly called her a "sperm donor"), and actually took a nap, thereby erasing any inclinations the prosecution had toward leniency. Afterward, he apparently got drunk, violating the terms of his rehab program and probation conditions; upon returning to California, he was kicked out of rehab and transferred to jail. Although he could have faced prison time for breaking probation, ODB received a more lenient sentence of six months in rehab.

Up until this point, ODB had managed to avoid prison time, since he was clearly a drug addict in need of help. Yet at the same time, his apparent unwillingness to be helped meant that, for better or for worse, he was running out of chances. While he'd suffered some terrible luck in his run-ins with the law, the last straw was entirely of his own making: in October 2000, with just two more months in rehab to go, ODB made a run for it. He spent the next month as a fugitive from the law, making his way across the country and secretly recording some new material with the RZA. ODB turned up in a very public fashion at the November record-release party for the new Wu-Tang Clan album, The W (which had been dedicated to him, and featured his vocals on one track, "Conditioner"; other contributions had been deemed too bizarre for release). He took the stage in the Hammerstein Ballroom in front of hundreds of incredulous, wildly cheering fans, and only added to his mystique by managing to leave the facility without getting arrested, despite the large police presence outside. After a few more days on the lam, ODB was captured in a McDonald's parking lot in Philadelphia while signing autographs for a large crowd of fans; in fact, the crowd was so large that the restaurant manager had called police, not knowing what was going on. ODB was extradited to New York, where he stood trial on not only his prior drug charges, but also the various traffic violations and a charge that he violated the protection order on Icelene Jones in 1998. After several trial postponements, in April 2001 ODB accepted a deal from prosecutors that essentially wiped out his other offenses in New York in exchange for a guilty plea to the cocaine possession charges. He received the minimum sentence of two to four years in state prison, and received credit for the eight months he'd already served; moreover, he was allowed to serve the jail time he owed the state of California concurrently. Still, the daunting prospect of state prison was nearly too much for ODB to bear; in July, he had to be put on suicide watch pending a psychiatric evaluation, and reports surfaced that he'd suffered a broken leg after being assaulted in a holding facility.

It remained to be seen how ODB would hold up under the harsh environment of prison, and whether he would ever resolve his legal problems to the point where he could once again enjoy a productive recording career. Accordingly, Elektra issued the best-of compilation The Dirty Story: The Best of Ol' Dirty Bastard in late 2001, despite the fact that he'd only released two albums. In early 2002, some of the material he'd recorded during his fugitive days surfaced on the new album The Trials and Tribulations of Russell Jones, put out by the small D-3 label. With a dearth of actual ODB material to rely on, the album was padded out by a number of guest rappers and handled by unknown producers (even the RZA steered clear of the affair), and ODB himself went on record as knowing virtually nothing about the release. The reviews were almost uniformly scathing, calling Trials and Tribulations a shoddy piece of exploitation. In 2003 ODB was released from jail and quickly signed to Roc-a-Fella Records. The following year found him working on a new album, work that ended suddenly when ODB collapsed in a recording studio and died shortly thereafter. ~ Steve Huey, Rovi

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1.4 billion
Updated on 2025-03-28

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  1. United Kingdom
    31,512 listeners
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    30,632 listeners
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    31,857 listeners
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    28,082 listeners
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Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
Ghetto Supastar (That Is What You Are)
Ghetto Supastar (That Is What You Are)
225,081,987 4:26 1998-01-01
Got Your Money
Got Your Money
193,222,163 3:60 1996-01-01
Shimmy Shimmy Ya
Shimmy Shimmy Ya
186,868,579 2:41 1995-01-01
Shimmy Shimmy Ya
Shimmy Shimmy Ya
186,809,933 2:41 1995-12-29
Triumph (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard, Inspectah Deck, Method Man, Cappadonna, U-God, RZA, GZA, Masta Killa, Ghostface Killah & Raekwon)
Triumph (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard, Inspectah Deck, Method Man, Cappadonna, U-God, RZA, GZA, Masta Killa, Ghostface Killah & Raekwon)
108,241,961 5:38 1997-06-03
Fantasy (feat. O.D.B.) - Bad Boy Fantasy
Fantasy (feat. O.D.B.) - Bad Boy Fantasy
92,288,501 4:51 1995-09-12
Forgiveless (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard)
Forgiveless (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard)
71,462,629 2:22 2022-12-08
Brooklyn Zoo
Brooklyn Zoo
51,887,896 3:38 1995-01-01
Reunited (feat. GZA, Ol' Dirty Bastard, RZA & Method Man)
Reunited (feat. GZA, Ol' Dirty Bastard, RZA & Method Man)
35,069,185 5:22 1997-06-03
Duel Of The Iron Mic
Duel Of The Iron Mic
23,213,306 4:05 1995-11-07
As High as Wu-Tang Get (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard, GZA & Method Man)
As High as Wu-Tang Get (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard, GZA & Method Man)
19,196,824 2:38 1997-06-03
Protect Ya Neck (feat. RZA, Method Man, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, U-God, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & GZA) - Radio Edit
Protect Ya Neck (feat. RZA, Method Man, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, U-God, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & GZA) - Radio Edit
16,891,715 4:39 1992-12-14
Hippa to da Hoppa
Hippa to da Hoppa
14,034,972 3:02 1995-01-01
Hippa To Da Hoppa - 2020 Remaster
Hippa To Da Hoppa - 2020 Remaster
14,034,972 3:02 2020-03-27
Hippa to Da Hoppa
Hippa to Da Hoppa
14,034,972 3:02 2019-11-01
Intoxicated (feat. Raekwon, Method Man & Macy Gray)
Intoxicated (feat. Raekwon, Method Man & Macy Gray)
10,564,001 4:17 2018-11-15
Protect Ya Neck (feat. RZA, Method Man, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, U-God, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & GZA) - Bloody Version
Protect Ya Neck (feat. RZA, Method Man, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, U-God, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & GZA) - Bloody Version
6,852,320 5:04 1992-12-14
Toxic (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard & Tiggers) - Version Revisited
Toxic (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard & Tiggers) - Version Revisited
6,215,910 4:05 2007-04-16
Dirty Mef
Dirty Mef
6,009,976 2:59 2006-01-01
Protect Ya Neck II the Zoo
Protect Ya Neck II the Zoo
5,701,936 4:01 2018-03-15
Proteck Ya Neck II the Zoo
Proteck Ya Neck II the Zoo
5,698,130 4:00 1995-01-01
Proteck Ya Neck - 2005 Remaster
Proteck Ya Neck - 2005 Remaster
5,698,130 4:01 2005-06-21
Baby C'mon
Baby C'mon
5,652,703 3:26 1995-01-01
Baby C'Mon - 2020 Remaster
Baby C'Mon - 2020 Remaster
5,652,703 3:27 2020-03-27
Raw Hide
Raw Hide
5,003,991 4:02 1995-01-01
Maria (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard, Cappadonna & RZA)
Maria (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard, Cappadonna & RZA)
4,834,040 2:55 1997-06-03
Heaterz (feat. Raekwon, Inspectah Deck, Ol' Dirty Bastard, U-God & Cappadonna)
Heaterz (feat. Raekwon, Inspectah Deck, Ol' Dirty Bastard, U-God & Cappadonna)
4,372,803 5:26 1997-06-03
4,098,935 4:33 1999-01-01
Dog Shit (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard, RZA & Method Man)
Dog Shit (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard, RZA & Method Man)
3,863,635 3:35 1997-06-03
Dog Sh*t (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard, RZA & Method Man)
Dog Sh*t (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard, RZA & Method Man)
3,863,635 3:35 1997-06-03
3,242,618 2:48 1995-01-01
Old Man
Old Man
3,228,118 2:46 2004-06-01
Slow Flow
Slow Flow
2,965,459 3:13 2020-10-30
Pop Shots - produced by DJ Premier
Pop Shots - produced by DJ Premier
2,907,317 3:35 2005-01-01
Flashlight - The GrooveMasters' Mix
Flashlight - The GrooveMasters' Mix
2,573,388 6:19 1996-10-17
Shame On a Nuh (feat. Raekwon, Ol' Dirty Bastard & Method Man)
Shame On a Nuh (feat. Raekwon, Ol' Dirty Bastard & Method Man)
2,568,875 2:57 1993-11-09
Build Me Up (feat. O.D.B.)
Build Me Up (feat. O.D.B.)
2,434,960 3:47 2006-07-10
Dirty Dancin'
Dirty Dancin'
2,398,468 2:43 1995-01-01
Fast Shadow (feat. Method Man, Ol' Dirty Bastard, RZA, U-God & Masta Killa)
Fast Shadow (feat. Method Man, Ol' Dirty Bastard, RZA, U-God & Masta Killa)
2,371,681 3:02 2000-02-15
2,337,161 5:27 1995-01-01
Snakes - 2020 Remaster
Snakes - 2020 Remaster
2,336,196 5:27 2020-03-27
Cuttin' Headz
Cuttin' Headz
2,281,337 2:28 1995-01-01
High In The Clouds
High In The Clouds
2,172,737 2:51 2005-01-01
The Stomp
The Stomp
2,165,241 2:23 1995-01-01
Hip Hop Drunkies
Hip Hop Drunkies
2,131,902 4:58 2003-03-25
Goin' Down
Goin' Down
2,114,075 4:20 1995-01-01
Conditioner (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard, GZA, Inspectah Deck & Snoop Dogg)
Conditioner (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard, GZA, Inspectah Deck & Snoop Dogg)
1,862,199 5:33 2000-11-20
Don't U Know
Don't U Know
1,842,673 4:27 1995-01-01
Don't You Know
Don't You Know
1,842,673 4:25 2019-11-22
Hip Hop Drunkies
Hip Hop Drunkies
1,775,394 4:54 1997-08-06
Hip Hop Drunkies
Hip Hop Drunkies
1,774,927 4:53 2015-07-14
Da Mystery of Chessboxin' (feat. Method Man, U-God, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & Masta Killa) - Radio Edit
Da Mystery of Chessboxin' (feat. Method Man, U-God, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & Masta Killa) - Radio Edit
1,727,266 4:40 1993-11-09
Harlem World
Harlem World
1,596,886 6:16 1995-01-01
Diesel (feat. Raekwon, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Method Man, RZA & U-God)
Diesel (feat. Raekwon, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Method Man, RZA & U-God)
1,583,101 5:29 1997-01-01
Nigga Please
Nigga Please
1,542,211 2:49 1999-01-01
Rollin' Wit You
Rollin' Wit You
1,413,364 3:52 1999-01-01
Wu-Tang: 7th Chamber, Pt. 2 (feat. GZA, Raekwon, Method Man, Inspectah Deck, Ghostface Killah, RZA & Ol' Dirty Bastard)
Wu-Tang: 7th Chamber, Pt. 2 (feat. GZA, Raekwon, Method Man, Inspectah Deck, Ghostface Killah, RZA & Ol' Dirty Bastard)
1,392,147 5:09 2013-10-29
Brooklyn Zoo II (Tiger Crane)
Brooklyn Zoo II (Tiger Crane)
1,389,628 7:21 1995-01-01
I Can't Wait
I Can't Wait
1,381,882 3:60 1999-01-01
Cold Blooded
Cold Blooded
1,300,687 3:36 1999-01-01
Recognize (feat. Chris Rock)
Recognize (feat. Chris Rock)
1,296,249 4:24 1999-01-01
Pop Sh*t (feat. Pharrell)
Pop Sh*t (feat. Pharrell)
1,296,167 3:33 2003-08-18
1,291,215 4:47 1995-01-01
Drunk Game (Sweet Sugar Pie)
Drunk Game (Sweet Sugar Pie)
1,247,841 4:21 1995-01-01
Rawhide - 2005 Remaster
Rawhide - 2005 Remaster
1,069,531 4:03 2005-06-21
Crash Your Crew
Crash Your Crew
1,048,687 3:08 1999-06-29
1,041,324 4:04 2004-11-09
Gettin' High
Gettin' High
877,205 2:13 1999-01-01
Dirty Dirty
Dirty Dirty
842,658 4:10 2005-01-01
You Don't Want to Fuck with Me
You Don't Want to Fuck with Me
836,266 4:06 1999-01-01
Woo Hah!! Got You All in Check (The World Wide Remix) [feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard] - 2021 Remaster
Woo Hah!! Got You All in Check (The World Wide Remix) [feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard] - 2021 Remaster
827,479 4:26 2021-04-16
686,465 3:38 2004-01-01
Good Morning Heartache (feat. Lil' Mo)
Good Morning Heartache (feat. Lil' Mo)
681,553 4:21 1999-01-01
Dirt Dog
Dirt Dog
657,841 3:08 1999-01-01
641,403 4:48 1998-11-03
Fix - Main Mix Version
Fix - Main Mix Version
637,115 4:13 1997-01-01
Protect Ya Neck (The Jump Off) (feat. RZA, Method Man, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, U-God, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & GZA)
Protect Ya Neck (The Jump Off) (feat. RZA, Method Man, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, U-God, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & GZA)
604,640 3:37 2013-10-29
Dirty Run
Dirty Run
602,881 3:24 2005-01-01
Ghetto Supastar (That Is What You Are) (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard & Mya) - The Black Apple Remix
Ghetto Supastar (That Is What You Are) (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard & Mya) - The Black Apple Remix
581,601 4:22 1998-09-09
I Want Pussy
I Want Pussy
553,100 2:28 1999-01-01
All in Together Now
All in Together Now
530,598 4:43 1999-01-01
Brooklyn Zoo
Brooklyn Zoo
490,111 3:51 2005-06-21
Dirts The Boogie
Dirts The Boogie
472,865 3:31 2010-06-21
Cracker Jack
Cracker Jack
458,271 4:04 1999-01-01
Nuttin But Flavor
Nuttin But Flavor
444,968 4:16 2018-11-27
96 Recreation (Demo)
96 Recreation (Demo)
428,305 3:22 1999-03-23
As High as Wu-Tang Get (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard, GZA & Method Man)
As High as Wu-Tang Get (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard, GZA & Method Man)
383,860 2:38 1997-06-03
Who Can Make It Happen Like Dirt
Who Can Make It Happen Like Dirt
382,498 2:30 2005-01-01
Go Go Go
Go Go Go
381,760 3:39 2005-01-01
347,517 3:18 2002-01-01
Strange Enough
Strange Enough
345,590 4:13 2009-02-11
9 Shot (feat. Ol Dirty Bastard, Rza, Gza, Raekwon, Masta Killa, Inspectah Deck, Method Man, Cappadonna, U-God & Produced by J-Love)
9 Shot (feat. Ol Dirty Bastard, Rza, Gza, Raekwon, Masta Killa, Inspectah Deck, Method Man, Cappadonna, U-God & Produced by J-Love)
319,517 4:18 2010-09-22
Protect Ya Neck (feat. RZA, Method Man, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, U-God, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & GZA) - Bonus Beats
Protect Ya Neck (feat. RZA, Method Man, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, U-God, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & GZA) - Bonus Beats
305,366 1:06 1992-12-14
245,664 2:40 2005-01-01
Where's Your Money
Where's Your Money
245,626 4:31 2005-01-01
Everytime (feat. Dirt McGirt)
Everytime (feat. Dirt McGirt)
243,870 5:05 2005-04-13
If You Don't Know
If You Don't Know
231,514 5:15 1998-01-01
Drug Free - Street
Drug Free - Street
227,357 5:30 2001-01-01
Violence (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard) (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard)
Violence (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard) (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard)
226,913 3:35 2000-09-11
Pussy Keep Calling
Pussy Keep Calling
217,778 3:42 2005-01-01
Shimmy Shimmy Ya - Extended Version; 2020 Remaster
Shimmy Shimmy Ya - Extended Version; 2020 Remaster
210,417 3:49 2020-03-27
Recognize (feat. Chris Rock)
Recognize (feat. Chris Rock)
204,225 4:24 1999-09-03
Whoo Haa
Whoo Haa
203,124 7:25 2012-07-25
Triumph (feat. Cappadonna) - Radio Edit
Triumph (feat. Cappadonna) - Radio Edit
197,779 5:39 1997-02-11
Da Mystery of Chessboxin' (feat. Method Man, U-God, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & Masta Killa) - Instrumental
Da Mystery of Chessboxin' (feat. Method Man, U-God, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & Masta Killa) - Instrumental
185,161 4:41 1993-11-09
Recognize (feat. Chris Rock) - New Edit
Recognize (feat. Chris Rock) - New Edit
182,100 4:14 2005-06-21
Give It to Ya Raw - Single Version; 2005 Remaster
Give It to Ya Raw - Single Version; 2005 Remaster
174,706 4:05 2005-06-21
Move Back
Move Back
169,127 7:09 2005-01-01
Stand Up
Stand Up
156,687 3:12 2005-01-01
Shame on a Nigga
Shame on a Nigga
147,734 1:20 2007-02-27
Down South
Down South
147,326 2:56 2005-01-01
Fuck Y'all
Fuck Y'all
143,046 3:09 2005-01-01
Rahzel Skit 1
Rahzel Skit 1
135,108 1:19 2005-01-01
If Y'all Want War
If Y'all Want War
132,825 3:48 2005-01-01
Cuttin' Headz - 2020 Remaster
Cuttin' Headz - 2020 Remaster
132,228 2:28 2020-03-27
For The Money
For The Money
132,143 4:33 1998-01-01
Ol' Dirty's Back - 2020 Remaster
Ol' Dirty's Back - 2020 Remaster
127,771 4:12 2020-03-27
Strictly Hip-Hop
Strictly Hip-Hop
125,886 3:46 2009-01-01
Caked Up
Caked Up
124,691 3:03 2005-01-01
Brooklyn Zoo - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
Brooklyn Zoo - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
119,867 3:52 2020-03-27
Don't Stop Ma - Out Of Control
Don't Stop Ma - Out Of Control
119,223 2:13 2005-01-01
Last Call
Last Call
118,618 3:20 2008-05-05
Fix - Main Mix Version
Fix - Main Mix Version
114,344 4:42 1997-01-01
Hip to the Hop - Street
Hip to the Hop - Street
111,800 3:18 2001-01-01
108,839 2:52 2010-05-14
Protect Ya Neck (The Jump Off) (feat. RZA, Method Man, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, U-God, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & GZA) - Dirty DJ Mix
Protect Ya Neck (The Jump Off) (feat. RZA, Method Man, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, U-God, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & GZA) - Dirty DJ Mix
105,696 3:57 2001-01-01
Pop Shots - Clinton Sparks Remix
Pop Shots - Clinton Sparks Remix
101,341 3:00 2005-01-01
Some Girls (Dance With Women) (feat. Dirt McGirt) - Radio Edit (With Rap)
Some Girls (Dance With Women) (feat. Dirt McGirt) - Radio Edit (With Rap)
97,059 3:53 2003-10-20
Duel Of The Iron Mic - Instrumental
Duel Of The Iron Mic - Instrumental
94,047 3:42 1995-11-07
Rahzel Skit 2
Rahzel Skit 2
92,310 0:46 2005-01-01
Give It To Ya Raw (SD50 Remix) - 2020 Remaster
Give It To Ya Raw (SD50 Remix) - 2020 Remaster
92,073 4:09 2020-03-27
Got Your Money (feat. Kelis) - Instrumental
Got Your Money (feat. Kelis) - Instrumental
90,065 4:03 1999-09-14
Nowhere To Run (Vapor Trail)
Nowhere To Run (Vapor Trail)
89,525 4:40 1998-11-17
80,791 3:43 2019-12-01
Blah Blah Blah
Blah Blah Blah
77,642 3:32 2005-01-01
Shimmy Shimmy Ya - Extended Version; Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
Shimmy Shimmy Ya - Extended Version; Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
72,093 3:39 2020-03-27
Raw Hide - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
Raw Hide - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
71,526 4:10 2020-03-27
Baby C'mon - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
Baby C'mon - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
71,145 3:38 2020-03-27
Hippa to Da Hoppa - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
Hippa to Da Hoppa - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
67,676 2:48 2020-03-27
Proteck Ya Neck II The Zoo - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
Proteck Ya Neck II The Zoo - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
65,785 3:60 2020-03-27
Brooklyn Zoo - Lord Digga Remix; 2020 Remaster
Brooklyn Zoo - Lord Digga Remix; 2020 Remaster
63,015 4:07 2020-03-27
Don't U Know, Pt. II - 2020 Remaster
Don't U Know, Pt. II - 2020 Remaster
61,373 5:09 2020-03-27
Damage - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
Damage - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
58,006 2:51 2020-03-27
Snakes - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
Snakes - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
57,679 5:16 2020-03-27
Brooklyn Zoo - Stripped Version; 2020 Remaster
Brooklyn Zoo - Stripped Version; 2020 Remaster
56,103 3:10 2020-03-05
Where Brooklyn At? (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard)
Where Brooklyn At? (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard)
52,845 3:52 2008-11-04
Shimmy Shimmy Ya - Stripped Version; 2020 Remaster
Shimmy Shimmy Ya - Stripped Version; 2020 Remaster
51,625 3:04 2020-03-27
Dirty Soul
Dirty Soul
51,056 4:57 2012-12-11
wasted time re-mix
wasted time re-mix
50,133 2:19 2024-05-24
Prepare for the Buddha Monk
Prepare for the Buddha Monk
49,343 4:59 2013-10-30
Protect Ya Neck (feat. RZA, Method Man, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, U-God, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & GZA) - Shao Lin Version - slowed + reverb
Protect Ya Neck (feat. RZA, Method Man, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, U-God, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & GZA) - Shao Lin Version - slowed + reverb
47,968 5:19 1992-12-14
Brooklyn Zoo II (Tiger Crane) - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
Brooklyn Zoo II (Tiger Crane) - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
46,982 4:59 2020-03-27
So So So Good (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard)
So So So Good (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard)
44,625 2:06 2010-08-21
Goin' Down - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
Goin' Down - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
42,588 3:48 2020-03-27
Brooklyn Zoo - Lord Digga Remix; Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
Brooklyn Zoo - Lord Digga Remix; Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
42,311 4:00 2020-03-27
Suave Dirt Dawgs
Suave Dirt Dawgs
39,176 4:23 2020-03-20
Wreck (Mankind Theme)
Wreck (Mankind Theme)
39,150 3:11 2000-03-21
Speak the Truth - Street
Speak the Truth - Street
38,826 2:58 2001-01-01
Harlem World - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
Harlem World - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
36,173 6:23 2020-03-27
Dirty Dancin' - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
Dirty Dancin' - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
35,261 2:47 2020-03-27
Drunk Game (Sweet Sugar Pie) - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
Drunk Game (Sweet Sugar Pie) - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
35,175 4:10 2020-03-27
Baby Come On - Street
Baby Come On - Street
34,404 3:48 2001-01-01
33,417 3:32 2005-02-22
Rich Boyz
Rich Boyz
32,168 3:04 2004-09-21
N.Y.C. Stand Up
N.Y.C. Stand Up
30,715 3:14 2010-08-24
The Stomp - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
The Stomp - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
29,953 3:49 2020-03-27
Don't U Know - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
Don't U Know - Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
29,409 4:40 2020-03-27
Last Call - Radio
Last Call - Radio
29,383 3:17 2014-04-29
Nowhere To Run (Vapor Trail) - Extreme Version
Nowhere To Run (Vapor Trail) - Extreme Version
28,772 4:54 1998-11-17
27,947 3:47 2006-10-17
Have Heart
Have Heart
27,092 1:19 2023-09-15
Da Mystery of Chessboxin' (feat. Method Man, U-God, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & Masta Killa) - A Cappella
Da Mystery of Chessboxin' (feat. Method Man, U-God, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Ghostface Killah & Masta Killa) - A Cappella
23,550 1:24 1993-11-09
Dirty And Thirsty (feat. Dirt McGirt & Thirstin Howl)
Dirty And Thirsty (feat. Dirt McGirt & Thirstin Howl)
23,532 3:31 2001-01-01
When You Hear That
When You Hear That
22,249 4:05 2003-01-01
Shimmy Shimmy Ya - Studio Ton Remix; Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
Shimmy Shimmy Ya - Studio Ton Remix; Instrumental; 2020 Remaster
21,348 4:39 2020-03-27
Last Call - Instrumental
Last Call - Instrumental
20,769 3:19 2014-04-29
Shimmy Shimmy Ya - Extended Mix; Acapella; 2020 Remaster
Shimmy Shimmy Ya - Extended Mix; Acapella; 2020 Remaster
20,338 3:27 2020-03-27
Where's Your Money - Radio Edit
Where's Your Money - Radio Edit
20,125 4:10 2005-01-01
World is yours
World is yours
19,429 3:48 2024-05-17
16,867 3:27 2001-06-26
Strange Enough (Mr. Oizo Remix)
Strange Enough (Mr. Oizo Remix)
16,244 3:53 2010-06-29
Last Call - Acappella
Last Call - Acappella
15,745 3:04 2014-04-29
Break That - Remastered
Break That - Remastered
14,531 4:03 2005-06-28
Psycho Killah
Psycho Killah
13,364 3:23 2024-07-01
Osirus Tribute
Osirus Tribute
13,316 2:05 2008-06-30
Got Your Money (feat. Kelis) - DJ Dee Kline and Ed209 Breakbeat Mix
Got Your Money (feat. Kelis) - DJ Dee Kline and Ed209 Breakbeat Mix
12,873 5:25 1999-09-14
Got Your Money (feat. Kelis) - DJ Dee Kline and Ed209 Vocal Mix
Got Your Money (feat. Kelis) - DJ Dee Kline and Ed209 Vocal Mix
12,522 5:23 1999-09-14
For The Money - Edited
For The Money - Edited
11,876 4:33 1998-01-01
So Good (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard & La the Darkman) - So Dirty Remix
So Good (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard & La the Darkman) - So Dirty Remix
11,278 4:53 1998-04-07
Got Your Money - Oxide Remix
Got Your Money - Oxide Remix
11,081 3:43 1999-09-14
Bitch Never!
Bitch Never!
10,466 4:22 2013-10-01
Where Brooklyn At? (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard)
Where Brooklyn At? (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard)
9,564 3:52 2008-11-04
Make This Money Take This Money
Make This Money Take This Money
8,942 2:55 2013-10-30
8,935 2:56 2017-12-18
Black Mamba
Black Mamba
8,748 1:50 2010-11-16
Powah Love
Powah Love
7,603 7:43 2002-04-24
7,353 0:55 2017-12-18
7,162 4:05 2020-03-17
Ghetto Supastar
Ghetto Supastar
6,368 4:20 2008-01-01
Sluts (feat. Ol' dirty Bastard & Ol' dirty Bastard)
Sluts (feat. Ol' dirty Bastard & Ol' dirty Bastard)
4,736 4:39 2010-08-24
4,646 2:32 2020-06-22
Play the Game
Play the Game
4,631 4:13 2013-10-30
Where Brooklyn At? (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard) [Instrumental]
Where Brooklyn At? (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard) [Instrumental]
4,098 3:51 2008-11-04
3,913 2:55 2019-08-16
K-Zone 1104
K-Zone 1104
3,280 3:04 2006-01-01
Black Widow III
Black Widow III
2,836 4:54 2022-01-11
Out of Control
Out of Control
2,743 2:20 2020-06-22
Ninja’s Debt : Pay What’s Owed
Ninja’s Debt : Pay What’s Owed
2,477 4:57 2025-02-03
Shimmy Shimmy Ya
Shimmy Shimmy Ya
2,194 3:46 2004-02-02
Freestyle Session
Freestyle Session
1,849 4:41 1997-10-01
Black Widow III DNB - Remix
Black Widow III DNB - Remix
1,614 2:52 2022-01-11
This is Dedicated to You
This is Dedicated to You
1,587 2:25 2020-06-22
Love Hurts (feat. O.D.B.)
Love Hurts (feat. O.D.B.)
1,532 3:16 2005-11-14
Stuck In The Middle - Cutfather & Joe
Stuck In The Middle - Cutfather & Joe
1,510 4:12 2010-07-28
Got Your Money (feat. Kelis) - Mixed
Got Your Money (feat. Kelis) - Mixed
1,346 3:45 2019-12-31
ODB Words Of Wisdom #1
ODB Words Of Wisdom #1
< 1000 0:16 1999-01-01
ODB Words Of Wisdom #2
ODB Words Of Wisdom #2
< 1000 0:18 1999-01-01
ODB Words Of Wisdom #3
ODB Words Of Wisdom #3
< 1000 0:19 1999-01-01
Stand Up
Stand Up
< 1000 2:42 2005-01-03
How We Gets Down
How We Gets Down
< 1000 3:38 2020-07-07
Rattlesnake Propane
Rattlesnake Propane
< 1000 2:36 2020-03-23
Last Call
Last Call
< 1000 3:03 2023-01-03
< 1000 1:26 2024-06-01
Tical Freestyle
Tical Freestyle
< 1000 2:44 2001-12-24
Freestyle - Pt. 1
Freestyle - Pt. 1
< 1000 2:12 2001-12-24
Stomp - Freestyle
Stomp - Freestyle
< 1000 3:54 2001-12-24
Freestyle - Pt. 6
Freestyle - Pt. 6
< 1000 1:30 2001-12-24

New releases

Return to the 36 Chambers: The Dirty Version (25th Anniversary)
Return to the 36 Chambers: The Dirty Version (25th Anniversary)
Brooklyn Zoo (Stripped Version; 2020 Remaster)
Brooklyn Zoo (Stripped Version; 2020 Remaster)
Intoxicated (feat. Raekwon, Method Man & Macy Gray)
Intoxicated (feat. Raekwon, Method Man & Macy Gray)
[eOne Music]
Last Call
Last Call
[Essential 12" Classics]
The Dirty Story: The Best of Ol' Dirty Bastard
The Dirty Story: The Best of Ol' Dirty Bastard
The Definitive Ol' Dirty Bastard Story
The Definitive Ol' Dirty Bastard Story
Osirus - The Official Mixtape
Osirus - The Official Mixtape
[Sure Shot Recordings]
Drop It Over Here
Drop It Over Here
[Famous Records, Corp.]
Nigga Please (20th Anniversary Edition)
Nigga Please (20th Anniversary Edition)
Nigga Please
Nigga Please
[Elektra Records]
Nigga Please
Nigga Please
Return to the 36 Chambers: The Dirty Version
Return to the 36 Chambers: The Dirty Version