Music Metrics Vault

Rowan Atkinson

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Data updated on 2025-03-17 22:25:01 UTC
We have no information about this artist.


: british comedy

Total plays

348.4 million
Updated on 2025-03-17

Monthly listeners




Top Cities

  1. United Kingdom
    45,755 listeners
  2. Australia
    46,203 listeners
  3. Australia
    41,215 listeners
  4. Australia
    28,219 listeners
  5. United States
    28,098 listeners

Related artists

Tawatha Agee
Tawatha Agee
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Sally Dworsky
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Jerry Orbach
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Chorus - Beauty And the Beast

Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
I Just Can't Wait to Be King - From "The Lion King"/Soundtrack Version
I Just Can't Wait to Be King - From "The Lion King"/Soundtrack Version
346,223,106 2:52 1994-01-01
I'd Do Anything - Live
I'd Do Anything - Live
255,794 3:09 2009-01-01
You've Got to Pick a Pocket or Two - Live
You've Got to Pick a Pocket or Two - Live
191,776 3:15 2009-01-01
Be Back Soon - Live
Be Back Soon - Live
144,597 2:29 2009-01-01
Reviewing The Situation - Live
Reviewing The Situation - Live
129,371 6:22 2009-01-01
The Devil
The Devil
100,678 5:43 1995-01-01
Tom, Dick & Harry
Tom, Dick & Harry
92,116 4:35 1995-01-01
The Four Yorkshiremen
The Four Yorkshiremen
90,263 4:20 1995-01-01
It's a Fine Life - Live
It's a Fine Life - Live
90,208 1:40 2009-01-01
Road Safety
Road Safety
87,724 3:27 1995-01-01
85,690 11:24 1995-01-01
77,862 7:11 1995-01-01
Divorce Service
Divorce Service
71,787 3:34 1995-01-01
60,157 5:25 1995-01-01
Joke - Live
Joke - Live
59,975 5:23 1980-12-31
A Small Re-write
A Small Re-write
59,001 5:57 1995-01-01
Interview (With Elton John)
Interview (With Elton John)
56,959 5:44 1995-01-01
Reviewing the Situation - Live
Reviewing the Situation - Live
56,733 1:26 2009-01-01
Senator Brea
Senator Brea
54,708 5:06 1995-01-01
Sir Marcus Browning MP
Sir Marcus Browning MP
52,115 6:02 1995-01-01
Man In Seat 23c - Live
Man In Seat 23c - Live
44,207 3:58 1980-12-31
I Hate The French - Live
I Hate The French - Live
39,878 2:46 1980-12-31
Mary Jane - Live
Mary Jane - Live
34,600 1:50 1980-12-31
Sir Marcus Browning M.P. - Live
Sir Marcus Browning M.P. - Live
31,717 6:02 1980-12-31
The Wedding including "Wedding March" - Live
The Wedding including "Wedding March" - Live
28,460 11:29 1980-12-31
Interval Announcement - Live
Interval Announcement - Live
26,716 1:16 1980-12-31
The Devil - Live
The Devil - Live
26,202 5:45 1980-12-31
Station Announcement - Live
Station Announcement - Live
25,129 1:13 1980-12-31
Do Bears Sha La La - Live
Do Bears Sha La La - Live
24,657 4:59 1980-12-31
Impatient Man In Queue Behind Student - Live
Impatient Man In Queue Behind Student - Live
24,350 3:54 1980-12-31
Senator Brea - Live
Senator Brea - Live
18,338 5:07 1980-12-31
Welcome to Hell (Jfl 1987)
Welcome to Hell (Jfl 1987)
17,830 4:11 2018-05-01
Miracle Tale (Jfl 1987)
Miracle Tale (Jfl 1987)
5,797 3:60 2018-12-20
An Oxford Elegy
An Oxford Elegy
5,038 22:46 2024-10-25

New releases

That Sweet City
That Sweet City
[Signum Records]
Rowan Atkinson
Rowan Atkinson
[Laughing Stock Productions]
Live In Belfast
Live In Belfast
[RCA Camden]