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Data updated on 2025-01-29 23:21:44 UTC
We have no information about this artist.
Total plays
15.7 million
Updated on 2025-01-29
Monthly listeners
Top Cities
Cairo137,613 listeners
Giza29,061 listeners
Alexandria17,470 listeners
Tanta6,875 listeners
Al Mansurah8,395 listeners
Most popular tracks
Track | Plays | Duration | Release date | |
3,752,150 | 3:56 | 2021-10-19 | |
1,264,702 | 4:00 | 2022-02-13 | |
1,039,108 | 3:51 | 2022-11-13 | |
978,627 | 3:14 | 2020-05-28 | |
936,707 | 2:39 | 2023-08-15 | |
925,006 | 2:34 | 2023-05-11 | |
603,286 | 3:04 | 2022-05-06 | |
496,886 | 2:15 | 2023-12-17 | |
466,043 | 2:55 | 2024-10-17 | |
319,435 | 2:43 | 2021-05-07 |