Music Metrics Vault

Samuel E. Wright

Data updated on 2024-12-21 07:18:01 UTC
We have no information about this artist.


: movie tunes

Total plays

531.5 million
Updated on 2024-12-21

Monthly listeners




Top Cities

  1. United Kingdom
    33,467 listeners
  2. Australia
    38,454 listeners
  3. United States
    22,085 listeners
  4. Australia
    32,989 listeners
  5. Australia
    23,573 listeners

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Most popular tracks

Track Plays Duration Release date
Under the Sea - From "The Little Mermaid" / Soundtrack Version
Under the Sea - From "The Little Mermaid" / Soundtrack Version
311,023,306 3:13 1989-10-19
Kiss the Girl
Kiss the Girl
180,159,284 2:43 1989-10-19
They Live In You
They Live In You
18,462,089 2:60 1997-01-01
Down to the Sea
Down to the Sea
10,532,570 3:32 2000-01-01
The Morning Report
The Morning Report
4,656,549 2:32 1997-01-01
Here On The Land And Sea (Finale)
Here On The Land And Sea (Finale)
2,206,552 1:45 2000-01-01
Iko Iko
Iko Iko
909,964 3:50 2000-01-01
Hot, Hot, Hot
Hot, Hot, Hot
885,649 3:08 1990-01-01
You Can Get It If You Really Want
You Can Get It If You Really Want
573,130 3:52 1990-01-01
Limbo Rock
Limbo Rock
561,323 2:32 2006-01-01
You Got To Be You
You Got To Be You
309,961 2:30 2006-01-01
Give A Little Love
Give A Little Love
294,418 3:57 2000-01-01
Octopus's Garden
Octopus's Garden
281,451 2:49 2000-01-01
Over Here!: Don't Shoot the Hooey to Me, Louie
Over Here!: Don't Shoot the Hooey to Me, Louie
208,375 2:27 1974-01-01
Sea Floor Strut
Sea Floor Strut
130,379 3:15 2009-01-01
Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)
Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)
52,845 2:59 1990-01-01
50,160 4:48 1990-01-01
Three Little Birds
Three Little Birds
47,404 4:04 1990-01-01
Music Sweet
Music Sweet
43,366 3:58 1990-01-01
He's a Friend
He's a Friend
31,114 3:14 1992-01-01
Kiss the Girl
Kiss the Girl
28,427 2:54 1996-01-01
Jamaica Farewell
Jamaica Farewell
26,968 3:33 1990-01-01
Take This Song
Take This Song
18,100 3:10 1990-01-01
William's Song
William's Song
3,731 8:07 1985-01-01